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Alex Hofford

Alex Hofford
Profession: Photojournalist
Location: Sendai , Japan
Home base: Hong Kong
URL: http://www.alexhoffordphotography.com/
URL: http://www.alexhofford.com/
Email: •••••••• (private)
Mobile email: •••••••• (private)
Languages spoken: English, French
Organization: Alex Hofford Photography
Journal: http://www.alexhoffordphotography.com/
Skype: Alexhofford alexhofford
Mobile phone: +85296357214
Work phone +85228151314
Last login: about 1 month ago
Member since: 25 Jun 2010 05:06


Alex Hofford is a photojournalist based in Hong Kong, where he has lived for over a decade, using the city as a base to cover stories in Greater China. He is also the regional representative for the European Pressphoto Agency (EPA).

Since arriving in Hong Kong in 1998, Alex has carried out hundreds of editorial assignments across the region, having worked mainly in Asia, but also in the Middle East and Africa. During this time, Alex has built up a large digital stock library of documentary images.

Much of Alex’s work focuses on environmental issues. He has been on numerous assignments in the Pacific Ocean for Greenpeace covering the problems of marine pollution, shark finning and over-fishing. He is currently working on toxic e-waste, air pollution and solar power issues in China.

Alex is British, and has a young family. He was born and raised in Cambridge, and educated in London.


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