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  • Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group

    Jaish-e-Muhammad founded by CIA-MI6 asset who bankrolled 9/11 hijackers

    Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA Controlled Terror Group 060510top

    Paul Joseph Watson
    Thursday, May 6, 2010

    A man arrested in Pakistan in connection with the Times Square car bombing attempt who had traveled with accused bomber Faisal Shahzad is a member of a terrorist organization that is controlled by British MI6 and the CIA.

    Sheik Mohammed Rehan, who was arrested on Tuesday in Karachi, “Allegedly drove with Shahzad from Karachi to Peshawar on July 7, 2009, in a pickup truck, authorities said. They returned to Karachi July 22. It is not known why they went to Peshawar and whether they met with anyone there,” reports the L.A. Times.

    Rehan is a member of the militant group Jaish-e-Muhammad, a terrorist organization that came to prominence in the mid-1990’s and has been involved in attacks in the disputed Kashmir border region between India and Pakistan. The group also helped carry out the December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament which brought India and Pakistan to the brink of nuclear war, tensions that proved very lucrative for British and American arms manufacturers who sold weapons to both sides.

    “The December 2001 terrorist attacks on the Indian parliament — which contributed to pushing India and Pakistan to the brink of war — were conducted by two Pakistan-based rebel groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Muhammad, both of which are covertly supported by Pakistan’s ISI,” writes Michel Chossudovsky. “Needless to say, these ISI-supported terrorist attacks serve the geopolitical interests of the US. They not only contribute to weakening and fracturing the Indian Union, they also create conditions which favor the outbreak of a regional war between Pakistan and India.”

    Jaish-e-Muhammad, the group now emerging in connection with the Times Square incident, was founded by Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, the 9/11 bagman who delivered $100,000 from the United Arab Emirates to Mohammed Atta at the behest of General Mahmud Ahmed, then head of the ISI. Mahmud Ahmed, the man who ordered Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh to bankroll the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, was meeting with Republican Congressman Porter Goss and Democratic Senator Bob Graham in Washington DC on the morning of 9/11. In the days before and after the attack, Ahmed also met with CIA Head George Tenet as well as current Vice-President Joe Biden, then Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

    In a report on Jaish-e-Muhammad’s involvement in the murder of Daniel Pearl, who was investigating the ISI, the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reported that the Pakistani government, “Believe that Saeed Sheikh’s power comes not from the ISI, but from his connections with our own CIA.”


    Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA Controlled Terror Group 150410banner1

    Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf also alleged that Sheikh was recruited by MI6 while studying in London for the effort to destabilize Bosnia. During the 1992-1995 Bosnia conflict, the CIA helped Osama Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda to train and arm Bosnian Muslims.

    In 2002, the London Times reported that Sheikh “is no ordinary terrorist but a man who has connections that reach high into Pakistan’s military and intelligence elite and into the innermost circles of Osama Bin Laden and the al-Qaeda organization.”

    Despite Sheikh’s intimate involvement in numerous acts of terror as well as political kidnappings, including the 2008 Mumbai massacre, he was protected by both the CIA and British intelligence at every turn.

    To recap, this is the man who founded the group now emerging in connection with the botched Times Square bombing – a CIA and MI6 asset.

    “Experts believe Jaish-e-Muhammad still benefits from links with Pakistan’s powerful government intelligence community. Some experts believe Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency facilitated the group’s formation,” states yesterday’s L.A. Times article.

    As the vast majority of geopolitical analysts concur, the Pakistani ISI is virtually nothing more than a CIA outpost. The ISI does nothing without the Agency giving its approval. The CIA has paid millions of dollars to the ISI since 9/11, accounting for no less than a third of the ISI’s entire budget, despite the foreign spy agency’s notorious history of funding and arming terrorist groups like Jaish-e-Muhammad and despite the fact that it bankrolled the 9/11 hijackers.

