"Constructing the T'oegye school: Writing, Community and Power in Late Chosŏn Korea"

Korea Colloquium
November 18, 2010 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sponsored by: 
Academy of Korean Studies

"The Place and Role of the Far East's Maritime Region in Russia-Korea Relations"

Kim Koo Forum on U.S.-Korea Relations
December 2, 2010 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sponsored by: 
Kim Koo Foundation

"Prospects for Denuclearization of North Korea: China’s Perspective, Leverage, and Role"

Kim Koo Forum on U.S.-Korea Relations
October 14, 2010 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sponsored by: 
Kim Koo Foundation

"U.S.-Korea Relations: Setting a New Standard"

Kim Koo Forum on U.S.-Korea Relations
September 23, 2010 - 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Sponsored by: 
Kim Koo Foundation

Ewha Womans University President, Lee Bae-yong leads a tour of the Harvard Summer School in Seoul Program at Gyeongbok Palace

Ewha Womans University President Lee Bae-yong, fourth from right, leads a group of students from Harvard University through a tour of Gyeongbok Palace in central Seoul, Wednesday. The tour program is part of a joint Ewha-Harvard initiative for introducing Korean history and culture to students of both universities. Under the leadership of Dr.

The Northern Region of Korea: History, Identity, and Culture

Edited by Sun Joo Kim

FOR many centuries the residents of the three northern provinces of Korea have had cultural and linguistic characteristics that have marked them as distinct from their brethren in the central area near the capital and in the southern provinces.

Settlements, Households, and Society c. 1500 BC to AD 935

The 2nd Early Korea Project Intensive Workshop in Korean Archaeology
August 3, 2010 - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Event hosted by the EKP at the Korea Institute, Harvard University.



9 am:   Introductory remarks by Mark Byington, Project Director, EKP


9.15:   Settlements, Households, and Society of the Bronze/Mumun Period, c. 1500-300 BC

[JoongAng Daily] ‘파란 눈의 시조 전도사’ 데이비드 매캔 - 한국의 시인 오종문, 시조를 묻고 답하다

시조엔 특유의 제스처, 춤 같은 움직임 있죠


미국 하버드대 한국학연구소 소장을 맡고 있는 데이비드 매캔(66) 교수는 말하자면 파란 눈의 시조(時調) 전도사다. 1966년 평화봉사단원으로 한국을 찾은 게 인연이 돼 아예 인생의 항로를 한국학으로 잡은 그는 30년 넘게 시조에 관심 가져 왔다.

몇 해 전부터 직접 영어로 시조를 쓰기 시작해 2008년에는 60여 편의 영어 시조를 묶은 시조집 『Urban Temple(도심의 절간)』을 펴냈다. 한국학 강의 시간에 학생들에게 시조를 가르치고 직접 써보게 하는 건 물론 기회 닿는 대로 중고등학생들에게도 시조의 아름다움을 전한다.

Ewha Sijo Festival with Professor David McCann (Arirang TV News, Ewha Univ newsletter)

Harvard Professor Shows Expertise in Korean Sijo (Arirang TV News)

Meet David McCann, a Harvard University professor whose love for the Korean poetic form sijo has brought him


Lectures on Early Korea
June 1, 2010 - 4:00pm - 6:00pm