About This Initiative
The Human Rights and Governance Grants Program provides support to nongovernmental organizations operating in the fields of human rights and governance in Europe and Central Asia.

Call for Applications: Human Rights Internship
Deadline: October 1, 2010
The Open Society Institute offers an internship program designed to give recent graduates in the social sciences, law, and humanities first-hand research experience in a human rights organization in Central/Eastern Europe or the former Soviet Union.

Government Accountability
The Human Rights and Governance Grants Program promotes public participation in, and oversight of, governmental activity at both the national and local levels, including in the delivery of services.

Human Rights Internship
The internship places social science, law, and humanities graduates at a leading human rights and accountability organization in Central/Eastern Europe or the former Soviet Union.

Penal Reform and the Rights of Detainees
The Human Rights and Governance Grants Program engages with organizations across Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to ensure that reforms dealing with incarcerated populations are launched or reinvigorated.

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