old photo
It is May
No it is dat
Really?Where is here..
Is it nov?
Is someone getting the test the test the test the test jun@?
This is a pen.
Are you Tom?
May be, or not may be
Mofuri Shrine.
road to Mofuri Shrine(Tinju forest)
good job!this is nice photograph
It is a nostalgic photos.Impressed!
I like your pictures!
『 超像可動 「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」第四部 16.キラークイーン(荒木飛呂彦指定カラー) 』http://www.amazon.co.jp/exec/obidos/ASIN/B003GR6H88/futabachannel-22/ref=nosim/メディコス形式:おもちゃ&ホビー参考価格:¥ 3,675価格:¥ 2,952発売予定日:2010年6月25日(発売まであと63日)