    Since the CIA has its fingerprints all over almost every Middle Eastern terror group, it’s unsurprising that an Agency connection to the Times Square bomber has come to light. We’ve never come across a terrorist who wasn’t trained, equipped, radicalized, entrapped, or provocateured by a western intelligence agency or a terror group controlled by a western intelligence agency.

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    33 Responses to “Times Square Bomber Linked With CIA-Controlled Terror Group”

    1. Vic Says:

      The good people of this planet can see the evil deceptive game CIA operatives are capable of doing. This is why so many dought 9/11 explanations. People are not dumb, just slow to realize what is the truth. But as intuition within is mastered the criminals behind war and terror will loose all credibility and with this will come the downfall of the evil ones now in control temporarelly of course

      airborne Reply:

      Would not really call this news , in that everything that is going on these days is being directed by government/s somewhere !

    2. Ellis Says:

      Have to admit that the story of his old man coming from the gutter of a dusty little village to the dizzy heights of the air force took some believing.

    3. Philippe Says:

      Just confirming why we call the CIA Al-CIADA.

    4. Vic Says:

      Building a credible reputation takes time folks but it is so easy to destroy it even if it is a lie.
      Government just has to make up a false terrorists and put him on the list and people already condem the guy without even knowing the truth. Mainstream television says it so it must be true right??? well this is how these criminals work. They devide and conquer by lying publicly
      just like with 9/11 and the H1N1 criminal scam.

      Folks theoretically the poor people would have reason to rebel but terrorism isn’t created by them but by the rich corporations backed by military forces like black water,CIA corruption operatives.They have the money to create wars and terror, think about it.

      Yes their ways of creating this madness finishes by creating self defense terrorism by the victims of all this madness. This is how they devide and conquer. Only the good people can stop this by ending this abuse. Stop listening to mainstream media.Get rid of the weapons they use. This will send out a powerful message to the ruling abusers that the game is over.

      Vic Reply:

      Those who rebel and choose to do terrorist acts will not take it on the innocent people never forget that. Those who kill the innocent are the true terorists:

      Bush father and son ordered the murders of over 1 million Iraq innocent people men woman and many children. How would you react if your family members were the vistims of such madness.

      The creator asks of us to forgive and to choose to live in Love and Peace energies and this is where WE the many must focus on doing.

      Why do you think the economy is going down? Some believe it is because the NWO wants to take over but duality being the reality on this planet there is another plan in action right now and that is taking down the illuminati rulers and the first phase to the plan is taking away the money that give them so much power. This is why we are witnessing the world wide crash. It will be temporary needing a recovery period but the many must realize how important is will be to Unite in Oneness and not fall in the trap of anarchy and evil doing. This will be a time to help each other out, show compassion for others.Love and Peace can only survive in this energy. TIME to kick the evil ones off this planet. And uniting energies of LOve and peaceful emotions is the energy that will defeat the evil violent ones.

      STARMAN Reply:



      Rick Waypoint Reply:

      No agenda necessary for the world’s financial system collapse. It’s simple:

      Talentless people taking what they can’t get through ability that are part of a system that had sufficient influence to reduce loan requirements, i.e, people in positions to do this. Thus, loans were authorised to such people. They also had to authorise loans for everyone else so that no one would question why some were getting loans whereas others weren’t. All these people couldn’t pay back the loans and, thus, the world’s financial system collapses.

      Why an Agenda? Talentless people as part of a system with sufficient influence to do this is all that’s required.

      secretcontrol (dot) byethost33 (dot) com

      Philippe Reply:

      You have part of it backwards Waypoint, the reaosn so many couldn’t pay back these loans is because it collapsed, not vice versa. When they got the loans, they had decent jobs and credit. When your job moves overseas or your company downsizes in a crappy hiring environment (which is what we all are witnessing daily) then the collapse is the illness, not the symptom.

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      So! We’re saying that the banksters are simply wasting their time and money, writing up and codifying all these plans, as well as hiring all those lobbyists for their cause???

