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  • Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers

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    ‘Kill switch’ bill approved, moves to Senate floor

    Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers 250610top2

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Friday, June 25, 2010

    President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor.

    The Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act, which is being pushed hard by Senator Joe Lieberman, would hand absolute power to the federal government to close down networks, and block incoming Internet traffic from certain countries under a declared national emergency.

    Despite the Center for Democracy and Technology and 23 other privacy and technology organizations sending letters to Lieberman and other backers of the bill expressing concerns that the legislation could be used to stifle free speech, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee passed in the bill in advance of a vote on the Senate floor.

    In response to widespread criticism of the bill, language was added that would force the government to seek congressional approval to extend emergency measures beyond 120 days. Still, this would hand Obama the authority to shut down the Internet on a whim without Congressional oversight or approval for a period of no less than four months.

    The Senators pushing the bill rejected the claim that the bill was a ‘kill switch’ for the Internet, not by denying that Obama would be given the authority to shut down the Internet as part of this legislation, but by arguing that he already had the power to do so.

    They argued “That the President already had authority under the Communications Act to “cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication” when there is a “state or threat of war”, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.


    Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers 150410banner1

    Fears that the legislation is aimed at bringing the Internet under the regulatory power of the U.S. government in an offensive against free speech were heightened further on Sunday, when Lieberman revealed that the plan was to mimic China’s policies of policing the web with censorship and coercion.

    “Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” Lieberman told CNN’s Candy Crowley.

    While media and public attention is overwhelmingly focused on the BP oil spill, the establishment is quietly preparing the framework that will allow Obama, or indeed any President who follows him, to bring down a technological iron curtain that will give the government a foot in the door on seizing complete control over the Internet.

    As we have illustrated, fears surrounding cybersecurity have been hyped to mask the real agenda behind the bill, which is to strangle the runaway growth of alternative and independent media outlets which are exposing government atrocities, cover-ups and cronyism like never before.

    Indeed, China uses similar rhetoric about the need to maintain “security” and combating cyber warfare by regulating the web, when in reality their entire program is focused around silencing anyone who criticizes the state.

    The real agenda behind government control of the Internet has always been to strangle and suffocate independent media outlets who are now competing with and even displacing establishment press organs, with websites like the Drudge Report now attracting more traffic than many large newspapers combined. As part of this war against independent media, the FTC recently proposing a “Drudge Tax” that would force independent media organizations to pay fees that would be used to fund mainstream newspapers.

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    138 Responses to “Obama Can Shut Down Internet For 4 Months Under New Emergency Powers”

    1. MARK OF THE BEAST Says:

      Yes it will be shut down. It is called a national bank failure and Holiday. Once not long ago in a city far away a movie was shown about a small town that was shut off from the internet and they had to vacate in a Grapes of Wrath Fashion in search of internet access.


      RIGHT MIKE??


      STARMAN Reply:





      Jibbz Reply:

      Then what? Another bailout for all the ISP’s and all the businesses that require internet for transactions who just lost 4 months income?

      They’re about to whitewash the internet, At any means necessary…

      They’ve underestimated the quickening that has begun in the last few years, and now ‘the puppet masters’ are at war with the free flow of information on the internet…

      Look at General McChrystal, he was just removed for exercising his first amendment..
      They removed a 4th generation military officer and put in a pencil pushing fainter..

      Aidan Monaghan Reply:

      Thanks to the internet, the public are more informed and politically organized than ever.

      Without the internet, the recent public political awakening can be reversed by steady doses of corporate/state controlled propaganda broadcast by ABCCBSNBCCNNMSNBCFOX.

      The Patriot movement should plan for the day when the internet will no longer be available for activist purposes.

      Quantummonkeybutt Reply:

      “It Is Vain For The Coward To Flee; DEATH Follows Close Behind; It Is Only By DEFYING IT, That The BRAVE Escape.”

      - Voltaire (The Pseudonym For François-Marie Arouet); French Philosopher

      nutcracker Reply:

      –(0 0)-
      \\ `

      HA! They’re afraid of us figuring out and learning about their scams.
      At least the American sheeple are waking up to these scams.

      For example, the government’s Income tax scam.

      I wonder how many of you noticed the legal definition for “Exempt income” that is ALREADY WRITTEN into tax law.


      Funny that it takes a computer scientist just two minutes to find something that thousands of tax “experts” won’t even bother.

      And so what should we consider treasonous from our “authorities”?

      –(0 0)-
      \\ `
      The Sheeple say baaaaahhhh.

      expresadvisor Reply:

      Here’s an interesting Poll, Though it will mean nothing to the people who tell us what to do. (obamao/Federal Government)

      (From Foxnews)

      **Do You Support Blanket Legalization for Millions of Illegals?**

      Yes — We’re not about to start rounding up and deporting millions of people. Legalize them — then secure the border. 1% (516 votes)

      Undecided — I need to know more, such as would there be a case-by-case review? 1% (380 votes)

      No — This is insanity. Let’s first secure the borders, then openly discuss how best to deal with the illegal immigrant problem. 97% (37,692 votes)

      Other (post a comment) 1% (335 votes)

      Total Votes: 38,923


      So, 97% of voters said that they are against blanket amnesty.

      They will still try and shove it down our throats though…..

      THE LAST STAND Reply:

      Expres; you and fox news are not listening to me. The only answer is catapults.

      maik Reply:


      for as long as people like you fall for the lie that our enemy israel is our best friend america will never recover.
      its people like you who drove us over the edge…wake up and serach the crimes of israel against us and against every one else.
      for as long as you kiss ass and boot lick america will be in danger.

