Terry Jones, the Evangelical pastor from Florida who has garnered attention for himself and his church by declaring September 11 "International Burn the Koran Day" was interviewed, via Skype, on
'Hardball With Chris Matthews' (weekdays, 5PM ET on MSNBC).
Matthews tried his best to impress upon Jones what a horrible idea publicly burning the Koran is, but to no avail. Then Matthews attempted to get Jones to name a public official he respected. After much prodding, Jones mentioned George W. Bush.
"If George W. Bush, the former president, were to call you up ... and said, I think this is going to cause trouble in the Arab and Islamic world ... would you not do it?" Matthews wondered.
"That would not change our plans, no," Jones responded.
And why does Jones think burning Korans on September 11 is necessary?
"We want to send a very clear message to Muslims that if they are in America, they are free here to worship, but they must honor and respect our constitution," he explained.
So obviously, logic isn't Jones' strong point. But there is no denying the man has a very strong mustache.