Japanese people all look the same(日本人はみんな同じに見える)

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My first visit to Japan was in April 2009. At the time I was full of excitement and I simply couldn't wait to arrive in Japan.

Despite having studied many things about Japan, for the first time I was about to experience the country through my own eyes.

Upon arriving in Narita, I experienced a culture shock. I was surprised as to just how obedient Japanese people are especially compared to the west.
My second shock was how Japanese people all look the same. Upon returning to London I tried to explain my thoughts to my friends yet no one could comprehend.

However, recently a Japanese friend who works in the designer fashion industry explained everything.
According to my friend, compared to Europe and America, clothes in Japan tend to be cheaper and better quality, however, to be able to offer such affordable clothing, the choice of clothes is limited.

Japanese people tend to wear the same style of clothes. Therefore everyone in Japan looks the same.


事前にイギリス で、日本の文化について勉強し、どういう国かはイメージを持っていたんだけど、
日本に着いて、実際に自分の目で見てみると、凄いカルチャーショッ クを受けました。


僕は何故日本人 は皆同じに見えるのかと凄く悩んでいました。


あなたは 人種差別者とか日本人のことを馬鹿にしているなどと良く言われました。

高級なファッショ ン関係の仕事をしている友達がその理由を説明してくれたから。
日本の服装と海外(特にイギリス)の服装を比べれば、日本の服装の方が安くて質が高 いけど選択肢があまりありません。


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Japanese people all look the same(日本人はみんな同じに見える).

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