      Make money online fast Reply:

      This is nuts! This is a clear and obvious tool to take over the only remaining free media outlet – the internet. There is no national security issue in the least. What’s gonna happen that requires an internet shut down? And what would shutting the consumers and busineses from the internet going to achieve? The terrorists or whoever will easily hack in if they wanted…they could use satellite connections or whatever they want. These guys NEED to be stopped…of course, they won’t be until the end when they’re destroyed with fire!

      1Patriotgal Reply:


      Poimandres Reply:

      Well, depends what the value is that dissenters are dissenting from. If it’s the truth, I guess you should look in a mirror and say that to yourself, if I can guess your identity :)

      kebcreation Reply:

      Well I guess if Obama shuts down the internet for 4 months we don’t have to pay it and I think my cable company might get a little more pissed than me at all that lost revenue. Give it up, Obama, we know you want to shut us all down by now but lady truth will somehow find a way to rise to the surface to spite your efforts to stifle her. Truth is Obama’s enemy and he fears the internet for that very reason. All the rotten things Obama is guilty of by now from stealing companies to drone attacks to his involvement in the BP fiasco…are things the internet exposes. I would not want to be in his shoes. I would rather be the slave come Judgment Day.

    2. Billo Says:

      We should petiton the Israeli government not to do this. Why petition our congress? Why not go straight to the source where our congress takes their orders from.
      Just think up the most rediculous outlandish thing possible our traitor government will do it.

      damagedgoods Reply:


      agree……………the kill switch is really in tel aviv not DC.

      maik Reply:


      the kill switch in tel avive is not just for the internet,its for americas economy to.
      our traitors surrenderd all of america to the jewish lobby.
      we really are at thier mercy.
      just remember how no american president ever gets elected without first going to AIPAC to announce his loyalty to the jewish state……….look it it.

      it so f---ing pathatic

      Leave it to Beaver Reply:

      Any petition to Israel has to go through ObaMan’s handler Rahm Emanuel. (His middle name really is Israel.)

      maik Reply:

      leave it to beaver

      what the f--- man,how can our f---ing leaders do this to can they put our future in the hands of a nazi nation like israel

    3. The Cynic Says:

      This has the Impact of a “DECLARATION OF WAR ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE” . . .

      Paul Revere

      wiggins Reply:

      Doubt it. they are in South Africa at the moment…giving it LARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep. Weep.

    4. Randyrocker Says:

      “President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor.”

      Why can’t the American people have a ‘kill switch’ on the White House for at least four months without Congressional oversight or any oversight at all, as it seems oversight is irrelevant like everything else concerning American’s rights and freedoms. What a delight to watch Obama’s jaw drop as he tries to speak without his TelePrompTer, because it was turned off with a ‘kill switch’ for four months.
      Maybe American’s can say to the government, you turn off the internet with a ‘kill switch’ and we will stop work and all activities until it is turned back on. So when you flick off that ‘kill switch’ you will be literally be killing all of us at the same time, you White House Internet Power abusing Idiot.

      STARMAN Reply:



      PHILizREVENGE Reply:

      As laid out here below in the beginning of the Declaration Of Independence, it is the only way for good to come I would have to say…

      “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    5. MARK OF THE BEAST Says:


      American Dystopia Reply:

      No is there a sale on hot dogs ?

      THE LAST STAND Reply:

      I cant afford hot dogs. Are beans on sale?

      expresadvisor Reply:

      Beans are much healthier… :)

      Leave it to Beaver Reply:

      Get some cheap popping corn. All you need is a source of heat to enjoy a Monsanto GM delight. Guaranteed 30% cancer free.

      expresadvisor Reply:

      And why worry about cancer anyways citizens, the chemicals we are spraying on you is far more quick acting.


    6. American Dystopia Says:

      HELLO PRISONPLANET!!! Look at this piece of World Government/Thought Crime Legislation known as The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement.

      The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, which will go before Congress later this year. The bill would make P2P or BitTorrent client development a criminal offense if the distributed software was used for infringement. It also implements an interesting provision called “imminent infringement”, which allows the government to charge people who they think might be about to infringe with a civil offense (for example if you searched “torrent daft punk”). This is among the first official “thought crime” provisions to be proposed by the U.S. government. The bill also makes it a criminal offense to bypass DRM.

      www (dot) dailytech (dot) com/Obama+Administration+Announces+Massive+Piracy+Crackdown/article18815 (dot) htm

      MARK OF THE BEAST Reply:

      I thought our sister country China had a thriving business based on counterfeitng DVDs,
      CDs, American technology, video games and any other intellectual western technology.

      According to Timothe Geithner, Secretary of the Treasur, “China is a model country”

      Please explain Mr. Dystopia.

      American Dystopia Reply:

      Well the intent of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement isn’t to stop You or I from downloading Rico Suave’s ground breaking and ahead of it’s time album “Mo’ Ritmo”. No the real purpose is to put us one step further on the road to world government.ACTA will of course be run by unelected international bureaucrats.

      “The scope of ACTA is broad, including counterfeit goods, generic medicines and what is termed “piracy over the Internet”, ie copyright infringement using the internet.” quot from wikipedia.

      To make sure none of us are thinking anything the internationalist don’t want us to. They’ve included something called “imminent infringement” (A.K.A. a precrime offense)so if you so much as type “Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch torrent” into Google you’ll be a thought criminal and Tom Cruse will be on your ass.

      en (dot) wikipedia (dot) org/wiki/Anti-Counterfeiting_Trade_Agreement

      Now that’s change you can believe in !

    7. randall Says:

      Soetoro , the illegal alien, can do nothing for the good of the people.

      wiggins Reply:

      The Kenyan Cuckoo has got his swing together. What a complete helmet.

      MARK OF THE BEAST Reply:


      I say governor that is a splendid marketing tag for Comrade Obama,

      It is heneforth decreed by the international internet blogging school of protocal that Comrade Obama be offically refered to as, The Kenyan Cuckoo. No offense to Kenya of course, or the Cuckoo birds.