      Gee! I wish it were all that simple! However, “reality just sucks because we are all losers that no one needs any agenda”???

      Whatever, dude! Whatever!

    5. dlazer11 Says:

      Interestingly, Savage said last night that he was starting to think Shahzad might be a “double-agent”

      “There must be a core of True Spirit in any culture for it to survive”

    6. knox Says:

      All this debating, it amuses me. If big bad brother is so terrible then vote for another candidate at all the levels of government. If one feels that voting will do nothing to change america then yes, one may find themselves in a ‘horns of a delima’. If one chooses to do nothing then please just forget reading these types of web pages because they r no better than msnbc and fox. If one chooses to do something about it please let me know when u morons will pick up a weapon because the military and cia etc etc can only take so much horseplay before they get down to the business of killing. As for me I await knox.

      Philippe Reply:

      Well if good ol’ boys like you had upheld your oath to the Constitution instead if urinating all over it and beating your chest to the tune of Lee Greenwood’s God Bless The USA, we wouldn’t need to pick up weapons or hope for third party candidates to come along. You look at us as the problem; in reality it is people like you who apologize for Leviathan that are the enablers. Your inane attitude of indifference only proves your ignorance, not your strength (unless you perceive ignorance as a strength, which is a distinct possibility being a military man).

      You don’t impress me at all. You’re just going to end up as an improvised sand bag when the rioting and fighting begins because of your inability to accept reality. Your former bosses still look at you as a potential threat, so if patriots don’t get you, your former bosses surely will. So keep smiling jackass, we’ll see who is on the right side in the end.

      knox Reply:

      Lmao philippe yep I have enemies on all sides which tends to allow one to set the front sites on anyone quicker than others. Also I did resign from the mustang ranks in protest and lastly once it comes I will get some good shots in before I get jfked. So I am still smiling and will continue to. Ur so cute.

      Rusty S Reply:

      Naw…you are just a filthy little troll who hangs out in rest areas after hours.

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      Leave Leviathan out of it!!!

      All that is, is just selfish, greedy, mendacious people wanting to control everything! That’s the EGO’s game, not any external influences.

      As far as “Knox-blox” is concerned, he/she/it is just a fool who knows NOT what he/she/it is talking about! ( Sounds like an ignoramus ‘troll’ to me! )

      As far as YOUR comment ( “Philippe” ) about “military men”, in general, you aren’t saying much, unless you’ve “been there” yourself!!! Most of the folks entering the military don’t learn much about the Constitution these days until AFTER they’ve been in! And so fore, usually have just graduated high school and are still fairly young! So they will not necessarily know exactly what’s right and proper from what’s not!!!

      Do your research first, before piping off like another ignoramus!!!

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      Again, as for you, “Knox”:

      The Big Bad Brother comment??? Spoken like a true SLAVE!!!

    7. baldy Says:

      Knox you don’t need a gun to change the system. One just has to look at Greece right now. You need a mass protest that the media can’t down play. If you are the biggest story they will have to cover it. I’m not saying burn people in a bank just burn down the bank. Chase banks is a good place to start then maybe the Fed. Who knows maybe Greece will be the fuel that starts the fire… that changes the world! I’m just kidding about burning down the banks or am I?!!!

    8. knox Says:

      Lmao at not needing a weapon to change the system. That is certainly debateable but once the system is changed for good or ill one is going to find it hard to make me believe weapons r not needed. Now as for the mind being a weapon, sure, but the majority of the human race uses less than 15% of their powerful brain and revert back to weapons. So even though I strive to learn the mind’s power, having an m9a1 and m16a2 handy is the best way to protect my family from violent protesters. As throughout history the victors write their own history.

      expresadvisor Reply:

      Especially after the illegal immigrants “Publicly” threaten to use pick axes on American citizens. (That includes your Mom and Grandmother.)

      For those who will not protect themselves against the government, will you protect yourself against rioting illegals?

