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qual·i·fy  (kwl-f)
v. qual·i·fied, qual·i·fy·ing, qual·i·fies
1. To describe by enumerating the characteristics or qualities of; characterize.
2. To make competent or eligible for an office, position, or task.
a. To declare competent or capable; certify.
b. To make legally capable; license.
4. To modify, limit, or restrict, as by giving exceptions.
5. To make less harsh or severe; moderate. See Synonyms at moderate.
6. Grammar To modify the meaning of (a noun, for example).
1. To be or become qualified.
2. To reach the later stages of a selection process or contest by competing successfully in earlier rounds.

[From French qualifier (from Old French) and from Middle English qualifien, to specify the time and place of a document's execution, both from Medieval Latin qulificre, to attribute a quality to : Latin qulis, of such a kind; see quality + Latin -ficre, -fy.]

quali·fia·ble adj.

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪ]
vb -fies, -fying, -fied
1. to provide or be provided with the abilities or attributes necessary for a task, office, duty, etc. his degree qualifies him for the job he qualifies for the job, but would he do it well?
2. (tr) to make less strong, harsh, or violent; moderate or restrict
3. (tr) to modify or change the strength or flavour of
4. (Linguistics / Grammar) (tr) Grammar another word for modify [3]
5. (tr) to attribute a quality to; characterize
6. (General Sporting Terms) (intr) to progress to the final stages of a competition, as by winning preliminary contests
[from Old French qualifier, from Medieval Latin quālificāre to characterize, from Latin quālis of what kind + facere to make]
qualifiable  adj
qualificatory  [ˈkwɒlɪfɪkətərɪ -ˌkeɪ-] adj
ThesaurusLegend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Verb1.qualify - prove capable or fit; meet requirements
suffice, answer, do, serve - be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity; "A few words would answer"; "This car suits my purpose well"; "Will $100 do?"; "A 'B' grade doesn't suffice to get me into medical school"; "Nothing else will serve"
2.qualify - pronounce fit or able; "She was qualified to run the marathon"; "They nurses were qualified to administer the injections"
pronounce, label, judge - pronounce judgment on; "They labeled him unfit to work here"
capacitate - make legally capable or qualify in law
disqualify - declare unfit; "She was disqualified for the Olympics because she was a professional athlete"
3.qualify - make more specific; "qualify these remarks"
modify - make less severe or harsh or extreme; "please modify this letter to make it more polite"; "he modified his views on same-gender marriage"
4.qualify - make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
habilitate - qualify for teaching at a university in Europe; "He habilitated after his sabbatical at a prestigious American university"
capacitate - make capable; "This instruction capacitates us to understand the problem"
groom, train, prepare - educate for a future role or function; "He is grooming his son to become his successor"; "The prince was prepared to become King one day"; "They trained him to be a warrior"
disqualify, unfit, indispose - make unfit or unsuitable; "Your income disqualifies you"
5.qualify - specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"
contract, undertake - enter into a contractual arrangement
stipulate - give a guarantee or promise of; "They stipulated to release all the prisoners"
provide - determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
6.qualify - describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover"
think of, remember - keep in mind for attention or consideration; "Remember the Alamo"; "Remember to call your mother every day!"; "Think of the starving children in India!"
differentiate, distinguish, mark - be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers"
stamp - reveal clearly as having a certain character; "His playing stamps him as a Romantic"
7.qualify - add a modifier to a constituent
grammar - the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
add - make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of; "We added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"; "Add some extra plates to the dinner table"