      Further Protocal clarification will be issued regarding the appropriate fonts and circumstances for Capitlizing the offical name tag, The Kenyan Cuckoo.

      Please see for additional updats.

      1Patriotgal Reply:

      Second the Motion!! Votes?
      Carried- “The Kenyan Cuckoo”, he is, now and forever!! :)

      Sic Semper Tyrannis, baby!

      proctologists for obama Reply:

      sic semper tyrannis cum auris maximus ;-)

    8. Vic Says:

      A puppet nothing more than a puppet.

      It is the head that must be taken care of. The rest will fall.

      Like a snake cut the head off the rest will not go anywhere.It won’t bite no more.

      At least a snake one can walk away of but with these war lords they create chaos and they must be neutralized before they do kill us all

    9. MARK OF THE BEAST Says:

      Are you testing your shut down switch today??? I have had to log on repeatedly after being cutt off after clicking on a new story to read. Or is it just prisonplanet that is under attack.
      Or is it me. NWO cannot stop knowlege. It shall persist.


      Leave it to Beaver Reply:

      That’s probably just a government trojan in your system. You must have exceeded your quota of visits to non-approved sites.

    10. Downtown Says:

      They also said the USA PATRIOT act would be “sunsetted” after 4 years. It’s still there.

      The people of Connecticut are the biggest idiots in the USA for putting Joe Lieberamnn back in office.

      Everyone on the internet should sound off by calling the people of Connecticut total fools for putting Joe Lieberman back into office.

      You’re from Connecticut? You’re dumber than a box of rocks.

    11. jjonz Says:

      That ought to really help the economy. How many businesses are totally dependent on the internet or do a large part of their business on it? A lot. How much longer before Americans wake up and remove these f---ers from our government?

      As for Joe Lieberman, they should stuff that POS in a box and ship it to Israel.

    12. nothin2chere Says:

      my paranoid untrusting mind believes that when they do shut us down , it will be a shtf situation and the phones will also go down, after that they will start rounding up us undesireables before we can figure out another way to sound the alarms.

      wildcat Reply:

      I’ve heard of some companies shutting down their office networks when Neutron Jack or some other toe cutters came in to rescue a company from bankruptcy.

      But it works the other way too … one company used a spare meeting room as a SleepShop for employees and called every person directly on their office line to get them to arrive – eventually everyone realized it was Carousel and refused to answer their telephones … then HR had to send out Sandmen to bring them there. Then everyone went downtown for sanctuary, hoping that HR would pass over them…

    13. custodis Says:

      i want a switch next to my desk to shut Obamaco down for 4 months!! under the new Emergency Power to The People Act..

    14. creatorbot Says:

      Shutting down the internet will result in a revolution and civil war because people will be pissed that their freedom of information and expression has been taken away. You’ll have one angry mob extremely pissed off… it will crumble the empire. You’ll have utter mutiny not only of the civilians but the military as well. Bad move Obama. What happened to your promise of open transparency….obviously a lie.. like everything else.

      wildcat Reply:

      You need to visit electronics stores more often … anyone can set up their own local wireless network without using city-wide or national networks. When our local college started trying to make students pay for access to the campus LAN, students just set up their own wi-fi networks, and hung twisted-core cable from one window to another. Given the choice between students running their own red-zone network or appearing to be able to provide a network guess what the administration chose?

      You can set up wi-fi routers to form your home network – as long as two computers are in the transmission zone of a router, you have a network … even a laptop can be set up as a base station.. You can also extend the range of wi-fi router to around 2.5km using empty Pringles cans and aluminum foil (see slashdot).

      Don’t forget Bluetooth networks – a mobile phone can be used as a base station and as a receiver. You can buy a $10 dongle for your laptop that has 100m range.

      It’s even possible to transmit data by bouncing light off the local clouds above a city.

      If all those fail, you can always pass around USB memory sticks in the way East European countries passed floppy-disks across the Berlin Wall in the 1980’s.

    15. JFK Says:

      What’s the motivation for this? To shut it down during their next false flag attack?

      Leave it to Beaver Reply:

      “What’s the motivation for this?”

      To silence dissent and truth.

    16. whitebat Says:

      Four months is all they need for troop placement at strategic points in US for defeating patriots. No communications so that civilians don’t know what is going on. Be ready. Join militia. Lock and load.

    17. seneca264 Says:

      The time has come to unite all the citizen militias coast to coast under one Federation. It is time for all patriots to take back our country at any cost. Our very freedoms our at stake. Obama the dictator has clearly shown his intentions. What else does he have to do before people understand what this pervert is doing?

      expresadvisor Reply:

      Agreed seneca…

      THE LAST STAND Reply:


      proctologists for obama Reply:


      proctologists for obama Reply:

      sic semper tyrannis cum auris maximus

    18. nonwo Says:

      Looks like we’ve gone from Dumb (Bush) to Dumber (Obama)….

      Under Dummy Bush, we nearly destroyed the airline industry when he decided that they would use airplanes to “crash” planes into buildings in their phony terrorist attack used to justify the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions / occupations…. Everyone knows that Israel and the US govt conspired to pull that one off, but unfortunately for them the world is on to them and knows they are creating policies now based on that big lie….

      Now under Obamao, it looks like he will cripple huge portions of the economy if he decides to shut down the internet…. I thought Ivy Leagers were smarter than that….

      Change you can believe in… What a Crock.

      Billo Reply:

      Good statement.

