Letter from the CEO

April 2010

To Business, Home Office and Home Users of McAfee Products:

As many of you know all too well, on Wednesday, April 21, while responding to a new global threat to Windows PCs that attacks critical operating system components, a system error—specifically, the release of a faulty DAT file—caused some of our customers’ computers to shut down until they could be repaired and rebooted.

We deeply regret the impact this may have had on you. In some cases, the outages were lengthy. Even among the vast majority of customers who did not experience operating disruptions, the mere possibility created an unwelcome distraction and reason for concern.

Our first priority was and continues to be helping all of our customers get back to business as usual—reliably, confidently, and securely. The nearly 7,000 employees of McAfee quickly dedicated themselves to that effort, working literally around the clock and around the world to identify the error, remove the file that caused the problems from our servers, develop and release a corrected file, and provide our customers with hands-on support to repair impacted systems. The vast majority of affected users were back up and running smoothly within hours, and we are continuing to work diligently until we are sure that every last user node among each and every one of our customers is back in action. Again we offer our sincere apologies.

As that effort comes to a conclusion, our next and equally important priority is to review our processes to make sure this never happens again. Among other measures, we are implementing additional QA protocols for any releases that directly impact critical system files. To learn more about the steps McAfee is taking to address these issues, please visit our home page.

McAfee’s business is protecting you, our customers, from threats and harm. We pride ourselves on our record of doing so, and we sincerely apologize for this incident. We will work hard to continue earning your full confidence in our company, our products and our brand.



David DeWalt
President and Chief Executive Officer



すでに皆様がよくご存じの通り、4月21日の水曜日(日本時間は4月22日)、Windows PCに関して、そのOSの重要なコンポーネントに対する新たなる脅威に対応している際に、誤検知を引き起こすDATリリースにより、お客様のコンピューターをシャットダウンしてしまう問題を引き起こしました。



そして復旧が完了した後には、もう一つ重要なこととして次にやらなければならないのは、プロセスを見直し、このようなことが二度と起きないようにすることです。重要なシステムファイルに影響を与えるようなリリースに関しては、QAプロセスを追加するよう、改善してまいります。 さらにArtemisに関して、重要なシステムファイルとそれに関連する暗号化されたハッシュに関する拡張されたホワイトリストを使用することによって、誤検知を防ぐ機能を追加する準備をしています。

