The Imperial Sale Important Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art
31 May 2010
Hong Kong
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With thinly potted rounded sides rising to a flaring mouth rim, resting on an elegantly splayed stem foot decorated with eight simple florettes within double-line borders, the exterior of the bowl finely painted in bright tones to depict an Indian lotus scroll above overlapping triangular plantain leaves, the interior medallion painted with a single peony spray within double circles, the glaze with a soft blue tinge
6 15/16 in. (17.7 cm.) high, box
明成化 青花纏枝寶相花紋高足盌
此盌為佛供器,亦謂「馬上盃」或「靶 (盌) 」。其器形秀美,發色清晰明亮,紋飾佈局和諧舒展,為成化御窰之上品美器,尺寸特大非常少見。
此器為張宗憲之舊藏。著錄於1984出版A. du Boulay著《Christie's Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics》圖版4;1985年7月15日於倫敦佳士得 拍賣,拍品89號;1993年於倫敦佳士得展出,展品目錄第13號。
Property of a Distinguished Private Collector
Previously sold at Christie's London, 15 July 1981, lot 89
The Robert Chang Collection, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 1 November 2004, lot 829
A. du Boulay, Christie's Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics, 1984, p. 120, pl. 4
Christie's London, An Exhibition of Important Chinese Ceramics from the Robert Chang Collection, 1993, Catalogue, p. 42, no. 13
The design of scrolling lotus is well-known on 'palace bowls' of the Chenghua period, although as a decorative motif on a stembowl the present lot is unique. Compare the closely related painting style with two Chenghua-marked palace bowls, both included in the exhibition, A Legacy of Chenghua, Hong Kong, 1993, and illustrated in the Catalogue, p. 243, C77; and p. 245, C78. Both bowls are from the late Chenghua stratum, the first is decorated with a lotus scroll of large and small flowers growing from a single outlined stem, in a very similar style to the present stembowl; and the other bowl with lotus flowers joined to a stem depicted by double outlines.
Compare also the bowl with this design from the Alfred Clark Collection, illustrated by Messrs Spink & Son, Catalogue, 1974, no. 26; and the more stylised lotus flowers painted on a bowl from the Ardebil Shrine, illustrated by J. A. Pope, Chinese Porcelains from the Ardebil Shrine, pl. 64, no. 29.344.