| 2007 Activities |

The Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP) was established in 2004 to monitor the compliance of member states of the African Union (AU) with selected standards of good governance, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

In recent years, the AU has emphasized the need for accountable government, in particular through the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NPAD), and its peer review mechanism. AfriMAP hopes to complement the work of the peer review mechanism by providing in-depth research on selected themes, in order to provide an independent source of information on governance issues.

AfriMAP works with national partners and civil society groups to compile systematic country reports on governance issues, using a framework linking respect for human rights to progress in development. Reports are based on a standardized template, allowing cross-country comparison and learning, encouraging debate, and highlighting best case practices. All materials produced are publicly available. AfriMAP works with national and regional partners to raise awareness of the reports’ findings on good governance and human rights.

AfriMAP is currently focusing on the following themes:

  • Justice Sector and the Rule of Law
  • Political Representation
  • Civil Service

AfriMAP maintains its own separate website at

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