70's ~ 80's old Jpop music vids
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日本にも、このようなおバカな「Oさん」が生息している事を私は 誇りに思います。
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My main account
Iam enritched through the process of knowing You(life)
Peace and Love
I personally feel that your english is quite good at your level given that english is not the first language in Japan. Should you ever come to Singapore for a vacation, i will try my best to assist you. ^_^
Our official and first language is english follow by mother tongue which is chinese for me.
I have to converse in english at work but when i'm with my friends i can converse in mandarin.
I'm brought up in a mandarin speaking environment so i feel more comfortable speaking mandarin.
However, i'm very weak in writing chinese as i hardly have the chance to practise it.
It's 11:40pm now. Time to sleep and prepare for work tomorrow. Good night Misuzu-san!
Hope tomorrow will be a great day for both of us. オ(・ェ・)ヤ(・ェ-)ス(-ェ・)ミ(-ェ-)。o○Zzz
It's sunny here in Singapore today. ^o^. I think '麦茶' is called wheat or barley
tea in english. Sorry i'm a little unsure. Oolong tea is too bitter for me so i hardly
drink it. I like barley drink too but green tea is still my favourite. (=∩_∩=)
Yes i understand kanji. There is no excuse not to understand chinese characters
after all i'm a chinese. Tomorrow will be my first day of work. I'm a little anxious of
the new challenges that awaits me tomorrow.
Most singaporeans are health conscious people. So you can expect them to be big fans of green tea. Our consumption for green tea is huge. That's why we have 3 or 4 different green tea
manufacturers here to meet the enormous demand. I'm happy to hear that your computer is fine coz i loved to watch your video uploads. :P I'm a big fan of your channel. XD
It rains a lot here recently but fortunately they are not torrential rain. Intermitten rain is what we encountered most of the time.
to enjoy sunshine. A partly cloudy, moderately hot and windy weather
would be perfect. Rainy days are a bit troublesome but it's still fine for me
so long as it's not a heavy downpour. I think melancholic people would like
rainy days more especially when they break off with their loved ones. :D
It's close to overweight. (*´ο`*) I think 20-22 is more ideal.
Looks like i have to trim down a bit. ^_^
Chocolate cakes are also one of my favourites but i
seldom eat them coz they are too fattening. I don't
want to look fat. Hehe! I like organic foods like tomatoes
and i drink a lot of green tea. \(^ ^)/
What! You have an ice cream of more than a year in your freezer?
Throw it away! The shelf-life is over. It's not like wine the longer
you keep the nicer it taste. Hahaha!
You always cook for your family? That's very caring and nice.
I think whoever marrys you will be the happiest person on earth.
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!
Is it a cake or an ice-cream? Hehehe!
I don't feel like going out coz it's raining heavily
now. Singapore's weather is eccentric.
One moment can be rainy and the next moment can
be sunny. You're right! It's kind of like a rainy season now
in Singapore. ^_^
I plan to read a book, the newspaper and watch "Naruto" later. (*^^*) フフ