If one were to take the 25,000 word Oxford Pocket English
Dictionary and remove the redundancies of our rich
language and eliminate the words that can be replaced by
combinations of simpler words, we find that 90% of the
concepts in that dictionary can be achieved with 850 words.
The shortened list simplifies the effort to learn
spelling and pronunciation irregularities. The rules
of usage are identical to full English so that the
practitioner communicates in perfectly good, yet simple, English.
We call this simplified language Basic English, the developer
is Charles K. Ogden, and was released in 1930 with the book:
Basic English: A General Introduction with Rules and Grammar.
He founded the Orthological Institute to develop the tools
for teaching Basic English. His most famous associate, I.A. Richards,
led the effort in the Orient, which uses the techniques to this day.
Table of Contents
New links : Ogden's Basic English or
Basic English Institute
About this Page: BasicEng.html -- Index to the Basic English website.
A place for Basic English on the Web; it is too good of an idea to be lost.
Although a fan of the Basic English concept, I am not a practioner of it.
Last update February 14, 2003 -- add French & German. Links to new websites
Created on December 20, 1996.
Contact us by
URL: http://www.basiceng.com/basiceng.html - this old site.
URL: ogden.basic-english.org/basiceng.html - new site for Ogden's Basic English
URL: www.basic-english.org/institute.html -- new site for Basic English Institute