    19. starshipcommander Says:

      what’s in a name? There was once a college football player who’s given sir name was “Outlaw”. I thought it would be really unfortunate if the man was ever wrongly accused of a crime. I can hear the judge asking… “so Mr. Outlaw, you stand accused of robbery, how do you plead?”…’Not guilty your honor’… The Judge says “oh come off it, with a name like Outlaw, you want us to believe you’re not guilty?” Look at Senator Joe Lie-ber-man… his name says it all. The first syllable of his name is “Lie” so why does anyone expect him to tell the truth, ever, about anything? Handing the Obamination the God switch to the internet is like torching the first amendment with a flame-thrower. Senator Joe Liarman should be tossed out of office, the next election because of communist legislation like this. From now on I would like everyone to start intentionally misspelling communist Lieberman… “Liarman”. Today Communist Senator Joe Liarman handed the President – the God Switch to the Internet. Tomorrow they will begin taxing the air you breath. How does Senator Liarman keep getting elected? Is his district’s voters completely brain dead?

    20. keith4130 Says:

      Lieberman must be proud of himself, time to remove the scum from DC who wipe their backsides with the US Constitution over and over and over.

    21. leskat Says:

      We all know now and if they shut everything down , at least we know the truth and word of mouth will be the new way of info . I heard today they want to charge people 15 dollars for a checking acct . each month , mine is free as of now . So with less than 200 dollars in my acct . i will no longer need the bank . They will eat my little acct. up in no time . They want to shut us up and break this country . No net in this age for four months will kill US . This is the commi way they are doing , no doubt in my mind !

    22. Poimandres Says:

      Alright. EVERYONE. Pay heed to the following:

      http : // cryptome. org/ns-tic.pdf

      “Executive Summary
      Cyberspace – the interdependent network of information technology components that underpins many of our communications – is a crucial component of the Nation’s critical infrastructure. We use cyberspace to exchange information, buy and sell products and services, and enable many online transactions across a wide range of sectors, both nationally and internationally. As a result, a secure cyberspace is critical to the health of our economy and to the security of our Nation. In particular, the Federal Government must address the recent and alarming rise in online fraud, identity theft, and misuse of information online.

      One key step in reducing online fraud and identity theft is to increase the level of trust associated with identities in cyberspace. While this Strategy recognizes the value of anonymity for many online transactions (e.g., blog postings), for other types of transactions (e.g., online banking or accessing electronic health records) it is important that the parties to that transaction have a high degree of trust that they are interacting with known entities. Spoofed websites, stolen passwords, and compromised login accounts are all symptoms of an untrustworthy computing environment. This Strategy seeks to identify ways to raise the level of trust associated with the identities of individuals, organizations, services, and devices involved in certain types of online transactions. The Strategy’s vision is:

      Individuals and organizations utilize secure, efficient, easy-to-use, and interoperable identity
      solutions to access online services in a manner that promotes confidence, privacy, choice,
      and innovation.

      More specifically, the Strategy defines and promotes an Identity Ecosystem that supports trusted online environments. The Identity Ecosystem is an online environment where individuals, organizations, services, and devices can trust each other because authoritative sources establish and authenticate their digital identities. The Identity Ecosystem enables:

      · Security, by making it more difficult for adversaries to compromise online transactions;
      · Efficiency based on convenience for individuals who may choose to manage fewer passwords or accounts than they do today, and for the private sector, which stands to
      benefit from a reduction in paper-based and account management processes;
      · Ease-of-use by automating identity solutions whenever possible and basing them on technology that is easy to operate with minimal training;
      · Confidence that digital identities are adequately protected, thereby increasing the use of the Internet for various types of online transactions;
      · Increased privacy for individuals, who rely on their data being handled responsibly and who are routinely informed about those who are collecting their data and the purposes for which it is being used;
      · Greater choice, as identity credentials and devices are offered by providers using
      interoperable platforms; and
      · Opportunities for innovation, as service providers develop or expand the services offered
      online, particularly those services that are inherently higher in risk;

      Definitely read the rest. It’s a draft bill, PLEASE talk to your representatives to discuss possible changes.

      expresadvisor Reply:

      No one’s gonna do anything poimandres.

      I have drugs? I have entertainment?

      Americans are very simple minded.

      They are dumb. Sorry.

      Poimandres Reply:

      Discussion on the above.

      It is possible that this system could get out of hand. People who the bureaucrats in charge of this think are loud mouthed, possibly terrorist, or just simply spammers, are marked. It is my opinion that this bill is the reason Lieberman may have recommended Obama take executive powers over the internet. Shut this down, eliminate the bill, restart the network on Internet 2, in which case this is just fueling Obama’s bill.

      Which takes into consideration whether this is just a tug of war tactic or actually giving Internet 2 potential. In the case of the latter, I think maybe this bill is forcing Internet 2. From the mainstream perspective (http: / / www . wash. k12. mi. us/techservices/files/aboutinternet2.pdf):

      “About Internet2®

      Internet2 is a research and development consortium led by over 200 US universities working in partnership with industry and government to develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet. Internet2 is recreating the partnership among academia, industry and government that fostered today’s Internet in its infancy.

      The Internet2 community is:

      • enabling a new generation of network applications,
      • creating a leading edge network capability for research and education, and
      • fostering the transfer of technology and experience to the global Internet”

      Unfortunately I must leave you now, see y’all tomorrow! Discuss, please!

    23. expresadvisor Says:

      Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

      No creativity, no spark. We are brain numbed Americans…

      Sorry, What?

      damagedgoods Reply:

      pathatic but true and sad

    24. Leave it to Beaver Says:

      “Under the amended bill, a national cyber emergency could last for up to 30 days, and the president could renew it up to three times. It could only be renewed beyond 120 days with the approval of Congress. The bill limits the presidential action to only the most critical IT systems.”

    25. Patrick_Henry Says:

      Clearly things are being aligned to move forward with the complete suppression of the Citizens of this country…

      Without the internet, how would you know if Citizens were, for example, being rounded up along the Gulf Coast? Or if Citizens were being loaded on to trains in Los Angeles? Or anything else of that nature?