      THE LAST STAND Reply:

      You are 100% right about that.
      Do you still want to exch. e- mail. I have an easy way to do it.
      I will monitor this forum until 10:00 P.M. e.s.t.

      Rusty S Reply:

      So, you have a class III ffl? Tell me about it troll. What did you pay for the TT on the A2?

      THE LAST STAND Reply:

      What is an m9a1 “”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”"”
      Thanks in advance; LAST

      THE LAST STAND Reply:

      I think it is a 9 m.m. auto? not sure, in my day we had 45s
      getting old is a bitch!

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      @ “Knox”:

      I’d sure like to know how it is that you can publicly flaunt that you have controlled, military-grade weapons???

      Besides that, an M16A2 ( that is, the COLT FIREARMS brand ) is a royal piece of crap!!! Take it from someone who has carried and fired several different military weapons when he was on active duty!!! The damn thing likes to lock up and “double-feed” after so many rounds and doesn’t do at all well in dirty environments! I’d rather deal with the old M-60 and a healthy supply of 7.62mm (NATO) rounds. The kill ratio is much better, doesn’t mind if it gets muddy, and you can even use it to cut through brush and thickets of saplings!

      The M9A1 won’t hold a candle to a good .45 Cal or a good .44 Mag. (mm rounds just don’t have the “stopping power” – especially against doped-up folks like all those C.I.A. mind-control slaves who have been activated! I still think it was a sad mistake for our military to issue 9mm pistols in place of the good’ol .45’s. Your .45’s have better range and kill-ratios! Plus, they can shoot through some sheet metal that would easily stop most 9mm rounds!

      ” C’est la Vie! “

    9. glock Says:

      whatever is happening in greece is just the begining if the united states was not in contol of the printing of money they would be in the same situation, once upon a time up to 1972 the states had to have gold in reserve to print money, now they print as they need. once everyone realizes this which is not hard to figure out, look at how many states right now are close to bankruptcy,and that because they dont print money the fed prints it. if we ran our households the way the govt spends without fiscal responsibilities we would have our power
      cut our phone cut our car seized and finally evicted from the home. Assuming now that i had contol of a printing press and the money was real(fed reserve) pretty hard to get caught since no one is there to audit them.

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      And, unfortunately, no one will audit the ‘fed’-gangsters! Or at least survive long enough to “make it happen”!

    10. BornAgainst Says:

      No…. It can’t be….

    11. jman4 Says:

      About the only thing Faisal Shahzad missed in making his kindergarten bomb was a box of Crayola crayons. How can anyone take this guy seriously? Its obvious its all an excuse to roll out cameras all over New York on every street corner to get the next big boogie man with about as much common sense as a 5th grader.

      Dragon's Eye Reply:

      The sad thing is, the globalist cartel know they are getting away with it! They truly believe that we, the ‘un-washed’ are too stupid to see the reality. That’s why we see the dumbasses being the ones that get caught. It’s because the globalists see us all as a bunch of dumbasses!

      Talk about insulting the intellect of all of the world’s people; they simply have enough public examples to keep that image going!

      It’s all justification for more controls upon the people! After all, that’s also in the “end game”, isn’t it???

    12. patriot777christian Says:



    13. Brown Coat Says:

      I find it very interesting that the guy that dropped a ammo can bomb in front of the army recruiting center in times square has all but been forgotten (they still do not know who did that one). Yet an absurdly, amateurish bomb that any kid with an imagination (examples are on youtube) could, and have surpassed in effectiveness is hyped to the ends of the earth…. They are even bragging that he was trained in bomb making. If that bomb was the best the training could produce we can all sleep soundly. I don’t believe it was a “Terror” attack by those claimed by the mass media and even if it was… So what? You cower in a hole they win.

    14. jhonsadins Says:

      Also had to authorize borrowing for everyone else so no one wonders why some people get loans, while others do not. The creator asks us to forgive and choose to live in love and the energies of peace and that is where we should focus on driving a lot.

      memory stick

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