Indian Trail, NCUSA
Charlotte, NC)
April 5, 2010
Hello everyone! Thank you for the invite. Colby and I love to have fun outdoors around Charlotte.
2 years
Dog park, pet store, movie time, and tricks.
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"Hi Elysia! I do remember that. Wow seems like forever ago! I've been so busy with school and work. I do want to get together w/ some shiba owners! Lulu is an awesome dog, however still so hesitant to be around new people and dogs. I'm interested to see if anyone has any suggestions!"
"Kelly, we were supposed to meet up about a year ago in Pineville for a puppy play date. Glad Megan found you so all our pups can play."
"Thanks for joining our group Josh. Shiba Inu's are the quarkiest most loyal dog there is, you won't regret getting one. There are several top quality breeders near here to choose from."
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