
005 ~ ☆

H E L L O ! 音譜

Yay, today it was sunny and warm (‐^▽^‐)
I woke up at 11 a.m. hahaha リボン


Hm, I'm strange : D
Yesterday my weight it was 50kg. (Please, don't laugh ;O;)
Today I weigh 46kg. ( ̄へ  ̄ 凸
It's really strange, but I happy that I'm not heavy : DDDD'


I recorded video today.

And someone said that I'm copying Kozue Aikawa and I can't be myself.
I wanted to cry, because I don't copy Kozue. I don't know why he said this.
Many people dance Hello!Project's dance ;__; He is stupid. I hate people, really ~


リボン http://www.formspring.me/nessunyan リボン



1 ■Excellent dance!

I saw your new video (FOREVER LOVE) and liked it very much.

I can tell that your dancing style is original, and I admire it.
Your dances are natural, smooth, and very elegant.
Quite different from and superior to other dancers' on the net.

Please don't be stressed by someone's inconsiderate comment.
Many people including myself love you, and I hope you like us, too.

Good luck and be happy. (^_^)v

2 ■無題

Eat well and exercise,stay healthy:-)

I think the man was stupid. but, Kozue worth respecting as a dancer because she is very pioneer.
You are the one worth respecting,too. The man is stupid. But you dont have to feel irritated about it. Take it easy and keep on good job:D

3 ■無題

Hello nesszumi~☆

Your Dance 「VERY GOOD!!」


This is GOOD Dance



4 ■無題

Huh, jak jest 50kg ciężkie na taka wysokość? @___@
Zdrowe wagi nie muszą być grube....może 60+kg są, ale nie 50....
Nie musieć być taka niedowaga żeby wyglądać chudą. 8|

Ale cokolwiek....ładne taniec~~~

5 ■Congratulatins!

I think it was wrong weight scale but congratulatins!


