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Saturday Tangent: Tokyo Shinbun: Fussa City bureaucrat blames NJ residents for more children’s cavities!

Posted by debito on April 24th, 2010

Handbook for Newcomers, Migrants, and Immigrants to Japan\Foreign Residents and Naturalized Citizens Association forming NGO\「ジャパニーズ・オンリー 小樽入浴拒否問題と人種差別」(明石書店)JAPANESE ONLY:  The Otaru Hot Springs Case and Racial Discrimination in Japansourstrawberriesavatardebitopodcastthumb

Hi Blog.  It’s been pretty knee-jerk this past decade to blame NJ (or just plain multiculturalism) for anything that’s allegedly going askew in Japan.  Things I’ve seen blamed on NJ and their “cultural differences” (no doubt you know most of these):  Bathhouse altercations, crime, terrorism, infectious diseases, unemployment, neighborhood deterioration, bad smells in both neighborhoods and schools, divorces, DV, drugs, guns, prostitution, unpaid bills (including phone and restaurant), AIDs, youth crime, irregularly colored hair, improper garbage disposal, low J crews on Japanese ships, sports uncompetitiveness, lack of Olympic medals, uncertified sushi, Japan’s low English ability, national security in the SDF, and the potential carving up of Japan as a nation.  More on the NJ Blame Game here.

But I gotta admit, I’ve never seen oral hygiene — as in more cavities — pinned on NJ before!  Read on.  What’s next:  Traffic lights staying red for too long?  Arudou Debito in Sapporo


KYA writes:
I saw this on the TV news today, it’s not really a legal issue or anything but it’s a little bit ridiculous and a little bit offensive:

3歳児の虫歯激減 都内、歯磨き習慣定着
東京新聞 2010年4月21日 07時17分

Fussa’s got the highest percentage of 3 year olds with cavities in Tokyo, and the “person in charge” has decided to blame that on the fact that there are a lot of NJ residents in Fussa who “give their kids juice on a daily basis.”

Given the proximity of Fussa to the Yokota base, however, I’d be willing to bet that a lot of those NJ in Fussa that they’re talking about are American… and American children tend to have MUCH better teeth than their Japanese counterparts. Many Americans are almost paranoid about dental health these days… and on the other hand, Fussa is also one of the less expensive areas of Tokyo, I’d bet that a lot of those cavities can be ascribed to lower-income families who just can’t or won’t spend the money on dental visits and fluoride treatments, etc.

I’m not sure whether to laugh at this or be offended by it… since the terrible teeth of Japanese children are quite the popular conversation topic among the American eikaiwa teachers that I’ve known, it seems ironic at the least. ENDS

7 Responses to “Saturday Tangent: Tokyo Shinbun: Fussa City bureaucrat blames NJ residents for more children’s cavities!”

  1. AET Says:

    I just have to laugh at this one. I am regularly told that I have “perfect, beautiful teeth” by my dentist. I’ve never had a cavity in my life and have all my wisdom teeth. Too bad I can’t move to Fussa and register myself as a child to help bring that average down.

    Oh, and I drink juice three or more times a day. =)

    Next they’ll say the spread of colds is caused by Americans. Because we wash our hands with warm water and soap…

    – Hold that thought!

  2. André Oliveira Says:

    It’s a known fact even among the Japan admirers like myself that Japanese oral hygiene is just plain bad. Even famous idols, actors and actresses have really ugly teeth, in real need of braces.

    I wonder who it is they blame the appearance of contraceptive pills? I’ve read that it’s very difficult to find them in Japan.

    – No no, you can get the Pill. There are just a couple more hoops to jump through and the Pill are a much older variety (I was surprised to hear recently that you can get a three-month contraceptive overseas that stops menstruation for the duration. Can’t get that here AFAIK.)

  3. RF Says:

    I’ll never forget the time at the local bowling alley in my inaka town when a Japanese father in the lane next to mine continually fed his 2-to-3-year-old daughter the little sealed cups of liquid sugar meant for iced coffee. While I’m sure (or would at least hope) that the majority of parents would never do such a thing, it just goes to show you that questionable parenting practices cross all nationalities.

  4. CJ Says:

    Yes, if you are going to attribute it to foreigners and their silly habits, you need to also take into account whether one demographic is more diligent in taking their children to the dentist, thereby being weighted more heavily in the statistics.

  5. Russell Watson Says:

    What a joke! A lot of what passes for dentistry in Japan is medieval compared to the level of care in the United States, or in my native UK for that matter. Straightening out misshapen teeth has been routine since (probably) the middle of the last century but it has only caught on in Japan in the past decade or so. They still cap teeth with gold fillings for pity’s sakes!

  6. Derek Blais Says:

    I am a Canadian living in Japan and I am obsessed with teeth.

    I’m not really sure how to react to this article. I’ve heard horrible things about English teeth, but from what I’ve seen, the English are not so bad. Japan is WORSE!

    Oral hygiene and basic knowledge of dental care is lagging in Japan. It’s interesting to compare teeth of Japanese returnees (born & raised abroad). Their teeth don’t differ from the average American or Canadian.

  7. Allen Says:

    The xenophobic few worry about foreigners bringing in foreign ideas into the japanese culture, but maybe they would listen when it comes to dentistry? Nah, still foreign, but one could hope, right?

    – Multiculturalism is certainly having some teething problems…


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