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  • BP using toxic chemicals to ‘disperse’ spilled oil

    May 2, 2010

    Related: Chemical that drags oil to ocean floor being mass produced in Sugarland, Texas

    The chemicals BP is now relying on to break up the steady flow of leaking oil from deep below the Gulf of Mexico could create a new set of environmental problems.

    Even if the materials, called dispersants, are effective, BP has already bought up more than a third of the world’s supply. If the leak from 5,000 feet beneath the surface continues for weeks, or months, that stockpile could run out.

    On Thursday BP began using the chemical compounds to dissolve the crude oil, both on the surface and deep below, deploying an estimated 100,000 gallons. Dispersing the oil is considered one of the best ways to protect birds and keep the slick from making landfall. But the dispersants contain harmful toxins of their own and can concentrate leftover oil toxins in the water, where they can kill fish and migrate great distances.

    The exact makeup of the dispersants is kept secret under competitive trade laws, but a worker safety sheet for one product, called Corexit, says it includes 2-butoxyethanol, a compound associated with headaches, vomiting and reproductive problems at high doses.

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    9 Responses to “BP using toxic chemicals to ‘disperse’ spilled oil”

    1. patriot777christian Says:

      Not as if the oil itself is bad and going to leave a lasting effect on the our coast line for decades to come,but lets drop some chemicals on the disaster.O.K why don’t we just Go to a dinner and tell jokes and receive our checks from the lobbyist that tell us exactly what to do! What a time to laugh and joke right Obama?Our country is in financial ruin,there is a quarter of million gallons of oil flowing into our ocean everyday,and the unemployment rate has gone out of control. BUT who CARES? certainly not our commander and chief he is too busy putting on shows and hiring fools to entertain the sheeple why everyone at the dinner gets their check for being good little reporters.
      I have to say President You put on one heck of a show,This right here should tell the American People what a little snake in the grass we are dealing with.THIS MAN IS LAUGHING AND JOKING WHILE OUR COUNTRY IS FAILING!

      storky Reply:


      Let’s see, so over the course of a less than a month we’ve had two coal mining disasters and an oil drilling disaster. All we need is a nuclear power accident to achieve the hat-trick of perilous 20th century energy policy.

      I can’t think of any reason not to continue on this path of energy production. Can You?

    2. Vic Says:

      Listen if this is true, it is time to bring the criminals to justice.
      The tylenol and Motrin crime concerning the children medecine is another picture that prooves this is not a coincidence. Just like the H1N1 scam crime BIG PHARMA have there handsfull in this crime agains’t humanity.And what is happening? nothing.

      We are like sheep docile sheeps accepting a slow death. Well time to show Big PHARMA the game is over.

      We must realise those who are trying to wake the people up are not criminals but on GOODNESS side. and why is government trying to paint the patriots as the evil ones???

      That is the only mind game they have left to abuse of us.So WE THE MANY MUST NOT FALL IN THAT PROPAGANDA” think about it Hittler did it with the german population back in the 1930’s. He made them believe his abusive dream and people all endorsed a creepy plan.

      Lets hope we in North america USA’CANADA can see this right now. The abusers are in deep trouble and there sytem is being taken down and they know it.

      example: to this day,the abusers have kept the lid on technologies that could free our world,
      and te patent org is the arm of the abusers. But the future holds good news for the many.
      They cannot stop us all from creating the technologies that will free us fro the corrupt health system that keep us from cures to cancer,aids and more.

      We the many will get this out to the rest and who cares about the patent criminal cabal.
      They have finished ruling us the many.

      Hemp is good for the health and the criminals know it this is why the drug cartel are multi rich .

      No they know there time is just about up and this is why they are creating so much chaos everywhere on this planet. Many of us will die in this paraniod psychopathical criminal minds.

      The military men and women must wake up also they are about to be used and abused in killing innocent people. a world genocide.
      It is time to arrest the world leaders before they kill us all with there abuse.

      Time of the end game is close very clsoe folks. You all,know within what is right and what is wrong. The military in Vietnam, iraq and all the wars know the harm they did to those innocent ones. No patriotic value of defending my country has anything to do with the killing, the genocide imposed on so many innocent people.

    3. kenn Says:

      Sooooo, we stop drilling, stop driving, stop ipading, stop cell phoning, stop building, stop flying, stop eating, stop heating, stop cooling, stop stop stop!

      Yep, that would definitely move up the end times schedule. Course that might be a good thing considering all humans are evil and a direct threat to Gaia.

    4. expresadvisor Says:

      Why not use TOXIC chemicals on our seas, They are already spraying them into the air?

    5. S.O.S. Says:

      Typical !!!…….. just sweep it under the rug, after all if no-one can see it, it mustn’t be there and besides when things start washing up dead on the beaches they can just lumber it under “man made global warmimg” and blame “US” for being so selfish as to want to live and breathe.

      expresadvisor Reply:

      I have never feared anything in my life S.O.S., This scares me.

      All of those peoples and cultures that depend on the sea for survival.

      Who are going to let their kids play at the seashore knowing that there are toxic chemicals in it?

      When the Ultraviolet rays interact with these chemicals, will they evaporate and become a part of the air we breathe?

      Much suffering will result from the NWO’s destruction of our seas.

      S.O.S. Reply:

      Yes I know and who knows what other crap they’ve been dumping in the sea, probably for years now. Makes me wonder about all these whales/dolphins that beach themselves., plus the decline of fish numbers, easy to blame it on “over fishing” but seems fishy to me (lol excuse the pun, but I couldn’t resist that one)

      expresadvisor Reply:

      Yea, and those people who depend on the fish to survive will eat it anyways even knowing that it is full of poison.

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