An Introduction to the Eastern Africa Initiative
video VIDEO  
This short film provides an overview of the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa, whose mission is to contribute to genuine democratic reform in Eastern Africa.

About This Initiative
The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa supports and promotes public participation in democratic governance, the rule of law, and respect for human rights by awarding grants, developing programs, and bringing together diverse civil society leaders and groups.

Call for Applications: Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa
Deadline: ongoing
The Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa invites applications from pro-democracy organizations and individuals in the region.

Community Groups Conduct Budget Monitoring in Kenya
January 1, 2010
OSIEA has facilitated community groups to conduct budget monitoring in Kenya at the grassroots level.

OSIEA Helps Leverage Global Fund Resources for Women and Girls
September 25, 2009
As the Kenyan government prepared its Round 8 proposal to the Global Fund, OSIEA and the Public Health Program supported two coalitions of women's rights and HIV/AIDS organizations to ensure a focus on women and girls' needs for comprehensive HIV prevention, treatment, care, and support.

Media and Access to Information
OSIEA supports efforts to strengthen the media environment, increase access to independent information, and promote diversity in media ownership. The initiative encourages independent media that engages civic participation or reaches marginalized communities.

Justice and Human Rights
OSIEA supports organizations that defend and promote the rule of law, access to justice, and human rights. The initiative seeks to support efforts to protect the rights of marginalized and disadvantaged communities by documenting human rights violations and conducting civic education.

more focus areas

Amplifying Voices
July 2010
This issue of Amplifying Voices, the magazine of the Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa, documents the initiative's work to promote respect for human rights and the rule of law in Uganda.

On Air: Uganda Public Broadcasting Corporation Survey Report
May 2010
This report looks at potential challenges to the integrity of the Uganda Broadcasting Corporation as public broadcaster and makes recommendations to protect the independence, integrity, and impartiality of public broadcasting.

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