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The JDK 7 development schedule is divided into a sequence of milestone cycles, each five to nine builds in length, with builds occuring roughly once each week. There will be no formal beta or early-access releases, as in the past. Major features and other potentially-destabilizing changes will targeted for integration early in a specific milestone.

Here is the current high-level milestone schedule, with the features targeted to each cycle:

M1 2009/01/02 – 2009/02/19 (b48) 7 builds
Compressed 64-bit object pointers
Garbage-First GC (G1)
M2 2009/02/20 – 2009/04/02 (b53) 5 builds
JSR 203: More new I/O APIs for the Java platform (NIO.2)
Method to close a URLClassLoader
M3 2009/04/03 – 2009/05/14 (b59) 6 builds JavaOne Preview
Create new platform APIs for 6u10 graphics features
JSR 292: VM support for non-Java languages (InvokeDynamic)
Nimbus look-and-feel for Swing
SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
SDP (Sockets Direct Protocol)
Unicode 5.1
Upgrade class-loader architecture
M4 2009/06/05 – 2009/07/23 (b66) 7 builds
Forward-port 6u10 deployment features
JSR 308: Annotations on Java types
M5 2009/07/24 – 2009/11/12 (b76) 10 builds
Concurrency and collections updates (jsr166y)
Elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC)
Swing JLayer component
Update the XML stack
M6 2009/11/27 – 2010/02/18 (b84) 8 builds
M7 2010/02/26 – 2010/04/15 (b90) 6 builds
M8 2010/04/16 – 2010/06/03 (b97) 7 builds Feature complete
M9 2010/06/04 – 2010/07/22 (b104) 7 builds
M10 2010/07/23 – 2010/09/09 (b111) 7 builds

The last scheduled milestone cycle will be followed by a test and stabilization period of indeterminate length, after which the final release will be declared.

Some features have been approved for the release but are not yet targeted to a specific milestone. When they are targeted then they'll be added to the above table.

Last update: 2010/3/11 13:41 -0800
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