
Stay informed with periodic news about the Latin America Program and related activities.

Soros Foundations

The Latin America Program works closely with the following Soros foundations to implement policies and support local organizations:

Fundacion Soros–Guatemala

Fondation Connaissance et Liberte (Haiti)

II Latin American and I Brazilian Drug Policy Conference
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
August 26, 2010
Supported by the Open Society Foundations, this event aims to promote an open and informed debate on drug issues in Latin America.

About This Initiative
The Latin America Program works throughout the region to promote greater transparency and accountability, strengthen democratic institutions, and ensure international support for open society goals.

Accountability and Transparency
The Latin America Program supports initiatives that encourage informed, constructive public oversight of government policy.

Policy Debate and Dialogue
The Latin America Program advocates pluralistic dialogue among diverse sectors based on mutual understanding and respect. It encourages greater Latin American participation in the formulation of international policies that reduce conflict, reinforce democratic governance, and promote social justice.

Citizen Security
The Latin America Program supports initiatives that encourage constructive policy advocacy and dialogue between civil society and governments relating to issues of citizen security, law enforcement, and judicial policies.

Human Rights
The Latin America Program supports organizations that advance human rights and strengthen the rule of law.

Money and Social Activism in Latin America
Hernan Bonomo
August 13, 2010
blog BLOG  
What does it mean to be a global donor in Latin America tied to one of the world's wealthiest men?

A New Colombia?
David Holiday
August 13, 2010
blog BLOG  
Juanita Leon, who runs the political news website La Silla Vacia, discusses Colombia's recent presidential elections and the role of social media in the campaigns.

Complementarity and the Struggle for Justice
James A. Goldston
August 6, 2010
blog BLOG  
When debating international justice we must remember the important role of local courts, as they will try the vast majority of cases involving human rights violations and war crimes.

Helping Reverse "Guilty Until Proven Innocent"
Ana Aguilar
July 23, 2010
blog BLOG  
A new model provides a step toward finally making the presumption of innocence—and the humane treatment that goes along with it—a reality in Mexico.

Extradition May Undermine Fight Against Organized Crime in Colombia
March 17, 2010
The extradition of Colombian suspects to the United States has gone far beyond targeting drug kingpins to ensnaring small-time traffickers, leftist guerrillas and right wing militia members, a year-long investigation by Fundación Ideas para la Paz found. By casting such a wide net, U.S. authorities are undermining Colombia’s own investigations into corruption and human rights abuse.

OSI Partners Influence U.S. Policy on Drugs and Organized Crime
March 15, 2010
Despite providing billions in military and counter-narcotics assistance, the United States has failed to curb Colombia’s illegal narcotics industry or prevent the cartels from fueling a bloody war along their distribution routes through Central America and Mexico. A coalition led by three OSI partners is working to overhaul U.S. assistance.

Venezuelans Campaign for Public Access to Information
March 15, 2010
Though Venezuela’s constitution declares that every citizen can petition authorities for information, it is a right honored mostly in name. The Coalición ProAccesso, a civil society movement for public access to information, is campaigning to help citizens make their rights count.

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