Vulnerability Report: Adobe Flash Player 10.x

This vulnerability report for Adobe Flash Player 10.x contains a complete overview of all Secunia advisories affecting it. You can use this vulnerability report to ensure that you are aware of all vulnerabilities, both patched and unpatched, affecting this product allowing you to take the necessary precautions.

If you have information about a new or an existing vulnerability in Adobe Flash Player 10.x then you are more than welcome to contact us.

Table of Contents

1. Product Summary Only

2. Secunia Advisory Statistics (All time)
2.1. Statistics for 2010
2.2. Statistics for 2009
2.3. Statistics for 2008
2.4. Statistics for 2007
2.5. Statistics for 2006
2.6. Statistics for 2005
2.7. Statistics for 2004
2.8. Statistics for 2003

3. List of Secunia Advisories (All time)
3.1. List for 2010
3.2. List for 2009
3.3. List for 2008
3.4. List for 2007
3.5. List for 2006
3.6. List for 2005
3.7. List for 2004
3.8. List for 2003

4. Send Feedback
Vendor, Links, and Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Vendor Adobe Systems

Product Link View Here (Link to external site)

Affected By 6 Secunia advisories
26 Vulnerabilities

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Unpatched 0% (0 of 6 Secunia advisories)

Most Critical Unpatched
There are no unpatched Secunia advisories affecting this product, when all vendor patches are applied..

Secunia Advisory Statistics (2010)

Statistics based on Secunia advisories released in 2010.

PLEASE NOTE: The statistics provided should NOT be used to compare the overall security of products against one another. It is IMPORTANT to understand what the below comments mean when using the statistics, especially when using the statistics to compare the vulnerability aspects of different products.

Secunia advisories often cover multiple vulnerabilities. Consequently, the number of advisories issued for a product does not always reflect the number of security issues that have been disclosed. For instance, in 2006 Secunia issued more than 5,000 advisories covering more than 9,000 vulnerabilities. This is counted AFTER removing duplicates generated by Linux distributions, issues in beta software, and what Secunia considers non-issues and fake issues that our competitors and other security vendors often write about.

It should also be noted that some operating systems (e.g. certain Linux distributions) bundle together a large number of software packages, and are therefore affected by vulnerabilities, which do not affect other operating systems (e.g. Microsoft Windows) that don't bundle together a similar amount of software packages.

Additionally, the number of unpatched vulnerabilities for a product may be affected by the fact that certain products (product bundles) consist mostly or solely of third party software (such as Linux distributions). Secunia tracks the number of issues fixed by the product vendor and not the issues reported in the third party software; this affects the statistics looking at unpatched issues A direct and fair comparison of unpatched issues for e.g. Microsoft Windows and Linux distributions is therefore NOT possible using the aggregated Secunia statistics. Such a comparison can only be made by tracking the upstream third party software included in Linux distributions and combining this with Linux distributions' own patches before comparing this with the aggregated statistics for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Factors such as vendor response times and ability to properly fix vulnerabilities should also be considered when comparing products. Writing 100% secure code is virtually impossible, hence the vendor's responsiveness, willingness, and ability to provide quality patches to all its customers in a fast a reliable way is at least as important as the sheer number of vulnerabilities when considering the security of a product.

Please read the text associated with each graph to interpret the graph correctly.

Month by Month
The "Month by Month" graph below shows the number of issued Secunia advisories affecting Adobe Flash Player 10.x on a month-by-month basis.

This can be used to see how many Secunia advisories are being reported in this product.

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Solution Status
The "Solution Status" pie graph below shows the percentages of "Unpatched", "Vendor Patched", "Vendor Workaround" and "Partial Fixed" Secunia advisories affecting Adobe Flash Player 10.x.

This can be used to get a quick overview of how many unresolved issues this product has.

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The "Criticality" pie graph below shows the percentages of "Extremely", "Highly", "Moderately", "Less", and "Not" critical Secunia advisories affecting Adobe Flash Player 10.x.

This can be used to get a quick overview of how severe the issued Secunia advisories that affect this product have been.

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The "Where" pie graph below shows the percentages of "From remote", "From local network", and "Local system" Secunia advisories affecting Adobe Flash Player 10.x.

This can be used to compare the attack vectors of the Secunia advisories that have been issued for this product.

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The "Impact" pie graph below shows the percentages of all Secunia Impact categories based on Secunia advisories affecting Adobe Flash Player 10.x.

This can be used to see if this product seems to have a problem with specific types of vulnerabilities.

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