Securing Rights for Criminal Defendants across Europe
Ann-Isabelle von Lingen and Kersty McCourt
June 24, 2010
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Increasing numbers of Europeans travel, work, and study in other EU member states—yet they are surprised to find that rights they had assumed would be available to them are not uniformly accorded across the EU.

About OSI-Brussels
OSI-Brussels provides evidence, argument, and recommendations to EU policy makers, drawn from the Open Society Institute's work in nearly 70 countries.

Beyond Wait-and-See: The Way Forward for EU Balkan Policy
May 2010
EU foreign ministers urgently need to rethink their policies towards the Balkans, according to this policy brief co-authored by OSI-Brussels director Heather Grabbe.

On the Path to Europe? Kazakhstan's OSCE Chairmanship and Human Rights
Jacqueline Hale
May 12, 2010
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Kazakhstani civil society activists argue that progress in human rights, media independence, freedom of assembly, and access to justice falls short of promises made by the Kazakhstani government prior to taking up the OSCE chairmanship. They are urging the European Union to use "friendly criticism" in publicly pointing out these concerns.

Moldova Needs EU Support to Improve Governance
Viorel Ursu
March 19, 2010
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The new Moldovan government's ambitious reform agenda deserves enhanced support from the European Union.

EU Roma Policy Coalition Reacts to French Government Eviction Plans for Roma and Travellers
July 30, 2010
The European Roma Policy Coalition, of which the Open Society Institute is a member, released a statement on recent French measures regarding Roma and Travellers.

Call for EU Measures to Guarantee the Rights of Defendants in Criminal Proceedings
June 29, 2010
The Open Society Institute, Amnesty International EU Office, European Criminal Bar Association, Irish Council for Civil Liberties, and JUSTICE urge the European Commission to present the proposed Directive on Information on Rights and Information about the Charges without delay.

Kosovo: Breaking the Isolation
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Brussels
June 29, 2010
The Open Society Institute-Brussels and the European Stability Initiative present a panel on the implications of current visa restrictions on Kosovo and the options available to break this isolation.

Effective Criminal Defence in Europe: Advancing beyond Stockholm
June 24, 2010
This conference launched the report of a major project run by a consortium of European institutions into the requirements of effective criminal defense within a Europe where justice systems are increasingly cooperating.

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