1. gain qualifications, pass, graduate, be licensed, make the grade, be authorized, be certified I qualified as a doctor over 30 years ago.
2. certify, equip, empower, train, ground, condition, prepare, fit, commission, ready, permit, sanction, endow, capacitate The course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.
certify ban, prevent, disqualify, forbid, preclude, debar
3. be described, count, be considered as, be named, be counted, be eligible, be characterized, be designated, be distinguished 13 percent of households qualify as poor.
qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ]
1. (= gain qualification) (degree) → terminar la carrera, sacar el título, recibirse(LAm); (professional exams) → obtener la licencia para ejercer(como profesional)
to qualify as an engineersacar el título de ingeniero
2. (= meet criteria)
to qualify as sth it may qualify as a medical expensepuede que cuente como gastos médicos
to qualify as disabled, he mustpara ser declarado minusválido, tiene que ...
he hardly qualifies as a poetapenas se le puede calificar de poeta
to qualify for sth (= be eligible) → tener derecho a(recibir)algo
she doesn't qualify for a grantno tiene derecho a una beca, no puede optar a una beca
3. (Sport) → clasificarse (for para) she qualified thirdse clasificó en tercer lugar
the winner qualifies for the second roundel ganador se clasifica para la segunda vuelta
1. (= give qualifications, knowledge to) to qualify sb to do sthcapacitar a algn para hacer algo
the basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapistel curso básico no le capacita para ejercer de terapeuta
to qualify sb for sthcapacitar a algn para algo
2. (= make eligible) your age may qualify you for a special discountpuede que tu edad te dé derecho a un descuento especial
that doesn't qualify him to speak on thiseso no le da derecho a hablar sobre esto
3. (= modify) [+ statement] → matizar; (= limit) [+ support, conclusion] → condicionar
I think you should qualify that remarkcreo que deberías matizar ese comentario
4. (= describe)
4.1. (gen) → calificar (as de) some of her statements could be qualified as racistalgunos de sus comentarios se podrían calificar de racistas
4.2. (Gram) → calificar a
the adjective qualifies the nounel adjetivo califica al sustantivo

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ]
(= make competent) → qualifier
to qualify sb for a job [degree, diploma] → qualifier qn pour un travail
to qualify sb to do sth [degree, diploma] → qualifier qn pour faire qch; [experience, knowledge] → rendre qn apte à faire qch
(= give right to) to qualify sb for sth [+ membership, loan, permit] → donner droit à qn à qch
skills that qualify foreigners for work visas → des compétences qui donnent droit aux étrangers à un permis de travail
(= limit) [+ statement] → apporter des réserves à
(= characterize) → qualifier
(earn a degree, a diploma)obtenir son diplôme
to qualify as [+ doctor, teacher, nurse, engineer] → obtenir son diplôme de
She qualified as a teacher last year → Elle a obtenu son diplôme de professeur l'année dernière.
(= be eligible) to qualify for sth [+ membership, permit, pension, leave, loan] → remplir les conditions requises pour qch
(SPORT)se qualifier
Our team didn't qualify → Notre équipe ne s'est pas qualifiée.
to qualify for sth [+ competition] → se qualifier pour qch
England failed to qualify for the next round → L'Angleterre ne s'est pas qualifiée pour le tour suivant.
(= meet the criteria) to qualify as sth → être classé(e) comme qch
13% of American households qualify as poor → 13% des ménages américains sont classés comme pauvres

(= make competent)qualifizieren; (= make legally entitled)berechtigen, das Recht geben (+dat); to qualify somebody to do something (= entitle)jdn berechtigen, etw zu tun; his experience qualifies him to make these decisionsaufgrund or auf Grund seiner Erfahrung ist er qualifiziert or kompetent, diese Entscheidungen zu treffen; this qualifies him for promotiondadurch kommt er für eine Beförderung in Betracht
(= limit) statement, criticismeinschränken; (= change slightly) opinion, remarkmodifizieren, relativieren
(Gram) → charakterisieren, näher bestimmen; the adjective qualifies the noundas Adjektiv bestimmt das Substantiv näher
(= describe)bezeichnen, klassifizieren
(= acquire degree etc)seine Ausbildung abschließen, sich qualifizieren; to qualify as a lawyer/doctorsein juristisches/medizinisches Staatsexamen machen; to qualify as a teacherdie Lehrbefähigung erhalten; to qualify as an officerdas Offizierspatent erwerben; your salary increases when you qualifySie bekommen nach bestandener Prüfung ein höheres Gehalt
(Sport, in competition) → sich qualifizieren (for für); those who pass the first round of tests qualify for the final interviewsdiejenigen, die die erste Testreihe erfolgreich bearbeiten, kommen in die engere und letzte Auswahl
(= fulfil required conditions)infrage or in Frage kommen (for für); does he qualify for admission to the club?erfüllt er die Bedingungen für die Aufnahme in den Klub?; he hardly qualifies as a poeter kann kaum als Dichter angesehen werden

