
Pardon Billy the Kid? Not So Fast, Say Sheriff's Kin

Updated: 1 hour 44 minutes ago
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John O. Membrino

John O. Membrino Contributor

(July 30) -- There's talk around New Mexico that the governor is thinking of pardoning Billy the Kid, and descendants of Pat Garrett don't much cotton to the idea.

Sheriff Garrett tracked down and shot dead Billy the Kid, aka William Bonney and several other aliases, in 1881 after the notorious gunslinger had killed two deputies while busting out of jail in Lincoln County. A couple of years earlier, the territorial governor, Lew Wallace, reportedly offered the Kid a pardon in connection with a murder charge he faced in return for his testimony against those involved in a bloody range war. But Wallace is said to have reneged on the promise.

Billy the Kid
This undated photo is thought to show William Bonney, better known as Billy the Kid, near the age of 18.
Gov. Bill Richardson now is considering the possibility of pardoning the Kid. A spokeswoman for the governor told the El Paso Times that "right now we have nothing planned,'' but Garrett's family sent a letter to Richardson objecting that such a move would amount to a defamation of the lawman, according to The Associated Press.

"If Billy the Kid was living amongst us now, would you issue a pardon for someone who made his living as a thief and, more egregiously, who killed four law enforcement officers and numerous others?" the Garrett family wrote.

Richardson's spokeswoman told the El Paso newspaper that the governor's staff is trying to set up a meeting with Garrett's family.

As is the case with much of what transpired in the Old West, the line separating legend and truth can be blurry. Some skeptics insist that someone other than Billy the Kid was killed by Garrett, and that he might have lived until 1950 in Texas under the name of "Brushy Bill" Roberts. And there are several numbers thrown around when it comes to toting up the outlaw's victims.

The chairman of the El Paso County Historical Commission told the El Paso Times he opposes having the governor grant a pardon.

"It's more of a news grabber than anything else,'' Bernie Sargent said. "[Billy the Kid] did some bad things. He is somewhat a false hero."
Filed under: Nation, Crime
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