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Rights Not Rescue
August 2, 2010
video VIDEO  
In this animated short film, sex workers in Botswana, Namibia, and South Africa tell their personal stories and share the challenges they encounter as well as a collective call for hope and change.

About the Public Health Program
The OSI Public Health Program works with civil society organizations to promote the participation and interests of socially marginalized groups in public health policy and foster greater government accountability and transparency through civil society monitoring and advocacy.

Why Overdose Matters for HIV
July 2010
This Open Society Foundations document presents arguments that organizations can make to AIDS funders to show that overdose prevention and response matter for HIV programming.

Mandatory Premarital HIV Testing: An Overview
May 2010
A growing number of governments and religious communities require HIV tests before allowing couples to marry. This OSI booklet examines how mandatory premarital HIV tests infringe on the human rights of people living with HIV and are out of line with public health guidelines.

Detention as Treatment
May 2010
This Open Society Institute report documents the arbitrary detention of thousands of drug users, mostly young people, in Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand.

HIV Testing Policies and Practices: Resources and Fact Sheets
May 2010
Voluntary HIV testing is a cornerstone of the fight against AIDS. However, policies that force people to submit to testing often have a devastating impact on health and human rights.

Making Harm Reduction Work for Women: The Ukrainian Experience
April 2010
Through a series of small grants, OSI helped harm reduction programs in Ukraine implement services tailored to meet the needs of women. This report documents the experiences of the programs and offers recommendations for developing an effective system of care for women who use drugs.

New Website Shows "What Works" for Women and Girls in HIV Prevention, Treatment, and Care
August 2010
Published by the Open Society Foundations, is a comprehensive review of successful HIV programming for women and girls, with data from nearly 100 countries and more than 2,000 scientific articles and reports.

AIDS Leaders Join Annie Lennox in Call on Governments to Protect Human Rights
Press Release
July 20, 2010
At the 18th International AIDS Conference, global AIDS leaders and activists called on governments to protect the human rights of vulnerable populations, including women and children, sex workers, gay men, and people who use drugs.

Sexual Health and Rights Events at the XVIII International AIDS Conference
July 18, 2010
The XVIII International AIDS Conference taking place in Vienna, Austria, from July 18-23 will feature a number of events and activities related to sexual health and rights.

Annie Lennox: Join Me in Vienna
Paul Silva
July 14, 2010
blog BLOG  
Singer Annie Lennox joins HIV/AIDS leaders and activists in Vienna this month to call on governments to protect the human rights of vulnerable groups worldwide.

Now Is Not the Time to Retreat on HIV
Francoise Girard
July 8, 2010
blog BLOG  
Despite much progress, more needs to be done by governments to support effective HIV prevention efforts, notably by stopping abuse and discrimination against socially marginalized populations.

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