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪ]
1. vt
a. (make competent) → qualificare
his experience in South Africa qualified him to speak on apartheid → la sua esperienza in Sudafrica lo autorizzava a parlare dell'apartheid
b. (modify) → modificare; (support, approval) → porre delle condizioni a
c. (Gram) → qualificare
2. vi (professionally) → abilitarsi, essere abilitato/a; (in competition) → qualificarsi; (be eligible) → avere i requisiti necessari
to qualify as an engineer → diventare un perito tecnico (with degree) → laurearsi in ingegneria
to qualify for a job → avere i requisiti necessari per un lavoro
he hardly qualifies as a major dramatist → non si può certamente definirlo un grande drammaturgo

qualify [ˈkwɒlɪˌfaɪ]
1. vt
a. (make competent) → qualificare
his experience in South Africa qualified him to speak on apartheid → la sua esperienza in Sudafrica lo autorizzava a parlare dell'apartheid
b. (modify) → modificare; (support, approval) → porre delle condizioni a
c. (Gram) → qualificare
2. vi (professionally) → abilitarsi, essere abilitato/a; (in competition) → qualificarsi; (be eligible) → avere i requisiti necessari
to qualify as an engineer → diventare un perito tecnico (with degree) → laurearsi in ingegneria
to qualify for a job → avere i requisiti necessari per un lavoro
he hardly qualifies as a major dramatist → non si può certamente definirlo un grande drammaturgo

