'Burn Notice' - 'Guilty as Charged' Recap (Summer Finale)

    by Allison Waldman, posted Aug 27th 2010 1:15AM
    You can count on the finales of 'Burn Notice' to leave you wanting more, and that was precisely what happened after this episode ended. November can't come soon enough for fans who, like me, want to know how Michael Westen is going to get out of this fix! More on that and the need for submersible vehicles after the jump.

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    A Son, Mom, and Dad Are ALL Arrested for Drunk Driving, 'Chelsea Lately' Discusses (VIDEO)

    by Oliver Miller, posted Aug 27th 2010 12:46AM
    A Son, Mom and Dad Are ALL Arrested for Drunk Driving, 'Chelsa Lately' DiscussesSometimes, trouble just runs in the family. The new 'Chelsea Lately' (weeknights, 11PM ET on E!) takes on the important topic of an entire family that was arrested for drunk driving, all on the same night! First, the son was stopped at a police checkpoint for being drunk and stoned. The mom drove to the police station to rescue him ... but she showed up drunk! That's not good.

    The mother was arrested, but that wasn't the end of the trouble for the family. Two hours later, her 45-year-old husband drove through the same police checkpoint, and was also arrested -- because he was also operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Yikes! Well, at least the mom, dad, and kid have a lot to bond over now.

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    'Big Brother 12' - 'Live Double Eviction' Recap

    by Jackie Schnoop, posted Aug 27th 2010 12:15AM
    Penguin Meow Meow in the 'Big Brother 12' house(Season 12, Episode 22) Tonight's show wasn't merely a double live eviction show. In reality, it was Live Eviction #7, Head of Household #8, Nominations #8, Power of Veto #8 and Live Eviction #8. Obviously that won't all fit in the title, so we're just calling it by a simpler name. It was an entire week of competitions jam-packed into one night.

    For those who question why the image of Enzo is on this page: Well, he was on the block. He could be gone. Or, perhaps he's still in the house. But, the real reason? I just like seeing him in the penguin suit with the Fedora and sunglasses. Now, that isn't a spoiler at all.

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    Julie Newmar Talks Catwoman, the Dynamic Duo and Whether Angelina Jolie Could Wear the Catsuit

    by Aaron Broverman, posted Aug 26th 2010 10:15PM
    Some ladies still have it -- that classic pin-up beauty that's tough to find anymore -- and Julie Newmar is certainly one of those women. She has the look and the attitude to match, even though she hasn't donned the Catwoman costume that goes with her signature role in over 40 years. According to Newmar, her body still slinks, but on the phone her voice does too. Every syllable still drips with the purr of a cat, and she's bringing the whole package to Toronto this weekend for Fan Expo -- a cross-genre fan convention.

    But she's not coming alone. The 60s-era caped crusader and boy wonder (Adam West and Burt Ward) are also coming along to foil any evil plot she may be hatching at the autograph booth. Don't get me wrong -- Ms. Newmar isn't solely defined by her 'Batman' TV series character. This cat has nine lives, including one as a writer and yet another as a road trip totem to a posse of drag queens in 'Too Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.'

    Still, it's Catwoman that makes the boys and girls take notice, but no matter which camp you're in -- Lee Meriwether or the late Eartha Kitt -- Julie Newmar is truly an original, both in the role and in person. TV Squad caught up with the television temptress as she prepares to come to Toronto for the very first time.

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    Preacher to Burn Korans on 9/11, No Matter Who Tells Him Not To (VIDEO)

    by Jeremy Taylor, posted Aug 26th 2010 9:30PM
    Terry Jones, the Evangelical pastor from Florida who has garnered attention for himself and his church by declaring September 11 "International Burn the Koran Day" was interviewed, via Skype, on 'Hardball With Chris Matthews' (weekdays, 5PM ET on MSNBC).

    Matthews tried his best to impress upon Jones what a horrible idea publicly burning the Koran is, but to no avail. Then Matthews attempted to get Jones to name a public official he respected. After much prodding, Jones mentioned George W. Bush.

    "If George W. Bush, the former president, were to call you up ... and said, I think this is going to cause trouble in the Arab and Islamic world ... would you not do it?" Matthews wondered.

    "That would not change our plans, no," Jones responded.

    And why does Jones think burning Korans on September 11 is necessary?

    "We want to send a very clear message to Muslims that if they are in America, they are free here to worship, but they must honor and respect our constitution," he explained.

