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The VISION of Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) is that one day all farms will be humane and healthy places to raise food animals.

The MISSION of Food Animal Concerns Trust (FACT) is to improve the welfare of food producing animals. We seek to broaden opportunities for humane farmers, and address the public health problems that come from the production of meat, milk, and eggs.

After a successful launch late last year, FACT looks forward to growing our new humane education project in 2010.  Our original workshop, The Awesome Adventures of Sweet Pea the Pig!, has been a big success.  FACT is now set to launch the next installment in our humane education series, The Egg-cellent Adventures of Rhoda the Hen!

On Tuesday, May 11 from 4:00pm - 4:45pm FACT staff members will be presenting the Sweet Pea workshop at Namaskar Yoga Studio (3946 N. Southport).  The following week, May 18, join Rhoda Red the Hen as she goes on her own journey to find out the truth about factory farming.

Read about FACT's Filthy Feed Campaign in the Los Angeles Times.

DOWNRIGHT SCARY! COWS FED CHICKEN FECES, RECYCLED COW REMAINS. FACT and Consumers Union, the nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports, filed a grassroots petition signed by more than 37,000 individual consumers with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) opposing the use of poultry litter as cattle feed. Check out the news release!

Don't Let Cows Eat Poop! FACT launched our Filthy Feed Campaign by petitioning the FDA to ban chicken manure as feed. Sign a letter to the FDA, check out our news release and read the petition!

FACT has joined Facebook! Are you interested in interacting with people who care about animal welfare and public health? Now is your chance. FACT recently started a Facebook group where people can join our discussion board, get up-to- date news and learn about upcoming events. Join a community committed to making farms healthy and humane places to raise animals. Click here to become a member of today and invite others to join as well!

Keep Antibiotics Working

Urge Congress to pass legislation that will keep   antibiotics working.



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