v qualify [ˈkwolifai]
1 to cause to be or to become able or suitable for A degree in English does not qualify you to teach English; She is too young to qualify for a place in the team. bekwaam maak, kwalifiseer يُؤَهِّل определям kvalifikovat (se) kvalificere; kvalificere sig qualifizieren παρέχω τα προσόντα, δίνω τα απαραίτητα εφόδια, είμαι κατάλληλος για κτ., διαθέτω τα τυπικά προσόντα capacitar, reunir las condiciones võimeliseks tegema, kõlbulik olema سزاوار بودن؛ محق کردن pätevöidä qualifier לְהַסמִיך योग्य होना kvalificirati se, upasti vkit vmire képesít, minősít; alkalmas membuat sesuai, memungkinkan gera hæfan, veita réttindi qualificare, abilitare 資格を与える (…으로서) 적임이다 suteikti teisę, būti pasirengusiam būt piemērotam; iegūt tiesības layak bevoegd maken, in aanmerking komen kvalifisere (seg) uprawniać, kwalifikować się qualificar a autoriza (să) обрести право (на что-л.) kvalifikovať (sa) usposobiti (se) kvalifikovati kvalificera, göra behörig (berättigad) เหมาะสม yeterlilik kazan(dır)mak, nitelikleri taşı(t)mak 使具有資格 робити правомочним کسی چیز کے لۓ موزوں ہونا đủ tiêu chuẩn 使
2 (withas) to show that one is suitable for a profession or job etc, especially by passing a test or examination I hope to qualify as a doctor. jou bekwaam vir يَتأهَّل квалифицирам kvalifikovat se blive færdig; bestå eksamen sich qualifizieren αποκτώ τα τυπικά προσόντα obtener el título de kvalifikatsiooni omandama تعیین صلاحیت شدن valmistua obtenir le diplôme de לִהיוֹת בַּעַל כִּישוּרִים योग्य ठहराना proći megfelel memenuhi syarat uppfylla kröfur abilitarsi, qualificarsi 資格を得る (…의) 자격을 취득하다 įgyti (kokią nors) specialybę, gauti... diplomą iegūt kvalifikāciju layak bevoegdheid verwerven kvalifisere seg, bestå eksamen zdobyć uprawnienia qualificar-se a obţine diploma de получать диплом kvalifikovať (sa) diplomirati kvalifikovati se utbilda sig till มีคุณสมบัติเป็น hak kazanmak 取得…資格 отримувати кваліфікацію; здобувати якийсь фах کسی مقابلے، منصب یا انعام کا حقدار ہونا có đủ điều kiện
3 (withfor) to allow, or be allowed, to take part in a competition etc, usually by reaching a satisfactory standard in an earlier test or competition She failed to qualify for the long jump. kwalifiseer يَكْتَسِب أهْلِيَّه لِ класирам kvalifikovat se kvalificere sig sich qualifizieren επιτρέπω την πρόκριση, προκρίνομαι (για διαγωνισμούς, αγώνες κτλ.) clasificarse kvalifikatsioonikatseid läbima, kvalifikatsioonikatseid läbida laskma حد نصاب تعیین شده را کسب کردن؛ جواز حضور کسب کردن selviytyä jatkoon se qualifier pour לַעֲמוֹד בַּדרִישוֹת परीक्षा में योग्यता सिद्ध करना kvalificirati se, proći továbbjut (versenyben); bejut (döntőbe) memperbolehkan ambil bagian komast áfram í keppni qualificarsi 適格にする 예선을 통과하다 sėkmingai pasirodyti atrankos varžybose (sekmīgi) piedalīties kvalifikācijas sacensībās melayakkan zich plaatsen kvalifisere seg, bli tatt ut zakwalifikować się classificar-se a se califica пройти отборочные соревнования kvalifikovať sa uvrstiti se kvalifikovati se kvalificera sig till เหมาะสมกับ elemeyi kazanmak 晉級 отримувати право کسی مقابلے میں حصہ لینے کی اجازت حاصل کرنا có đủ tư cách
4 (of an adjective) to describe, or add to the meaning of In `red books', the adjective `red' qualifies the noun `books'. bepaal يَصِف окачествявам blíže určit beskrive näher bestimmen προσδιορίζω calificar piiritlema وصف کردن määrittää qualifier לְסַייֵג विशेषता opisivati, predstavljati minősít memerikan breyta eða afmarka merkingu qualificare 修飾する (단어, 구를) 한정(수식)하다 apibrėžti apzīmēt menerangkan bepalen bestemme określać qualificar a califica определять bližšie určiť označevati kvalifikovati stå som bestämning till ซึ่งมีคุณสมบัติ nitelemek (形容詞)修飾 визначати کسی اسم کی تعریف بیان کرنا bổ nghĩa
n qualifiˈcation [-fi-]
1 (the act of gaining) a skill, achievement etc (eg an examination pass) that makes (a person) able or suitable to do a job etc What qualifications do you need for this job? kwalifikasie كَفاءَه квалификация kvalifikace kvalifikation die Qualifikation τυπικό προσόν, ικανότητα aptitud, capacidad kvalifikatsioon ویژگی؛ پیش نیاز pätevöityminen compétence(s) הַכשָׁרָה, כִּישׁוּרִים, הסמכה योग्यता kvalifikacija végzettség syarat hæfni; skilyrði qualifica, qualificazione 資格 자격 kvalifikacija kvalifikācija kelayakan bevoegdheid kvalifikasjon, ferdighet, eksamen kwalifikacja habilitação calificare, aptitudine квалификация kvalifikácia usposobljenost kvalifikacija kvalifikation, merit คุณสมบัติ nitelik, vasıf; diploma 資格 кваліфікація کسی منصب یا عہدے کے لۓ مطلوبہ لیاقت năng lực; chuyên môn
2 something that gives a person the right to do something. bevoegdheid أهْلِيَّه ценз oprávnění autorisation die Qualifikation προσόν, εφόδιο diploma, título kõlblikkus صلاحیت pätevyys diplôme הַסמָכָה योग्यता ovlaštenje képesítés kualifikasi skírteini, vottorð, próf qualifica, titolo 資格 자격 증명서 pasirengimo laipsnis, ypatybė novērtējums; atļauja; cenzs kelayakan bevoegdheid betingelse, forutsetning tytuł (do) qualificação diplomă квалификация oprávnenie spričevalo kvalifikacija behörighet ข้อแม้; ข้อบังคับ ehliyet, yeterlilik 資格證明 підготовленість; право займати певну посаду کوئی ایسی اھلیت جو کسی شخص کو کچھ کرنے کا حقدار بناتی ہو bằng cấp
3 a limitation to something one has said or written I think this is an excellent piece of work – with certain qualifications. beperking شَرْط، قَيْد ограничение omezení forbehold die Einschränkung επιφύλαξη, περιορισμός reserva, salvedad mööndus قید؛ شرط varaus restriction הִסתַייגוּת सीमाबद्धता ograničenje módosítás batasan, standar fyrirvari, takmörkun riserva 留保条件 제한, 한정 išlyga, apribojimas iebildums; ierobežojums pembatasan restrictie forbehold, modifikasjon zastrzeżenie restrição rezervă ограничение;оговорка obmedzenie omejitev ograničenje förbehåll, modifikation ข้อจำกัด sınırlama, kısıtlama 限定條件 обмеження کسی قول وغیرہ میں استثنا پیدا کرنے یا اس کے اطلاق کو محدود کرنے والی شرط یا حالت sự hạn chế
adj qualified
(negativeunqualified) having the necessary qualification(s) to do (something) a qualified engineer. gekwalifiseerde مُؤَهَّل квалифициран kvalifikovaný kvalificeret; uddannet qualifiziert διπλωματούχος, που διαθέτει τα απαιτούμενα προσόντα cualificado, capacitado kvalifitseeritud صلاحیت دار pätevä qualifié מוּסמַך योग्यता प्राप्त, परिमित kvalificiran képesített, minősített punya keahlian, memenuhi syarat sem er með tilskilinn réttindi qualificato, specializzato 資格のある 자격을 갖춘 kvalifikuotas, diplomuotas kvalificēts berkelulusan bevoegd utdannet, faglært, kompetent dyplomowany, z uprawnieniami qualificado calificat квалифицированный kvalifikovaný usposobljen kvalifikovan utbildad, legitimerad, kvalificerad มีคุณสมบัติ ehliyetli 合格的 компетентний; підхожий کسی کام کے لۓ ضروری لیاقت ہونے کی صفت đủ tiêu chuẩn
adj qualifying
in which players, teams etc attempt to qualify for a competition etc Our team was beaten in the qualifying round. kwalifiserende تَأهيلي квалификационен vylučovací kvalifikations- Ausscheidungs-... προκριματικός de clasificación kvalifikatsiooni- تعیین کننده karsinta- de qualification כְּשִירוּת विशेषक kvalificirajući untuk memenuhi syarat úrtöku-/sem veitir þátttökurétt di qualificazione 予送の 예선의 atrankos kvalifikācijas-; atlases- kelayakan plaatsings{#169} kvalifiserings-/uttaks-(runde) eliminacyjny qualidade de calificare квалификационный vylučovací uvrstitven, kvalifikacijski kvalifikujući kvalificerings-, kval- ซึ่งมีเงื่อนไข eleme 資格賽的 кваліфікаційний استعداد جانچنے کا مقابلہ đủ điều kiện

