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Name 名無し 10/06/14(月)01:31:59 No.81876 del
4. At 1:42pm on 13 Jun 2010, BluesBerry wrote: What good news for Japan! The little Hayabusa ("Falcon") is coming home. It will be the first spacecraft to return with raw material from an asteroid. The little Falcon has been battered - broken engines, disfunctional batteries – but home he comes to expire, to say good-bye and complete his assignment. He will burn up and be reborn - a "Phoenix" for Japan. Hayabusa has done well – landing on and lifting off Asteroid Itokawa. Picture, absorb the pinpoint landing on a revolving asteroid. The little Falcon left on Itokawa his metallic ball bearing the names of 880,000 people from 149 countries, among them US filmmaker Steven Spielberg and British science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke. Hayabusa is like life itself – life is intended to be used up, burned up with passion, and while burning up, the torch is passed to the next generation. おめでとう、日本 |