Research and Workshop: The International Comfort Women Meetings in Osaka-Nagoya-Tokyo, on November 28-30, 2009
These meetings were organized by “Jugun Ianfu Solidarity Network Indonesia” in Tokyo; Asia, Afrika and Latin America Solidarity Commitee (AALA)-Osaka; Japan Women Aichi Assosiation; and Violence against Women in War-Network Japan (VAWW Net Japan). These meetings were attended by former comfort women from Indonesia, named “Suhartinah”, who demand peace and justice, and researcher from many countries, such as, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and event the House of Representatives members of Japan.
The former “comfort women” are mainly from Asian countries and were forced into sexual servitude to the Japanese Army during the Pacific War. This crime has been ignored by the government of Japan for more than 60 years, and most of the former comfort women still life under human rights standart and in the cycle of violence; directly; structurally; and culturally.
Related to Peace and Conflict Resolution, Japanese military should take an action in the stage of Peace Building process.
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