
Stay informed with periodic news and announcements from the International Women’s Program.

Moving Beyond the Rhetoric: Taking Action on Security Council Resolution 1325
Auditorium of the German Mission, New York City
March 3, 2010
Representatives from the German government and UNIFEM as well as civil society leaders from Iraq, Nepal, and Sierra Leone will discuss the role of women in conflict solutions.

Accountability for Sexual Violence: Innovative Strategies at Work in Africa
International Rescue Committee, New York City
March 4, 2010
This event looks at a report on politically motivated rape in Zimbabwe during the 2008 elections and strategies to bring about accountability for sexual violence.

About the International Women's Program
The International Women’s Program promotes the advancement of women’s human rights, gender equality, and empowerment as an integral part of the process of democratization.

Murder in the Name of Honor: An Interview with Rana Husseini
Marla Swanson
February 15, 2010
blog BLOG  
Journalist, feminist, and human rights defender Rana Husseini is one of the world's most influential investigative journalists, whose reporting has put violence against women on the public agenda around the world. She spoke with Marla Swanson of the International Women's Program about the issue of "honor" crimes.

Center for Women's Global Leadership 20th Anniversary Symposium
Hunter College Assembly Hall, New York City
March 6, 2010
Hosted by the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute and the Women and Gender Studies Program Hunter College, CUNY, this symposium will feature prominent speakers from the global women's movement reflecting on body, economy, and movement.

Reducing Discrimination and Violence Against Women
The International Women's Program supports organizations that reduce discrimination and violence against women.

Strengthening Women's Access to Justice
The International Women's Program supports organizations that strengthen women's access to justice.

Increasing Women's Participation as Decision Makers and Leaders
The International Women's Program supports organizations that increase women's participation as decision makers and leaders.

Travel and Event Grants
Through its Travel and Event Grants Program, the International Women's Program aims to amplify the voices of women's rights advocates in key international policy venues.

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