    So obviously, logic isn't Jones' strong point. But there is no denying the man has a very strong mustache.

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    Celebrity News Roundup From PopEater: Aug. 26

    by Elena Cox, posted Aug 26th 2010 9:00PM
    Want to know what's going on with your favorite TV stars when the cameras aren't rolling? Check out the latest celebrity news from our friends at PopEater.com.

    • 'Cake Boss' co-star Remy Gonzalez was arrested on charges of sexual assault

    • Miley Cyrus and 'Last Song' co-star Liam Hemsworth have decided to part ways after dating for over a year.

    • Nickelodeon alumnus Nick Cannon and his wifey (aka Mariah Carey) are continuing to stay mum on pregnancy rumors.

    • That's some high-end advertising: Martin Scorsese directed the new Chanel cologne commercial

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    BBC Trying to Stop New Book from Un-Helmeting 'Top Gear's' The Stig

    by Danny Gallagher, posted Aug 26th 2010 8:29PM
    The Stig from BBC's TV is full of great mysteries. Would the California Kid have been able to jump that shark before The Fonz jumped it and took the rest of the "Happy Days" series with him? Did Vic Mackey choose to chase down his missing family after the final moments of 'The Shield' or was the entire series just a really weird dream? Did anyone under 90 watch a full episode of 'Diagnosis: Murder?'

    One that just won't go away is the true identity of 'The Stig.' He's the tame racing driver from BBC's 'Top Gear' who tests all of the cars reviewed on the show and helps stars get the best time without rolling the "Reasonably Priced Car" into a ditch and the network into Chapter 11.

    A book is in the works that claims to have the true identity of the man who only knows two facts about ducks, and the BBC is doing everything in its power to stop it from seeing shelf space.

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    Was Christina Hendricks Photoshopped in London Fog Ads?

    by Ryan McKee, posted Aug 26th 2010 8:00PM
    We know the name London Fog is nonsense because Lane explained there is no fog in London during last season's 'Mad Men.' Who says TV turns your brain to mush?

    It appears now the classic overcoat company is returning the shout-out favor. They've hired the woman behind everyone's favorite female character, Joan Holloway. Christina Hendricks is the face (and figure) of London Fog's fall ad campaign. This is quite a departure from the label's previous celebrity faces, who include Gisele and Eva Longoria with Tony Parker. People say curves are back and London Fog is taking it seriously. Maybe someone should tell Angelina Jolie?

    Or so it seemed the company was taking the curves seriously. Now that the ads are starting to run, grrl-power blog Jezebel has paired the behind-the-scenes photos that ran in OK! magazine with the finished product. It sure seems like London Fog did some slimming of Hendricks' curves in Photoshop. See for for yourself, after the jump ...

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    Yet Another 'Jersey Shore' Knockoff Will Be Set in the South

    by Chris Jordan, posted Aug 26th 2010 7:29PM
    The producers of 'Jersey Shore' are hoping to find a Situation in the South.

    A series tentatively called 'Party Down South,' created by Sally Ann Salsano's 495 Productions of 'Jersey Shore' fame, is presently being shot and will possibly air on Comedy Central, according to a story in the Hollywood Reporter.

    The series will reportedly be a comedic variation of 'Jersey Shore,' but set in the South. So does that mean instead of going to the gym for a back and shoulders, the cast will go to NASCAR races?

    "It's not 'Redneck Jersey Shore,''' a production insider told The Hollywood Reporter. "We're looking to have viewers laughing with the cast, not at them. We want a cast of funny people with stories to tell.''

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    'Star Trek: The Next Generation' Casting Memo: Reggie Jackson as Geordi La Forge and More Goofiness

    by Joel Keller, posted Aug 26th 2010 7:00PM
    The first season cast of 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'This memo has been floating around the web for a few years, but it was brought to the surface again today by the websites The Daily What and Letters of Note, and I thought it would be a fun item to give you at the end of a slow pre-Emmys, pre-fall-premiere week.

    After the jump is an internal Paramount casting memo for 'Star Trek: The Next Generation' that was sent to the studio's television head in the spring of 1987, a few months before the series was set to debut. The memo lists actors who were being considered for each of the show's major roles with some notes as to how the auditions were going so far.

    Looking at the memo, the "what might have been" possibilities are tantalizing... and at the same time, shows how easy it can be to ruin a show with misguided casting.

