Well, before anything I´d like to thank everybody for all the support during all these years while I was learning 3D, and now I´m trying to giving back a small piece of knowledge that I´ve acquired during this learning journey.
Before we start, few things that I need to explain:
- This car model can be downloaded at www.3d1.com.br (I don’t know the modeler name but I like to thank him immensely)
- HDRI photo and backplates are property from Thomas Suurland that gave us free of charge to use it with non-commercial projects, both can be downloaded at www.hdri-locations.com
With these details explained now we can start.
Part 1- Camera Match
Like many people I can´t match a 3d camera to a real world photo only by moving the camera but thanks to a brilliant mind which developed a small tool called “Camera Match” that doing this hard work for us, many people that don’t work with this kind of project don’t know about this tool.
When you download the freestuff from HDRI locations there is a backplates folder where you can find this photo:
This picture is a great one to start with the camera match because we can clearly see the road and guess its size and create reference points inside 3ds max.
After bringing the photo to the background slot and check to stay visible at the viewport go to the “Helpers” and select the option “Camera Match” as I have shown in the following screenshot:
From now on you can start creating the reference points; there are some simple rules to be followed here:
- You need at least 6 points, 4 on the ground and 2 above
- These points don’t have anything to do with the background, they are only a reference for the next step
- Keep the same distance between them (I’m using 2 meters)
It’s a bit confusing now but things will get clearer soon :-)
Following these “rules” mine viewport ended up like this:
