
Jailer's Sultry Playboy Pics Have Employer Steaming

Updated: 6 hours 19 minutes ago
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Mara Gay

Mara Gay Contributor

(June 22) -- An Arkansas sheriff's office has put a female detention officer on administrative leave for posing nude on, saying her on-camera off-the-clock behavior is unbecoming of an officer of the law.

Jessie Lunderby is under review by the Washington County Sheriff's Office for posing as a "Cyber Girl of the Week" earlier this month, in a spread that features the 21-year-old blonde scantily clad in pink lingerie and, in some photos, entirely nude. But Lunderby, who has worked for the sheriff's office for almost three years, is standing by the photos.

"I'm happy with what I did," Lunderby told local news station KHOG.

Her bosses, however, are not.

"That's what we talk about, 'We're gonna do the right thing all the time,'" Maj. Rick Hoyt of the Washington County Sheriff's Office told local news station 40/29 TV. "And so it's pretty hard when you see a situation like this to think that this is the right thing."

Hoyt said he is particularly concerned that Lunderby's Playboy debut will undercut her authority at her day job, where she works closely with prisoners.

"On any given day she has to be hands on, or giving directions, taking requests from prisoners," he said.

The sheriff's office is working to determine whether Lunderby violated any department policies, such as a rule that bars "conduct unbecoming of an officer or employee of the department" and another that prohibits employees from working in the sex industry.

On her Playboy profile, Lunderby says she wants to "be an undercover cop or work for the drug task force." In an interview with 40/29 TV, she said she didn't think the photos would cause such a sensation.

"I just thought I was gonna do the pictures and continue with my life," she said.
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