The Imperial Sale Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art
31 May 2010
Hong Kong
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The shallow, rounded sides moulded as chrysanthemum petals rising from the foot ring with corresponding notches, covered overall with a lustrous white glaze
7 in. (17.7 cm.) diam.
清雍正 白釉菊瓣盤 雙圈雙行六字楷書款
盤敞口,盤壁呈菊花瓣狀,圈足。通體施白釉,足圈青花雙圈內書「大清雍正年製 」楷書款。
據《清檔‧雍正記事雜錄》記載,雍正十一年 (即1733年):「十二月二十七日,年希堯家人鄭天賜送來各式菊花式瓷盤 (內每色一件) 呈覽 。奉旨:着江西燒造瓷器處照此樣各色燒造四十件。」北京故宮博物院藏一套十二件(十二色)菊瓣盤無論造型及尺寸如出一轍,此器應為當時雍正帝親自授意御窰廠燒造的四十件內其中一件。
此器源自瑞典Carl Lempe私人珍藏,2008年6月12日於巴黎蘇富比拍賣,拍品85號。
The Carl Kempe Collection
Previosly sold at Sotheby's Paris, 12 June 2008, lot 85
Bo Gyllensvard, Chinese Ceramics in the Carl Kempe Collection, Stockholm, 1964, pl. 748
Chinese Ceramic Treasures, a Selection from the Ulricehamn East Asian Museum, Including The Carl Kempe Collection, The Museum of Art and Far Eastern Antiquities in Ulricehamn, Ulricehamn, 2002, p. 378, no. 939
Chrysanthemum-shaped dishes appear in a complete set of twelve colours, with the most notable set, all with Yongzheng marks, in the Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Monochrome Porcelain, The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 1999, pl. 257. Six are illustrated by Feng Xianming, Wenwu, 1984, p. 37, no. 10, where the author notes that a decree issued in the eleventh year of Yongzheng (corresponding to A. D. 1733) instructed Nian Xiyao, Minister of the Imperial Household, to send 'the twelve colours of chrysanthemum dishes, one of each colour, for the inspection of the permanent guardian of the treasury and chief eunuch Samuha'. The decree further mentions 'forty pieces to be fired of every type according to the samples'. As recorded by A. W. Hummel in Eminent Chinese of the Ch'ing Period, vol. I, pp. 588-590, Nian Xiyao was appointed as a minister of the Imperial Household in 1726, and between 1726-1735 he was in charge of the manufacture of porcelain as well as assuming the post of superintendant of customs at Huaian in Jiangsu province.
Several other white-glazed Yongzheng-marked chrysanthemum dishes are published, cf. another dish in the Kempe Collection, illustrated alongside the present dish in the Catalogue, no. 748; a dish from the Robert Chang collection sold at Christie's Hong Kong, Imperial Wares from the Robert Chang Collection, 2 November 1999, lot 502; and a single dish previously from the K. W. Woollcombe Boyce Collection, sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 24 May 1978, lot 185. A series of these dishes in five colours from the Lorant Goldschlager Collection were sold at Christie's London, 4 June 1973, lots 209 - 214 (lot 211 being a pair of white-glazed dishes).
It is interesting to compare Yongzheng period chrysanthemum dishes with those produced during the Qianlong reign, the latter have more smoothly rounded petals, considerably less pointed than those on Yongzheng period examples. For a single Qianlong-marked white-glazed chrysanthemum dish, see the example included in the Hong Kong Museum of Art exhibition, The Wonders of the Potter's Palette, Catalogue, 1984, no. 83.