
About This Initiative
The Open Society Institute Youth Initiative works to identify, inspire, empower, and learn from a network of young, active citizens promoting open society ideals.

YouthExchange 2010
Budapest, Hungary
April 10, 2010
Sponsored by the Open Society Institute, YouthExchange focuses on promoting democracy through the use of new media.

First Latin American Camp for Young Social Activists
Campamento Artigas, Uruguay
March 18, 2010
Supported by the Open Society Institute, the camp aims to build a support network for social activists from Latin America.

Money and Social Activism in Latin America
Hernan Bonomo
August 13, 2010
blog BLOG  
What does it mean to be a global donor in Latin America tied to one of the world's wealthiest men?

Digital Activism Decoded: The New Mechanics of Change
June 2010
Published by the International Debate Education Association, a grantee of the Open Society Institute, this book focuses on the use of digital technologies to push for social and political change.

Youth Action Fund
The Youth Action Fund provides small grants and other support to encourage progressive, youth-driven initiatives that are aligned with the mission of the Open Society Institute.

Debate Program
The Debate Program encourages youth to engage in reasoned discussion about issues important to their lives and to call for positive change around the world.

Youth Citizen Journalism
The Youth Initiative has sponsored a series of youth citizen journalism workshops to accompany the Moving Walls International documentary photography exhibit across the Middle East and North Africa.

OSI Grantee iDebate Press Releases Two New Publications
December 8, 2009
In January 2010, iDebate Press is publishing the next two volumes in its Sourcebook on Contemporary Controversies series.

Global Youth Panel Debates Decisions of UN Climate Change Conference
December 7, 2009
Outcomes from the 2009 UN Climate Change Conference will be debated by more than 1,000 members of the Debatewise Global Youth Panel, with support from the Open Society Institute.

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