      We know the Establishment Media would not tell you…

      If you live in whatever region that begins dealing with direct Tyranny, you’ll know what’s up, but you won’t be able to tell anyone outside your area about it…

      If the entire communications infrastructure is shut down, the only way to communicate is word of mouth…

      Something is going to go down. And it’s not far off.

      Unite, my fellow patriots, Unite.

      Petty bickering, the need to be right about the smallest details…is OVER.


      We must stand together, or we will fall apart.

      “An appeal to Arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left us.”
      Patrick Henry

    26. IamGreg Says:

      So Lieberman, a jew, wants to give Obama, a negro, the power to take away our First Amendment rights. You know, suddenly it seems the White Supremacists were right all along. I may have to rethink my previous avoidance of those groups.

      damagedgoods Reply:

      the Joe jew thing i can agree on.
      but the negro and the white racists thing i disagree on.

    27. seneca264 Says:

      Folks better start thinking about obtaining a Amateur Radio license. It is easy to get now since they dropped the morse code requirement for a entry level license. Used and new gear is relatively cheap to buy. Once the pervert in chief shuts down the internet at least you will still be able to communicate inside and outside of our borders. Everyone should at least buy a cheap shortwave receiver. You will receive the most accurate news about what is going on in our country by listening to shortwave stations located in foreign countries. You can obtain information on licensing by Googling in ARRL.

    28. sharingtruthdotorg Says:

      We’re seeing what happens when God removes His hand from our countries. Wake up guys, turn to the LORD and be saved!

    29. IlluminateNews Says:

      Wow, talk about crap

      For articles on the Illuminati, world crisis, Kennedy, and all the conspiracies out there visit:

    30. Siddhartha Says:

      This bill must be stopped at all costs. (Believing in God one way or the other is immaterial) – the right to express that belief (or not) is what matters.

    31. phoenix Says:

      Fortunately UK websites wont be affected.. It’s unbelievable how undemocratic the governance of America seems to be becoming..

      Billo Reply:

      Who said you wouldn’t be affected?

    32. teebry Says:

      So ridiculous.

      Also, I have a crush on Alex Jones.

    33. illuminate Says:

      For articles on the Illuminati, World Crisis, health Crisis, Kennedy and so on visit:

    34. InfoBrat Says:

      Not a good idea to turn off the internet. How will this effect healthcare? So much of that data now follows through the internet. Nighthawk rad services, and other remote diagnostic imaging services would be unable to work. Tech support for those systems would also be hampered or stopped completely with no net access to customer sites. Does no one think about this stuff before writing up this massive load of crap?

    35. MartyDidier Says:

      There is more to this. We are in the midst of a White House Coup that’s similar to the Business Plot of 1933. Obama is considered a member of the Coup and there are already news blackouts here in Chicago of the Blago trial and the FBI drug stings that nabbed more than 2200 people. The sale of drugs are FUNDING black-ops in support of the White House Coup. If you remember Cheney’s Assassination Operations, there is one operating in the Chicago Area. This operates much differently as their goal is to make the murders appear as an act of God or an accident. One group in this area may be responsible for more than 80 murders over a 20 year period and all have been considered an accident or act of God. Who’s involved will surprise you and please realize there are witnesses to explain who is involved and how it works.

      Marty Didier
      Northbrook, IL

    36. dc2010 Says:

      Give yourself a break and take your mind off things! please log on to (military related books, discounted up to 75%)

    37. TheNorthernSurvivalist Says:

      Well, my Website is not banned in China!

    38. kenn Says:

      Another small step for government

      One large step for Tyranny

      Parasites 1192
      Citizens 0

    39. Vic Says:

      Mr President, you can shut down internet all you want.

      But you cannot shut down Love and Goodness for you would be shutting yourself down also.

      proctologists for obama Reply:

      the massa racist would never shut himself down. only smelly michelley can do that

    40. Archie Says:

      Each day they take more and more power. November is important so do your homework and get involved watching for voter fraud.

    41. Archie Says:

      I understand that there are other avenues to communicate over the Internet. Does anyone know about them?

    42. jmlandry Says:

      Call you Senators and Congressmen!

      Oh, that didn’t work for Obamacare. Get a rope instead!

    43. peterwoohoo Says:

      what a bunch of poo! And to think Joe spoke at the Republican Convention… The only concern here is power grab. Trash the Constitution, Christianity, Traditional Family, Capitalism…..
      tax us silly from womb to grave…..Time to double down, get rid of the dust in gravity & stop riding Solo! In other words, on Nov. 2, 2010, rid Dumb, Dumber & Dumberer in DC.

    44. incog99 Says:

      Can’t happen. This sounds like disinformation to confuse us while they plan to attack Iran. So, Microsoft, Dell, Hewlett Packard and Cisco going out of business? When everyone starts withdrawing all of the money in their online brokerage accounts Wall St will HOWL!! Who will they steal from? The military uses the net extensively for communications.

      Beware of your sources. If they pull the plug on the net, they pull the plug on the economy.

    45. AZ Citizen Says:

      Liberman is ans has always been a Democrat…
      If it were not against the law I would tell you what you could do with our senators/congress idiots…
      Anyone that wishes they had not voted for 0Bama is also an A$$ H0le…
      If you had any brains; well forget that, you voted for 0Bama

    46. AZ Citizen Says:

      TO: incog99 Says:
      June 27th, 2010 at 8:33 am
      Wake up… Could happen…
      They can be selective on what is/isn’t shut down…
      You must be one of those free thinkers (Dem A$$) that can’t think…

    47. Baggie Says:

      Don’t worry – as AZ says you will be able to reach eBay and Amazon.

    48. LoachDriver Says:

      Thank Goodness Lieberman’s presidential campaign failed, he’s one of the worst, most aggressive, Communists in D.C.

