About the OSI Middle East & North Africa Initiative
The Open Society Institute Middle East and North Africa Initiative provides grants to a wide range of projects that promote open society issues across the region. Most of these activities focus on education, rights and governance, media and information, youth, and arts and culture.

Call for Proposals: Middle East & North Africa Initiative
Deadline: ongoing
The Open Society Institute Middle East & North Africa Initiative welcomes grant proposal outlines or concept notes on a rolling basis throughout the year.

Challenges to Religious Freedom in Egypt
August 13, 2009
Tensions between communities and restrictions on freedom of religion remain challenges in Egypt, reports the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, an OSI grantee.

Iraqi Refugee Radio Takes to the Air
May 19, 2009
With support from the Open Society Institute, Radio Al-Balad in Jordan has tried to play a constructive role in addressing the humanitarian plight of Iraqi refugees.

An Oprah Moment in Afghanistan?
Mike Amitay
August 6, 2010
blog BLOG  
Can the proliferation of media in Afghanistan mitigate fears that political leaders are increasingly inclined to compromise women's freedoms for the sake of political deals?

Resorts Provide No Vacation from Racism in Lebanon
Ammar Abu Zayyad
July 28, 2010
blog BLOG  
As summer heats up, one group is taking a careful look at Lebanon's private beach clubs, where non-whites are routinely denied admission.

OSI-Supported Video Marks Two Years of Gaza Closure
video VIDEO  
Human rights organizations in Israel have released a short film, funded in part by the Open Society Institute, arguing that closure of the Gaza Strip has created a situation in which both Palestinians and Israelis lose.

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