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3D Model engines

Interactive 3D models of model engines

Last update: 30/3 2009

Viewer and download information


F2D combat
CAD model by Henning Forbech

Interactive 3D model:
exe-file (7.8 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (3.2 Mb zip-file)

CAD files: Download here
FORA homepage, (translate with Google)
Fotos from the factory


F2D combat
CAD model by Lennart Nord

Interactive 3D model:
exe (4.2 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (0.3 Mb zip-file)

Lennart Nord flying a Zorro (YouTube)


F2D combat
CAD model by Bjarne Schou

Interactive 3D model:
exe (5.0 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (1.0 Mb zip-file)


PAW 19 
3.1 cm3 diesel
CAD model by Simon Miller

Interactive 3D model:
exe (4.3 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (0.3 Mb zip-file)

Progress Aero Works
Fotos from the factory


PAW 15 
2.5 cm3 diesel
CAD model by Simon Miller

Interactive 3D model:
exe (4.8 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (0.3 Mb zip-file)

Progress Aero Works
Fotos from the factory


Cox Killer Bee 049
0.8 cm3 glow engine
CAD model by ???

Interactive 3D model:
exe (4.3 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (2.8 Mb zip-file)

Cox Model Engines
Cox engines and 3D-Models by Dr. Martin Hepperle
Fotos from the factory
A new production method?


Cox Tee Dee 049
0.8 cm3 glow engine
CAD model by Brian Whisler

Interactive 3D model:
exe (5.8 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (1.4 Mb zip-file)

Cox Model Engines
Cox engines and 3D-Models by Dr. Martin Hepperle
Fotos from the factory


Cox Pee Wee
0.33 cm3 glow engine
CAD model by Brian Whisler

Interactive 3D model:
exe (4.4 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (0.4 Mb zip-file)

Cox Model Engines
Cox engines and 3D-Models by Dr. Martin Hepperle
Fotos from the factory


Five Cylinder Radial Engine
50 cm3 radial engine
CAD model by Ingenieurbüro HAHN

Interactive 3D model:
exe (7.3 Mb exe-file) or eDrawing (2.8 Mb zip-file)

Ingenieurbüro HAHN

   Viewer and download

You can download a combinede 3D model and viewer (exe-file) or you can install the eDrawing viewer and just download the 3D model (zip-file).

Download the eDrawing viewer (Its free but you need to register):
Windows (9.3 Mb) or Mac (26.6 Mb).

A short reference guide to eDrawings.


HR152 Aerobat   Links

Interactive 3D models:
Shut-Off system for F2D combat
HR 152 "Aerobat". Trainee model for 2.5 cm3 - 3.5 cm3 engine.
With step by step building instructions - in Danish! Google translate

Model engine arcives:
Luis Petersen
Model Engine News
The FMV story
EICHYs Modellmotorensammlung
J.M. Rojo Model Engines Collection