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    Oops! Most Embarrassing Emmys Moments

    by Kim Potts, posted Aug 26th 2010 6:30PM
    2008 Emmy hosts
    Innuendo-filled speeches, missing glasses, boycotts and the ever-popular wardrobe malfunction ... all have contributed to this collection of 20 of the most embarrassing, weird and awkward moments in Emmy history, including a pair that happened off-camera. Peruse our list and let us know what kooky Emmy moment you remember the most ...

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    'Top Chef' Finale to Take Place in Singapore

    by Audrey Fine, posted Aug 26th 2010 6:00PM
    Top Chef: DCThe top four 'Top Chef: DC' cheftestants will soon be packing a whole lot more than their knives -- they're going to Singapore.

    For the first time in the show's 7-year history, the finale will take place at an international location and, according to the folks at Bravo, the culinary Mecca that is Singapore seemed the perfect fit because it is a "melting pot of all things culinary," according to a release issued earlier today.

    The top contenders will vie for the title (and the $100,000) in various challenges that have been tailored to the region, including a Quickfire that will focus on the local "hawker" or street food fare and, the Final Elimination which will be to prepare dinner for "Singaporean and International Chefs."

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    News Roundup: Timothy Dalton and Eric Roberts Join 'Chuck,' First Look at 'Teach' With Tony Danza and More

    by Chris Harnick, posted Aug 26th 2010 5:30PM
    Timothy DaltonThe stunt casting on 'Chuck' continues. Timothy Dalton, Eric Roberts, WWE wrestler Batista and Joel David Moore are joining the long list of season 4 guest stars that includes stars such as Linda Hamilton, Steve Austin and Olivia Munn.

    According to the Ausiello Files, Roberts, Moore and Batista will play soldiers-of-fortune who turn against their former buddy, Casey. Look for them to turn up in the fifth episode of the season, 'Chuck Versus the Couch Lock.'

    Former James Bond Timothy Dalton will also guest star on the spy show. According to HitFix, Dalton's character will be a mysterious character with a connection to Chuck's mom played by Linda Hamilton. He'll appear in multiple episodes.

    In other TV news ...

    'Gossip Girl' and 'Chuck' producer Josh Schwartz is working with PR pro and reality star Kelly Cutrone for a new series. The series will be scripted and fashion-based. [Live Feed]

    Cartoon Network will launch 'Regular Show' and 'MAD' on Labor Day, Mon., Sept. 6. 'Regular Show' follows the staff of a park, an anthropomorphic lollipop, a giant blue jay, a yeti and a gumball machine. 'MAD' will feature cartoons from the famous humor magazine of the same name. [The Wrap]

    Excited for Tony Danza's new show 'Teach'? Of course you are. Check out the promo below. [Vulture]

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    Watch the Emmys With TV Squad on Sunday

    by Joel Keller, posted Aug 26th 2010 5:08PM
    Emmy statueThe 2010 Emmys are shaping up to be a humdinger of a show. There are intriguing storylines all over the place. Will new shows dominate the major awards? Who will be the winner in the epic battle between 'Glee' and 'Modern Family?' What will Conan say if he wins an Emmy for his version of 'The Tonight Show?' Will Neil Patrick Harris finally win for playing Barney Stinson? And will Jimmy Fallon play beer pong with Bryan Cranston?

    I'm looking forward to finding out, and we're inviting our loyal readers to watch along with us. On Sunday starting at 7PM ET, I'll be hosting a live chat via Cover It Live. We'll talk about the red carpet shenanigans -- who doesn't love to make fun of silly outfits and inane questions -- then have a discussion about the ceremony itself, which starts at 8PM ET / 5PM PT (remember: it's live to the entire country this year).

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    Rachel Maddow Blasts Afghan War-Based Reality Show 'Bomb Patrol' (VIDEO)

    by Jeremy Taylor, posted Aug 26th 2010 4:46PM
    The new reality show 'Bomb Patrol: Afghanistan' was a topic of discussion on last night's 'Rachel Maddow Show,' (weeknights, 9 PM ET on MSNBC) and Rachel is not a fan of the concept.

    The ten episode reality series, which will follow a bomb squad unit in Afghanistan and run on G4, is being produced with the blessing of the U.S. Navy. Still, Rachel worried that packaging the war as entertainment is a dangerous line to cross.

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