qualify يؤهل kvalifikovat opfylde betingelserne qualifizieren διαθέτω προσόντα calificar, cualificar täyttää vaatimukset qualifier kvalificirati qualificare 資格を取る 자격을 갖추다 kwalificeren kvalifisere (seg) zakwalifikować qualificar квалифицировать kvalificera (sig) มีคุณสมบัติ hak kazanmak có đủ trình độ 具有资格

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In so doing, we do not only consult our own dignity and ease, but the good and advantage of the reader: for besides that by these means we prevent him from throwing away his time, in reading without either pleasure or emolument, we give him, at all such seasons, an opportunity of employing that wonderful sagacity, of which he is master, by filling up these vacant spaces of time with his own conjectures; for which purpose we have taken care to qualify him in the preceding pages.
Again, Tragedy is the imitation of an action; and an action implies personal agents, who necessarily possess certain distinctive qualities both of character and thought; for it is by these that we qualify actions themselves, and these--thought and character--are the two natural causes from which actions spring, and on actions again all success or failure depends.
At that time the two famous decrees were being prepared that so agitated society- abolishing court ranks and introducing examinations to qualify for the grades of Collegiate Assessor and State Councilor- and not merely these but a whole state constitution, intended to change the existing order of government in Russia: legal, administrative, and financial, from the Council of State down to the district tribunals.
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