Politician on Facebook: Anime proof that two nukes weren't enough
It must be a relief to many that our petty indiscretions, those that appear online and seem to haunt us daily, will soon become so normal as to be irrelevant.
It must be a particular relief to Nick Levasseur, a Democratic New Hampshire state representative, who, according the Huffington Post, used Facebook to offer his rather strong views on anime. Reports failed to record why Levasseur is so pained by the rather beautiful Japanese style of animation.
However, he is reported to have written on his Facebook page these rather difficult words: "Anime is a prime example of why two nukes just wasn't enough."
These reports appear to be believable, as Levasseur has issued a statement apologizing for the offensive post, if not for his lack of taste.
"I would like to deeply apologize for the insensitivity of this post. It was a poorly thought out comment, posted in jest on my private Facebook page," he said.
When comments like this emerge, what always seems lost is the identity of the person who happened to take Levasseur's words to a wider audience. However, a site called RedHampshire.com claimed that this wasn't a mere comment, but, in fact, Levasseur's status update.
Isn't the deepest principle of a politician--and I know not many of their principles leave the shallow end of the thought pool--that of being very slightly careful about what you might say to whom. And where.
Don't politicians know that Mark Zuckerberg has declared privacy dead? Don't they realize what is going on? And now, so soon after this alleged jest, there is already a Facebook group, with the frightfully restrained and almost poetic name "Why Nickolas Levasseur, just why?"
The strange thing for me is that I would have expected a bonehead comment like this to come from someone on my side (the opposite side) rather than the pacifist, spineless lefties.
I'm even more surprised to hear it from a (D). What happened to PC-everything, America-last-ism, and banning "hate" speech?
I guess he's from "live free or die" New Hampshire, so he's not in the same league as the Chicago/DC/SF (D)s.
Good for him. And good thing he's not an (R), or it would be all over ABC/CBS/NBC/MSNBC/NY Times/etc with calls for his immediate resignation and castration.
So technically, this is normal behavior for some NH folks. Aren't you glad they get the first shot at picking the Presidential candidates?
A. This Story
B. Politicians in this story
C. Commenters on this story
D. Americans as a whole
E. Facebook
F. Most of the above
A=news is news.
C=ur expected idiots who has access to the net and are all over the world.
D=dont put words in millions of peoples mouths considering we consist of people from all over he whole who deff dont feel the same.
E=obviously if ur gonna use facebook privacy IS something ur willing to to give up.
What a vicious scene that would be...
No, it would be a Japanese bike gang on futuristic red motorcycles. Right before they attack, one of them will scream "KANEDAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
It's just his opinion. Possibly after being subjected to hours of it with children or something. Who knows! He's entitled to it. If you find it distasteful, just remember that next time you vote! At least this way you get a little insight into his TRUE thoughts, not just the prepared statements handed to him by his PR guy.
it could have been said in a nicer way.
or it could have been kept to himself.
cry cry cry.i wonder if he expected ANYTHING.ANY-THING. any.1.thing to change due to him posting this.just 1?
i doubt.
he lit himself on fire way i see it.
A. Get married and become a politician.
A snide crack involving the victims of a nuclear attack, though, was a bit OTT considering that he's a politician. If he were a late-night comedy show host, it would have been fine, but we expect politicians to think a bit harder about the consequences of what they say.
Of course, he's only a state politician, and New Hampshire doesn't have nuclear weapons. But New Hampshire does have a lot of squirrels. And any animal capable of burying nuts represents a clear threat to contemporary American society. Can we trust this man to have his finger on the trigger of New Hampshire's squirrel arsenal?
Not harmless cutesy ribbing, but the most hilarious, sarcastic, biting form of humor that strips them of any logical defense and exposes their authoritarianism for what it is.
In poor taste indeed. About as funny and classy as jokes about the Holocaust. You might consider yourself intelligent and edgy, but to the rest of the world who give a damn, you're just a gigantic ******.
I don't think politicians know who Mark Zuckerberg is, let alone anything he says...
Does he share the views of the Nazi regime during the 1940's too ? or does he think the end justifies the means ? one has to wonder what kind of people would say something like this, even as a joke.
The US used weapons of mass destruction to murder dozens of thousands of civilians in Japan. It was one of the darkest hours in the history of mankind. It was a war, and nobody is free of sins of course, all nations have commited violent crimes, but that is exactly why this is not to be taken lightly and can not be forgiven.
The UN was created after WWII to prevent such terrible things from ever happening again. That is a lesson in history that all of us without exception must remember, this is not a subject to joke about.
As for the UN, great track record they've had right? 100 million to communism, and millions more to a couple dozen genocides by socialist dictators in the half half century.
But they are pretty good at cashing our checks, propping up tyrannical thugs, and Jew-bashing, amirite?