      It’s evident that the political establishment deeply resents the free-wheeling give & take that flows through the web. They’re control freaks careeless of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution, which says in part, “Congress shall make no law abridiging free speech,” which exactly is what Lieberman & his gang are attempting to do, impose a law restricting free speech.

      This is clearly in direct violation of the 1st Amendment.

      To quote a friend, “I’m glad I have a basement full of ammunition.”

    49. otbros Says:

      If the Republicans are set to take control of congress, one of the things Obama can do is to neuter the power of congress by having them pass all kinds of bills giving him power without congressional oversight.

      In Venezuela, their congress gave Chavez so much power through congressional acts that it became a rubber stamp. Congress basically committed “suicide” as a branch of government, making Dear Leader all-powerful.

      The same thing will happen here before November.

    50. halonumber14 Says:

      aww its so cute that alex mentions his article on drudge, then drudge changes it so alex gets the red link, ahaha

    51. Randyrocker Says:

      This is a totally unholy act. This is a hateful, totalitarian, autocratic and dictatorial move against a technological, creative Industry and a people. This is everything against free enterprise and the world’s inventive spirit, that it could be co opted by a single political figurehead for abuse and misuse is totally an unforgivable act on the part of a government that no longer represents their role of protecting the public’s interests. Shameful and sad! Everyone who voted for this must be voted out of office with no exception.

    52. DangItAll Says:

      I see it coming a mile away. Obama will call for emergency procedures and shut down the internet 3 months and 29 days before the 2012 election because of a phony virus attack from a foreighn country.

    53. fisherisle Says:

      Everything American (and intended by the Founding Fathers when they created a Republic) is being co-opted by the current government. This has to be impeachable and considered treason.

    54. Gary S. Gevisser Says:

      When you have America’s most highly decorated active duty soldier, David Bellavia declaring
      “There is no chance of honesty if there is NO free press” followed by “When did they become corrupt?” you would know that the Commander In Chief Obama have been following along ever since.

      Why aren’t PEOPLE UP IN ARMS as it does not take much history to figure out this one.

      Check out

      Once getting your head around my huge credibility you will understand that the information is getting out.

      Few if any in the US Government haven’t heard of Mr. Bellavia who has been nominated for the Medal of Honor; and more importantly why he would share share his “findings” with me and not his corrupt “friends” in media like Glenn Beck.

      So ask yourself what the systemically corrupt US Congress plan on doing next.

      They also know that when you don’t have truth on your side and information is traveling at light speed then nor can you call on God for help.

      When you don’t have God-Truth-Logic at your side, you have nothing.

      Gary S. Gevisser

    55. John Ellis Says:

      This is a classic example of the Liberal, Social Progressive attempts to stifle our freedom. This further exemplifies the fact that “The King Has No Clothes” Our administration is filled with “empty suits” that wish to govern our nation in a thuggery manner.


    56. dubya Says:

      Wonder if this has anything to do with the information leaked by Manning to Wikipedia?

    57. Mothman777 Says:

      BILLO is right on!

      Just remember folks: the same parasites who tell you “we’re all the same inside,” “you must show tolerance,” and “diversity is our strength” have one of their men out front, JEW Joe Lieberman, pushing this hard.

      I’m sure WH Chief of Staff (and dual citizen with Israel) Rahm Emanuel loves this as well.

      “The Jews Are Our Misfortune”

    58. Mothman777 Says:

      I get so sick of reading comments comparing Obama to Hitler, and/or the US government to “Nazis.”

      Say what you will about Hitler and his party but at least they had the German people first and foremost in their minds with their policies. Not one politician in Washington has White Americans first and foremost in their minds.

    59. Mothman777 Says:


      John, please be realistic.

      If voting could change anything, they’d make it illegal.

      Do you think the media masters would let a real man break through? Be serious!

      Democracy is a sham!

    60. PaulMason Says:

      The Obama Administration has not made the case for WHY they want such dictatorial control of the internet for such a long period. It doesn’t pass the smell test.

    61. welldoneson Says:

      Wow the number of posters blaming Israel for [your fevered hallucination here] is staggering.
      Honestly, guys, you need to weed out the bozos. Speaking against Israel is like speaking for Islam. Yes it sure as hell is!

      nader paul kucinich gravel mckinney Reply:

      Bibi Likud
      Wall Street
      Art students
      9/11 snow job
      Chicken hawks
      Dancing Mossad
      Moving company
      Propaganda media
      DNC stealth neocons
      Anti-semitism accusers
      The chosen the superior
      2-3% of the US population
      Extortion blackmail bribery
      By deception ye shall wage war
      AIPAC’s Israel-first dual-nationals
      For profit NotFederal NoReserve scam

      ~ Words are plentiful deeds are precious

    62. dkin Says:

      i wish drudge would stop posting links that lead to these nuttjob websites!

    63. Mothman777 Says:

      I don’t speak just against Israel, I speak against JEWS, period.

      JEWS are the reason Black-on-White crime is ignored in the media.

      JEWS are the reason you can’t turn on your TV without seeing race-mixing glorified.

      JEWS are the reason our politicians are so corrupt (look at the donation stats if you don’t believe it)

      JEWS are always the perpetrators of the biggest financial crimes

      JEWS are the top spies against the US – some gratitude!

      Support of ISRAEL is the reason 9/11 happened – it had absolutely nothing to do with Muslim hatred of our “freedom and democracy.”

    64. musman10musman1958 Says:

      What we really need is a “Comprehensice” internet control bill that would place control of the internet under the auspices of a government agency. We need an internet Czar!

    65. ByteRider Says:

      Mothman777 — *sigh* stuck on stupid, as usual.

      You cannot shut sown the Internet. Period. This is why it is a NETWORK. It is able to WORK AROUND lost communication links. Ever heard of a router?!

