
For when you talk too much for twitter

Follow @twitlonger for updates and support.
We recently moved servers, so expect missing messages until I start reinstating old messages. Thanks for your patience.

On Monday 15th March 2010, @orbitribe@hotma said:


そうかなぁ、、、RT @tsuda "そうそう、著作権法改正とか保護期間延長問題も完全にこの構図なんだよね。「仕事」として淡々と同じことを繰り返し文化庁にロビーできる権利者が最終的に勝つ。RT @tfti: 規制推進派は負けがない。何度でもこの条例を審議に提案できる。しかし反対派は一度可決されたらそれっきりで負け。"

Twitlonger is in no way affiliated with Twitter, but we really love those guys.
Site developed by Stuart Gibson. Design by Paddy Duke.