Lowering your basement can be done by either underpinning or bench footing. in order to reach maximum height allowed to lower your basement it is determined by:

• At which height the main drain enters home (in other words if you want to dig lower than the main drain you will require a sewage ejector which takes all water and sewage below main drain and ejects it out.

• The Thickness of foundation wall and the measurement is from finished grade to new finish inside floor slab.

Lowering your basement will be done in the A,B,C method what this means is first we dig out all the A's maximum 4 feet wide, we then form and pour concrete 25 mpa. After that stage we will install 2” inches of dry pack grout. We then go on to do B, and C in the same procedure. All stages are inspected by city Inspectors. This is for the underpinning method.

Bench footing is done in the 1 to 1 ratio for every 1 foot down you must go out 1 foot. We then go on to install 3” inches of 3/4 inch gravel with weeping tile around perimeter of basement which is terminated to sum pump pit. The pit has a pump which pumps out natural earth water out to side or back of home. The next step is to pour 4” inches of concrete for the slab.

Some people install or at the least rough in radiant heat plastic tubes in order heat the floors, either at the present time or the future (this is optional). Also you can install 1 inch of solid STYRAFOAM UNDER CONCRETE before pouring for insulation purposes.

For beam replacement if there are brick columns, we can remove them and replace them with steel columns. We also can change the old beams with new metal I beams.


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