When your girlfriend gives you the dreaded "Let's just be friends" speech, take her seriously. Many guys, in a fit of anger, would delete her from his list of friends on Facebook and proceed to burn every bridge linking them. That is a mistake. Put on your "Bruce Willis" face and remember these 10 reasons for keeping up cyber-appearances.
1. It Will Help You Get Over Her
Ultimately, she's still human and when you read some of the dumb things she posts, it'll remind you of the things you hated about her ... like her jokes.
2. It Shows You're Over Her (Even If You Aren't)
Yes, you hate her and still love her, but your friends will only give you a week before you become the weird, sad guy.
3. It Makes Spying On Her Easier
Back in the day, a man had to risk a restraining order to learn his ex's every move. Now, she makes it easy with status updates.
4. You'll Know Whom to Avoid
Mutual friends will take sides. Find out who's on her side via wall posts. That's as good a way as any to divide up mutual friends.
5. To Remember Her
Some of us date so much, it's hard to keep track. Especially since no one has a little black book anymore. Even if this isn't true, it's sounds really cool when you say it.
6. It Shows You're a Good Guy
Women don't stay friends with guys who treated them poorly. (They just date them.) When your new girlfriend sees that all your exes haven't blocked you, she'll know you're not a cheater or bad person.
7. It Proves You're an Adult (Even If You Aren't)
Something as petty as deleting someone from Facebook is something an important man wouldn't even waste time worrying about.
8. Mess With Her New Boyfriends
When she updates her relationship status, he's yours. Make his online life hell.
9. To Make Her Jealous
There is nothing better than making an ex jealous. It's a feeling sweeter than first falling for her. And with your new single lifestyle, you'll have plenty of photos to make her jealous.
10. There Are Better Revenge Tactics
If you delete her, you ruin your chances at a much better revenge in the future when she's not expecting it. If you notice she's celebrating her sister's graduation at a bar that night, show up on a date with the best friend she secretly hates. Every girl has that frenemy.
Jul 26th 2010 By Ryan McKee
10 Reasons to Stay Facebook Friends With Your Ex-Girlfriend
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Sunday 25 July
By Joseph
Sunday 25 July
By katy
So mature...
Sunday 25 July
By Mark
A little bit warped, The explanation. It's good to stay friends, but I think this lists if for all the wrong reasons.
Sunday 25 July
By brenda
this is 10 of the dumbest reason to keep your ex as a facebook friend. Not only is it stupid its a good way to mess with her and some physical damanage could be done. whoever thought up them 10 ideas need to grow the hell up.
Sunday 25 July
By onelove
If any of you men have read this article, (women, this applies to you too), I highly advise against this. I'm no doctor or therapist, but I know, just from seeing and hearing about others experiences, and even going through it a few times in my life, that it only makes you more angry, more revengeful, and you look down on yourself; which are three of the worst feelings to ever carry with you on a day to day basis- I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. When a situation like this pops up, we usually have a million questions rushing through our heads as to why it had to happen. Now, whether or not the woman or man wants to tell you the reason is totally up to them, and most likely they've explained it to you right after they gave you the news. Except it for what it is!!! No matter what the reasons were, they are basically putting it to you that they NO LONGER WANT TO BE INTIMATE AND THAT YOU' RE BETTER AS A FRIEND. Plain and simple. THE PERSON IS NOT COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO BE INTIMATE WITH YOU. Do you really want that person in your bed looking like a deer in headlights every night? It doesn't mean that you're the worst thing that ever existed, and in most cases their decision has nothing to do with you. But it has everything to do with what the person is FEELING. And if the FEELING isn't right or mutual, then it's time to move on. Don't look at it like it's a loss. And if you're thinking you're never gonna find anyone like that ever again- you're right- cause you'll be on a mission to find someone who feels the same way about you as you do about them!!! Should you really care about what the woman/man thinks about your actions? It's your life, your decisions, and your happiness is important. You have the same right to delete them from your account as anyone else does. Especially if you need time to heal- in a sense they need to know how their careless actions affected you so they don't do it to someone else. And if you deleting them from your account hurts their feelings, that's their fault for feeling that way. He/She set the tone of the relationship already and he/she let you off the hook! SPYING on them is INVADING A PERSON'S PRIVACY, completely ILLEGAL, and can become an addictive and unhealthy routine- WHICH WILL DRIVE YOU MAD! You know who to avoid when it comes to mutual friends- you don't need to look up wall posts for that- use your common sense. And by the time you get into another relationship, why the hell would you need to remember him/her? That blows my mind! I've been with the same man for the past 13 years, and he completely made me forget about everyone else from day one. He's that great! My ex- boyfriends do not determine my present or future. That's how great your next partner should be too. You'll know. And once you find that person, you won't be worried about reasons' 2-10- they are petty, unreasonable, and are VERY CHILDISH! These reasons do not make you a more responsible adult. They only make you act like a child. So suck it up men and women! Don't look for the deer in headlights ever again! Two wrongs definitely don't make a right. Start believing in yourselves and the rest of life will unfold beautifully. The road may FEEL hard in the beginning but it will get easier with commitment and dedication. YOUR HAPPINESS IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE PERSON THAT BROKE YOUR HEART. In life, whether you are with someone or alone, it's all about becoming a better you. Their are bigger fish to fry (like GLOBAL ISSUES BEING CAUSED BY GOVERNMENTS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE PEOPLE) than being angry or sad because YOU didn't catch the signs that the relationship wasn't working out. Take responsibility for your actions, your inactons, things you say, and don't say. Commitment is a great thing when both parties feel the same way. BE RESPONSIBLE AND USE YOUR COMMON SENSE. YOU WERE BORN WITH IT FOR A REASON.
Sunday 25 July
By Janie
This is truly sad. Playing little cat and mouse games like this is demeaning to men. Whether it's on some silly Networking program or not. Look where it got Ted Bundy and he didn't even have the technology. Be careful people.
Sunday 25 July
By New York
Who wrote this article a ten year old??? Very immature approach.
Sunday 25 July
By Christy
wow...really stupid and immature. This is one of the surest ways to NEVER get over someone and move on with your own life. If you cling to the past relationships, you bring it into your present relationships, and ultimately mess up your future relationships. Horrible reasons to keep someone as a Facebook friend.
Sunday 25 July
By Sonya
I cannot believe this article was posted on AOL, really poorly written, narrow minded and immature....
Sunday 25 July
By marie
I quite enjoyed it. Hey, if someone puts all their info out there to see, there's no reason not to look, when you're ready the delete button is right there waiting for you. No harm, no foul. It's the world we live in...petty, but that's our world