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BurmaNet News

BurmaNet News is an online newspaper that offers general coverage of news and opinion on Burma from around the world.

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Special Features

Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative Web features available online at different locations:

Burma: Country in Crisis

Voices of '88

Impressions from a Burma in Exile

Exposing Statelessness: Understanding the Plight of Burma's Rohingya
OSI-New York
May 27, 2010
slideshow AUDIO
Using Saiful Huq Omi’s photographs and a recent report from Physicians for Human Rights as a point of departure, this panel explores the impact of statelessness on the Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority in western Burma.

About This Initiative
The Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative focuses on open society issues throughout Southeast Asia, particularly in Burma but also in other countries where essential freedoms are threatened.

Duch Verdict Marks Milestone for Khmer Rouge Tribunal
Press Release
July 26, 2010
The conviction of Kang Guek Eav (“Duch”), the former chief of a notorious Khmer Rouge prison, represents a significant step toward accountability in Cambodia and a major achievement in international justice.

The Duch Trial: A Good Example for the Cambodian Courts
Press Release
July 26, 2010
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights, a Southeast Asia Initiative grantee, applauds the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for highlighting military abuses and illegal detention in Cambodia.

Call for Proposals: Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative
Deadline: January 15, 2011
The Burma Project/Southeast Asia Initiative welcomes proposals from organizations working to promote human rights, independent media, and civil society in the region.

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Undaunted: An Interview with Zoya Phan
Amy Weil
June 3, 2010
blog BLOG  
In Eastern Burma, more than 3,500 villages have been destroyed in the past 15 years and hundreds of thousands of ethnic minorities continue to be used as slave labor. Author Zoya Phan aims to move others to take action for human rights in her homeland.

Current Realities and Future Possibilities in Burma/Myanmar
March 2010
A new Asia Society Task Force report offers a detailed strategy that positions the United States to respond effectively and flexibly to the twists and turns that a potential transition in Burma may take over time.

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