      Okay, Obama shuts down all internet traffic from Russia– let’s say… the Russian servers simply route to another server in Europe which then routes to America.

      What moron… and I emphasize— MORON– thinks they can just “shut down” a part of the network? OMG, what lame idiots we have in office.

    66. Randyrocker Says:

      Bobby Fischer A Chess World Championship Grandmaster once was once quoted as saying, “Jews have an insatiable desire for other peoples property.” In historical terms he is quite right. The Jews control through ownership the media networks and organizations of the United States, they own the vast majority of Newspapers and Magazines, they literally control and own the Stock Market and most of the International and national Banks, they own the Israeli Lobby Group AIPAC and they nearly have full and complete control over the US government and the Supreme Court including the Presidential administration and its staff of advisors. They have a near complete control over all security and even hold key positions regarding the techno-communication industry. Based on the above, when an Israeli Prime Minister declares that the US is controlled by Israel, does anyone doubt it?
      Now either the Jews are industrious or so wedded to only hiring jews and keeping every other religion or race out of the running when it comes to opportunities in the corporate world, or they have only one aim and that is total control of their own and the clique that marks them apart from every one else, the chosen people as they say. Bobby Fischer isn’t so far wrong in his monumental pronouncements, but the Israeli Jewish owned and controlled press tried to destroy him for his remarks and treat him as a mad man an anti semite, and being Jewish himself, that was hard for them to do. Yet in some cases they even tried to say he was a Jew at all. They stripped him down and tried to make a fool of him, when at one time he was their undying Champion. So if they could do that to him, his being a Jew, what do you think they would do to you not being one, is a good question to ask yourself? As for cutting you off the internet, these same Jews that have an insatiable desire for other peoples property, would like to obtain for free, a full and complete control over the internet, so they can place a toll on its usage, forcing you to pay through the nose, for what was once yours for free. Bobby Fischer the World’s Greatest Chess Championship Grandmaster, if he were alive today, wouldn’t like that at all. Just saying! Now keep your Jewish grubby hands off of our internet, can you hear me Rahm Emanuel you little AIPAC White House ballet dancing Presidential advising jewish rat. Its too bad that Americans have fallen asleep so early in the game.

    67. zip Says:

      Obama is going crazy!

    68. Mothman777 Says:

      Notice how defenders of Hebrews like BYTERIDER never argue the facts – they just call people names. If I’m so “stupid” you should be able to debate me and win easily… right?

    69. Shadmin Says:

      It will take up to 4 months to locate and destroy or imprison any dissenters! That way the rest of the world won’t be able to see the brutal crackdown which is coming when the American people wake up and decide they don’t want to be a “bot” beholden to the Communist Libturds currently in control! First a propaganda campaign will hit the airwaves and will be supported by the Liberal mainstream media, expounding how dangerous the Tea Party group is and that it is really a domestic terrorist organization with ties to extremist militias as well as extreme right-wing hate groups (Evangelical Christians will also be considered a hate group at this time)! Then there will be a fake terrorist attack/disaster, orchestrated by the Libs and their masters to implicate the Tea Party/other groups of dissenters! Martial Law will then be declared in the wake of this “attack” and communication ie (the Internet) will be shutdown! Then the real scary stuff will begin! The Tea Party protesters and other visible dissenters will be the first to be crushed by Waco/Randy Weaver type assaults followed by a round up of anyone associated with these groups! Those who are not killed outright will be detained in concentration camps (also called detention centers)! The Constitution will also be suspended, there will be no elections at this time due to current events, the reason given would of course be stability of the government could be affected if elections were held as well as more attacks from the “domestic terrorists”! A de facto fascist/Communist type dictatorship will be installed with the “blue helmets” supporting the remnant of the military who have not defected and providing security for the “dictator”! All it would take for this or any similar scenario to take place is for the American people to do nothing rather than standing up and opposing this through force if necessary? “All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!”

    70. dWaRf mApLe Says:

      The time for Impeachment and removal from office by the Senate has come … Impeach this clown and his demented VP. All other action is useless.

      Barb Reply:

      I agree..this is a head on March toward Communism, censorship and more theft of our freedom. The entire governing body that stands behind these kinds of actions need to be trown out of office by impeachment or what ever other means are available to us as remedy.

      URBusted Reply:

      I’m afraid I have to pass on some very, very, very bad news to you. The Senate will not impeach this FOOL, they are of the same mind!!! There blind ambition is a total collapse of this system so they can all declare themselves the leaders in perpetuity!!!

    71. Jamanck Says:

      If he shuts it down the first “headline” you see when it’s back up will be…

    72. FreedomInData Says:


      gO aFTer ThE SENaTORs wOuN’t THAT bEsmartER?

    73. Alexander Graham Bell Says:

      Learn Morse Code

    74. Jofas Says:

      You will accept your new Communist Police State or you will be killed.

      If Obama has to bring in 75 million Chinese PLA soldiers to keep the status quo…he’s going to do it.

    75. HarryObrian Says:

      As noted, this is absurd, they can’t even come up with decent reasons anymore for their crap. We have to do something, anything to stop this madness or everyone will soon be living in Hitler’s Germany only the targets will be everyone and anyone who dissents.
      Liberals need to go, now.

    76. Santa Cruz Kid Says:

      Lieberman’s name, for me is Lie-ber-worm.

      The weak are the tyrants.

    77. Tamir66 Says:

      No president should have the power to control free speech. President Obama has the same personality profile of Chavez and a Hitler according to Dr. Ablow. Chavez has shut down the internet and press in Venezuela. As a student in history Obama will be the worst president in in the history of the United States. He believes in redistribution of wealth, government take over of industry, banking education, and health care. This is how dictators operate. Keep in mind that Castro, Chavez, Stalin, and Hitler did the same thing. We are fortunate that we have a strong constitution, strong military, and people who will vote him out. He is a risk to our national security in his reckless behavior of coddling Islamic countries who have a hate of US values and principles. Bowing before world leaders has shown weakness and Islamic terrorists will use that against the US. Giving this president the power to shut down the internet is dangerous for American citizens who believe in the values this country was founded up. If you believe that the founding fathers were better at governing and their values of free speech then tell your elected officials to vote against this bill.

