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It's time for post-Golden Week weekend. - 24 (Koenji)

Date: 2010-05-07, 11:34PM JST

Yeah, my ad was flagged, wtf craigslist people?

Anyways, I'll forgive you, this time... but watch your back.

I'm from California, I'm 24 years old, I'm tall in Japan (normal back in America, 5'11" or 180cm if you're counting). I have blondish hair, some say it's strawberry blond, I'm muscular, and I have NASA-grade mirrors for eyes. I put a lie in that last sentence, try to find it!

Lemme see, now is the part where I share my interests, right? Well... I like movies a lot, I watch tons of them and I used to work on them back in California. I also like exploring cool towns or neighborhoods and stuff. I recently joined a gym in Nakano to valiantly reclaim my bicep veins. I also like traveling a lot. In the summer I usually jet off to some place hotter than Japan and exponentially more dangerous and attempt to evade death by terrorists (so far, I've been very successful!) to find and bring back exotic jewelry and statues and antiques. Think about this: have you ever seen Indiana Jones and I in the same room at the same time? Hmm, something to think about... something, indeed.

There's plenty more to learn about me. In the last ad I used the example of my shooting of Robin Williams with paintballs and of my superior masseuse abilities, but this time I'll have to use something else.... hmmm. OK, I got it! How about this: one time I rode a motorcycle off a cliff by accident and one time I actually captained a real live pirate ship for an entire day... that really happened... no, seriously, it did. I have pictures.

I've included 2 pictures of myself, I'd appreciate one or two of you, too.

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PostingID: 1728910067