Bristol Palin: 'It's Over' With Levi Johnston

Bristol Palin has confirmed the official breakup of her
re-engagement with Levi Johnston. The young couple graced the cover of Us Weekly less than three weeks ago, proclaiming their happy news; now Sarah Palin's daughter, 19, tells
PEOPLE, "It's over. I broke up with him."
Palin tells PEOPLE the relationship started heading south the very day the Us Weekly cover story hit shelves -- Johnston, who has a 19-month-old son with Bristol, broke news to her that very evening that he may have fathered a child with a young girl. The former girlfriend denied this, but Bristol was finished.
"There's been no remorse," she says. "The final straw was him flying to Hollywood for what he told me was to see some hunting show but come to find out it was that music video
mocking my family. He's just obsessed with the limelight and I got played."
In a late July vote wondering if the couple would last, 56 percent of
PopEater readers voted "not a chance."
PEOPLE reports that Palin was emotional in the telephone interview, speaking "through tears about feeling heartbroken, humiliated and trapped – while Johnston acted cool." Bristol also says she's only seen Levi once in the last three weeks.
Sarah Palin, who has often sparred with Levi in the press and famously did not condone his re-engagement to her daughter, told PEOPLE, "I wish for Bristol to be able to move forward in life with her same forgiving, gracious, optimistic spirit, but from henceforth she'll know to trust but verify. Bristol is strong, she is independent, and she knows what is right for her son."
Bristol is confident she'll make her way to a happy ending eventually. "I have faith that I'll find it. Through this whole experience I know I need a man who's going to be completely honest with me and someone who loves me and Tripp and wants to be with him all the time. I also want someone who has religious beliefs and a good family."
No word from Levi yet.,feedConfig,entry&id=691977&pid=691976&uts=1273167996,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1
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She is just as dumb as her mother. Sarah Palin and her family are sheltered from the real world. And someone wants her to be president of the USA. She cant even teach her own children morals. What a bunch of hypocrites.
You are a typical liberal. You write unadulterated trash about someone of whom you have no knoeledge except for what you heard on MSNBC or one of the other liberal channels.
What type of sheltered life from the real world did she have? Give us the details.
What about the liberal politicians who cannot keep their pants zipped? President Clinton, Rev. Jesse Jackson (child out of wedlock) and others.
Stop talking about morals when you can't spell!!!!!
Can't has an apostrophe.
Get over yourself.
I love perfect humans like you who have never done anything wrong the way, whos morals are you talking about? the ones you made up or believe are right? wouldnt it be a perfect world if we were all just like you!
you CAN'T spell either.
Well, she might not be the brightest coin in the penny jar, but I bet you, she knows that there is no such language as "Austrian".
They are not hypocrites: Bristol did not have an abortion; opted to have the baby.
Hipocrites are your liberal buddies, who organize the million men march while having a baby with his girlfriend; who runs for President and has a baby with a floozy on the campaign trail, while his wife's cancer is in remission; and the occupant of the White House, who cannot keep his zipper up.
So, who is dumb?
Take care, Patty-that water you walk on can turn into some thin ice with a quickness! The girl is just that; a girl! She got duped more than once in life even at her young age-and you never heard of that before for anyone else? Do they have a Zip Code for the rock you live under? FEEL for the girl and her Baby, at least-IF you have a heart!
Hay,Patty how many guys do you screw a week;or girls lol
Safe to say you are a liberal ... angry and mean-spirited.
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from the real world did she have? Give us the details.
What about the liberal politicians who cannot keep their pants zipped? President Clinton, Rev. Jesse Jackson (child out of wedlock) and others.
Stop talking about mora
You know, none of us have any right to judge them. Bristol tried.
*RONNIE, BEFORE you slam someone regarding their writing skills, maybe you should take a look at your OWN?!?!?!? LMAO
The Palin's?? Oh Lawdy!! It's time for them to crawl back into the hole they dug themselves out of!! That will certainly make my YR.... :D
Other than getting pregnant and having this child out of wedlock, what exactly has Bristol Palin done in her life that warrants this level of attention towards her dating life? So, her mom is involved in politics. I'm just tired of people who get all sorts of notoriety and acclaim for doing something that 99% of the rest of the country would be crucified, and called all sorts of disgusting names for. She is as, if not MORE useless than her mother. Oh, and Ronnie? You write a response slamming Patty for being stupid and ignorant, yet you can't even spell a simple word like knowledge? Yeah, smooth move slick. Back to Teen Beat for you.
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Ronnie you and Patty both need HOOKED ON PHONICS!
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palin and all these stoooopit brainwashed conservative women who get their politics from the dopey men in their pathetic lives, wouldn't even have the right to vote if it weren't for liberals.
an angry liberal just wants to shake the stupid out of a rank-and file (read, brainwashed) conservative. an angry conservative wants to kill a liberal because multi-millionaires glen beck and rush limbaugh suggests they should..
Patty: So who died and made YOU God, hypocrite?I suppose YOU can walk on water. BTW, Sarah Palin is a LOT more qualified for president than your "hero, Obama
I totally disagree with you - You can instill your morals into your children, but what they do with them is up to them.
Patty I agree with you 100%. And I dont think we need proper grammar to make the point that these people are really getting old. These are the too gooders that look down on everyone else but make the stupid choices that make them no better than we are.
tHose whO take Up for thEM r obvioUSlY no beTtER ThAn They R.
I'm a Democrat, and I'm not a fan of Sarah Palin's politics. BUT, I'm also the father of three daughters. This young woman made a mistake, like so many others her age. She has taken responsibility, and is trying to do the right thing for her son. Her family is no different than thousands of other families who have been confronted by similar situations. Unfortunately her situation is played out in public. Give her a break, and remember that your daughter could make the same mistake. I wish her nothing but the best.