Display, set, or remove CMD environment variables. Changes made with SET will remain only for the duration of the current CMD session.
Syntax SET variable SET variable=string SET /A variable=expression SET "variable=" SET /P variable=[promptString] SET " Key variable : A new or existing environment variable name string : A text string to assign to the variable. expression: : Arithmetic Sum Also see SetX, VarSearch and VarSubstring for more advanced variable manipulation.
Variable names are not case sensitive but the contents can be. Variables can contain spaces.
The number one problem people run into with SET is having extra spaces around either the variable name or the string, SET is not forgiving of extra spaces like many other scripting languages.
To display current variables:
Type SET without parameters to display all the current environment variables.
Type SET with a variable name to display that variable SET _department
or use ECHO: ECHO [%_department%]
The SET command invoked with a string (and no equal sign) will display a wildcard list of all matching variables
Display variables that begin with 'P': SET p
Display variables that begin with an underscore SET _
Storing a text string:
C:\>SET _dept=Sales and Marketing
C:\>set _
_dept=Sales and Marketing
One variable can be based on another, but this is not dynamic
C:\>set xx=fish
C:\>set msg=%xx% chips
C:\>set msg
msg=fish chips
C:\>set xx=sausage
C:\>set msg
msg=fish chips
C:\>set msg=%xx% chips
C:\>set msg
msg=sausage chips
Avoid starting variable names with a number, this will avoid the variable being mis-interpreted as a parameter
%123_myvar% < > %1 23_myvar
To display undocumented system variables:
Prompt for user input
@echo off
Set /P _dept=Please enter Department:
If "%_dept%"=="" goto :sub_error
If /i "%_dept%"=="finance" goto sub_finance
If /i "%_dept%"=="hr" goto sub_hr goto:eof :sub_finance echo You chose the finance dept goto:eof :sub_hr echo You chose the hr dept
The /P switch allows you to set a variable equal to a line of
input entered by the user.
The PromptString is displayed before the user input is read. The PromptString
can be empty.
The CHOICE command is an alternative to SET /P
To place the first line of a file into a variable:
Set /P _MyVar=<MyFilename.txt
SET can be CALLed allowing a variable
substring to be evaluated:
SET start=10 SET length=9 SET string=The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog CALL SET substring=%%string:~%start%,%length%%% ECHO (%substring%)
Deleting an environment variable
Type SET with just the variable name and an equals sign:
SET _department=
Better still, to be sure there is no trailing space after the = use:
(SET _department=)
SET "_department="
Variable names can include Spaces
A variable can contain spaces and also the variable name itself may contain spaces,
therefore the following assignment:
SET my var=MyText
will create a variable called "my var"
SET _var =MyText
will create a variable called "_var " - note trailing space
To avoid problems with extra spaces appearing in your output, issue SET statements
in parentheses, like this
(SET _department=Some Text)
Alternatively you can do
SET "_department=Some Text"
Note: if you wanted to actually include a bracket in the variable you need
use an escape character.
The SET command will set ERRORLEVEL to 1 if the variable name is not
found in the current environment.
This can be detected using the IF ERRORLEVEL command
Arithmetic expressions (SET /a)
The expression to be evaluated can include the following operators:
Multiply * Divide / Add + Subtract - Modulus % AND & OR | XOR ^ LSH << RSH >> Multiply Variable *= Divide Variable /= Add Variable += Subtract Variable -= AND Variable &= OR Variable |= XOR Variable ^= LSH Variable <<= RSH Variable <<=
SET /a calculations
Enclose any logical expressions in "quotes"
Several calculations can be put on one line if separated with commas.
Warning: any SET /A calculation that returns a fractional result will be rounded down
to the nearest whole integer.
SET /A _result=2+4 (=6) SET /A _result=5 (=5) SET /A _result+=5 (=10) SET /A _result="2<<3" (=16) { 2 Lsh 3 = binary 10 Lsh 3 = binary 10000 = decimal 16 } SET /A _result="5%%2" (=1) { 5/2 = 2 + 2 remainder 1 = 1 }
Modulus operator - note that in a batch script, (as opposed to on the command-line), you need to double up the % to %%
SET /A will treat any character string in the expression as an environment variable name. This allows you to do arithmetic with environment variable values without having to type any % signs to get the values. SET /A _result=5 + _MyVar
Leading Zero will specify Octal
Numeric values are decimal numbers, unless prefixed by
0x for hexadecimal numbers,
0 for octal numbers.
So 0x12 = 022 = 18 decimal
The octal notation can be confusing - all numeric values that start with zeros
are treated as octal but 08 and 09 are not valid numbers because 8 and 9 are
not valid octal digits.
This is often a cause of error when performing date arithmetic. For example
SET /a _day=07 will return the value=7, but SET /a _day=09 will return an
Permanent Changes
Changes made using the SET command are NOT permanent, they apply to the current
CMD prompt only and remain only until the CMD window is closed.
To permanently change a variable at the command line use SetX
or in the GUI -
Control Panel, System, Environment, System/User Variables
Changing a variable permanently with SetX will not affect any CMD prompt that
is already open.
Only new CMD prompts will get the new setting.
You can of course use SetX in conjunction with SET to change
both at the same time, but neither SET or SetX will affect other CMD sessions
that are
When you think about it - this is a good thing.
It is also possible (although undocumented) to add permanent env variables
to the registry [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment]
(using REGEDIT)
System Environment variables can also be found in [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session
Any SET statement in c:\autoexec.bat may be parsed at boot time
Variables set in this way are not available to 32 bit gui programs - they won't
appear in the control panel.
They will appear at the CMD prompt.
If autoexec.bat CALLS any secondary batch files, the additional batch files
will NOT be parsed at boot.
This behaviour can be useful on a dual boot PC.
If Command Extensions are disabled all
SET commands are disabled other than simple assignments like:
# I got my mind set on you
# I got my mind set on you... - George
CALL - Evaluate environment variables
SETX - Set an environment variable permanently.
SETLOCAL - Begin localisation of environment variable
ENDLOCAL - End localisation of environment changes, use to return values
EXIT - Set a specific ERRORLEVEL
Parameters - get a full or partial
pathname from a command line variable.
PATH - Change the %PATH% environment variable.
PATHMAN - This Resource Kit utility allows quick modification of both the system
and user paths. Pathman can resolve many problems such as duplicate characters,
and can improve performance by removing duplicate paths. For details see Pathman.wri
in the resource kit.
REGEDIT - Import or export registry settings
WMIC ENVIRONMENT - Set environment vars through WMI
NIST Digital Library of Mathematical Functions
Powershell: Set-Variable - Set a variable and a value (set/sv)
Equivalent bash command (Linux): env - Display, set, or remove environment