Soros Foundations

The Media Program works closely with individual Soros foundations to implement policies and support local organizations. For more information, view the list of Media Program Coordinators.

The Impact of Digital Technology on Journalism and Democracy in Latin America and the Caribbean
September 2009
This report from the Knight Center and the Open Society Foundations discusses the impact of the digital transition on the media industry, democracy and political reporting, and investigative journalism.

Southeast Asian Media: Patterns of Production and Consumption
January 2010
This OSI report examines patterns of news media production and consumption in Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam.

Resource Links
A sampling of links to other organizations, both nonprofit and for-profit, that provide information and resources related to the Media Program's work.

Assistance to Media Outlets
The Media Program provides assistance to media outlets that promote democratic values and demonstrate through their editorial approach a high level of professionalism, independence, and openness.

Journalism and Media Management Training
The Media Program supports training aimed at current or future media professionals, including instruction in professional skills and in-depth reporting on specialized areas such as human rights, minorities, economics and finance, education, public health, and elections.

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