    78. mrsharfer Says:

      Welcome back, Joseph Stalin! By the time 2012 rolls around our precious Constitution will have ceased to exist! Get the GOTUS, (Gangsta of the United States), out of office any way we can!!!!

    79. Tamir66 Says:

      For those that hate Jews and Israel you need to study history. It is sad that so many ignorant people are allowed to post on this site. I see hate when I read it. White supermacy eats at the principles of what our founding fathers wanted for this country. You may learn by reading history the country was founded on Christian and Jewish priciples. Your hatred of Jews only emboldens the Islamic terrorists who would cut your throats in a heartbeat. Not all banks, newpapers, business, etc are owned by Jews. Christians control the majority. Read history and stop running off at the mouth until you can carry on a civilized conversation. Hate is what will destroy this country.

    80. goodinky Says:

      Come gather ’round people
      Wherever you roam
      And admit that the waters
      Around you have grown
      And accept it that soon
      You’ll be drenched to the bone
      If your time to you
      Is worth savin’
      Then you better start swimmin’
      Or you’ll sink like a stone
      For the times they are a-changin’.

      Come writers and critics
      Who prophesize with your pen
      And keep your eyes wide
      The chance won’t come again
      And don’t speak too soon
      For the wheel’s still in spin
      And there’s no tellin’ who
      That it’s namin’
      For the loser now
      Will be later to win
      For the times they are a-changin’.

      Come senators, congressmen
      Please heed the call
      Don’t stand in the doorway
      Don’t block up the hall
      For he that gets hurt
      Will be he who has stalled
      There’s a battle outside
      And it is ragin’
      It’ll soon shake your windows
      And rattle your walls
      For the times they are a-changin’.

    81. washingtonswake Says:

      It seems like prime time for conservatives to start an undernet.

    82. berndtc Says:

      Is it just that most of you are too stupid to read or do you just lack the patience to do it? The President can ALREADY shut down the internet (Communications act of 1934) and all other forms of communication “IN TIMES OF WAR” for however long he/she wishes! This bill is LIMITING the time frame to 4 months. Do you understand the word LIMITING? Too bad this wasn’t suggested when AWOL IDIOT LIAR BOY GEORGE was in office, maybe they would have limited CARNIVORE or the centralized e-mail tapping set-up he put in place. Too little, and way too late.

      jncarlos007 Reply:

      Do you even know what you are talking about?
      Do you realize how many of you “enemy” bush’s policies your lord-master has “extended”?
      Are you totally stupid?
      When you die will your tombstone read “It’s bush’s fault”
      Are you that much of a mindless, moronic, libby sheepling tool?

      Shadmin Reply:

      Anything to justify your Master Obozo and by the way the Communications Act of 1934 did not address the internet and there was not a KILL SWITCH (so to speak) until now! Putting that kind of power into a tyrants hands and is also rumored to be an alcoholic as well is just plain stupid! Blame Bush for whatever you want but Bush is not the one with in office demanding the ability to shutdown one of the primary means of communication and commerce, Obozo and the Clown Posse are the Libturds who crave that power! The only ones stupid enough not to realize this are the horde of Obozobots chanting the name of their god Obozo! If the Obozo acolytes want a Commie dictatorship then I suggest grabbing your idol and moving the whole bunch of you to China! A perfect Commie Utopia awaits you!

    83. jncarlos007 Says:

      I just hope when they shut it down and I try to log on a pic of the lord-master pops up and says “NO NO NO!”

    84. Dalemu1944 Says:

      Talk about disaster, I don’t think anyone in the world fully comprehends what shutting down the internet would do, not only to communication but to industry as well. Banks would lose the ability to carry on transactions, most communication systems today (including telephone networks) rely heavily on the internet. Hospitals and power companies also rely on the internet for many functions. Transportation, shipping and airlines do most of their booking and other operations through the internet. Shutting down the internet would bring everything to a screeching halt. Orders for supplies to store would not get to their central offices… so stores would be without supplies, even if they did get their orders in the truckers and shippers would most likely not get their orders for pickup and delivery. Faxes are disappearing as e-mail takes over that dinosaur spot and many businesses no longer use them. Someone needs to seriously THINK about this before they sign that bill. If it passes it may go down in history as one of the biggest blunders ever.

    85. URBusted Says:

      Congratulations America!!! You are about to be legally made DEAF, DUMB and BLIND!!!

    86. kahoneez Says:

      CNN John King this little , complicit , pretending to be Journalist did a segment on the ” kill Switch ” by sending his clown “reporter” who only jokes around to interview people on street asking about Obama with power to shut down Internet , making a joke about it , ” worried about no porn on internet ” CRAP like that , a complete joke segment about this serious issue of FREEDOM on INTERNET .

      THEY ARE AFRAID of an INFORMED population , PETRIFIED !

      Bush Crime FAMILY PROBABLY HAD FITS over Prescott’s involvement with NAZI financiers story available on internet , all the documentaries about MENA , Jones Town , so it’s time for control of the internet bcs the complicit main stream media doesn’t have a monopoly on information anymore .

    87. notfastenough Says:

      After reading this article, is onyone out there hearing the strains of the “Horst Wessel” (Nazi Anthem) playing the background? If they can shut down the internet under the pretest of ‘National Security’ the Feds can do the same to the press and radio. Heil Obama..!!

    88. cptcosmo2001 Says:

      Treasonous politicians should have a kill switches installed in their medulla oblongatas.

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