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NamelessTheGonbei さんのチャンネル
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3 時間前
NamelessTheGonbei さんが動画をお気に入りに追加しました (4 日前)
バンクーバー 女子・フリー直前公式練習 浅田真央
NamelessTheGonbei さんが動画をお気に入りに追加しました (4 日前)
浅田選手の配点の低さに驚く、海外のフィギュア解説者   続き
NamelessTheGonbei さんが動画をお気に入りに追加しました (4 日前)

http://www.univer...   続き
NamelessTheGonbei さんが動画をお気に入りに追加しました (6 日前)
NamelessTheGonbei さんが動画をお気に入りに追加しました (6 日前)
作詞・曲 桑田佳祐さん
チャンネルのコメント (7)
Sarah01181225 (55 分前)
Gonbei, NOBODY deletes their comments because they are upset about you. YOU ARE NOTHING to us. Don't fall into your own FANTASY. LOL
Sarah01181225 (56 分前)
Continue to Save My comments as well as Other Asian Viewers' comments because THEY ARE NOTHING BUT TRUTH YOU CANNOT AVOID. KEEP THEM UP. At first, I thought you are pathetic and pyscho but now I feel really SORRY for you. My sympathy to you and RIGHT WING GROUP OF PEOPLE WHO DENY JAPAN'S ARTROCITIES AND WAR CRIMES.
Sarah01181225 (58 分前)
Gonbei, to you, ALL Asians are RACIST & LIAR because they claim JAPANESE ARE WRONG. To us, YOU are RACIST & LIAR because you claim Japan did NOT commit any war crimes INCLUDING comfort women who got raped by your ancestors.
The truth is right here, the truth is out there, YOU and the rest of Japanese in Ytube are the only people who are isolated from the Truth. I feel really sorry for you.
NamelessTheGonbei (2 時間前)
Profile of Sarah01181225
Profile of Sarah4SK4ever

If you are interested in the mental illness of Sarah, send me PM. I can give you some of them as snapshot.
After I had cited several her racist comments, she was upset and deleted them. Sorry, it was too late :-p
NamelessTheGonbei (2 時間前)
Sarah claims that she is a victim of racist Japanese. It's also a lie, cause she starts very often racist rows.
Sarah is simply racist and ultra-nationalist. She attacks Japanese mainly, but her racism isn't directed only toward Japanese. This is the typical comments of Sarah01181225 and Sarah4SK4ever.
"Fuck you swiss bitch. You and your niggers friend fat bitch Oprah and slut whore Trya can fuck themselves. If they have nothing better to do they can just choke on their fried chicken. Nasty ass niggers slave to yankee. You jealous of Koreans because we have the strongest economy and when we join with the north we are gonna nuke fuck shit dog face japenis back to hell. hahahahah"

If the comment is deleted by Sarah, check this snapshot
NamelessTheGonbei (2 時間前)
Hi, Sarah, Ms. racist liar. You criticize me as racist and liar so I told you to show my racist remarks and lies. But you've never shown them. So you are a liar, not me :-)
And you sometimes deny that you're racist. It's also a lie. Actually when you see critiques on you/Korea/Korean, you can't overcome the temptation to abuse racist words.
Sarah01181225 (1日前)
Your father's father RAPED All Asian young girls called comfort women, over 200,000, Ms, Liar.
Please continue to save ALL of our Koreans viewers' comments as they are nothing but TRUTH that you will never heard of in your sinking island.
What a bunch of assholes that your lying gov't deceive young woman like you, I feel sooooooooo sorry for you. Continue to believe in lies, Ms RIGHT WING MISSY who is paid by gov't, by the way. What a messed up life you will be living under the clouds of lies. Tsk tsk tsk