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Falcon Heene Vomits: WATCH Balloon Boy Throw Up On Today & Good Morning America (VIDEO)

Huffington Post   |  Katherine Thomson First Posted: 10-16-09 07:38 AM   |   Updated: 10-20-09 12:08 AM

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Falcon Heene Puke

Falcon Heene is safe and sound from a flying balloon, but he's got a stomach flu.

As his family did the morning show circuit on Friday, he first vomited during a 'GMA' appearance, which was pretaped. (SCROLL DOWN TO WATCH) He, his two brothers and his parents were appearing via satellite from their Colorado home. As he ran off to the bathroom to vomit, Diane Sawyer encouraged his parents, who both stayed seated, to go after him. Falcon's mom did get up.

Then, live on the "Today" show, he threw up again. As his father Richard was denying the balloon chase of Thursday was hoax, the six-year-old starting puking again. His mom handed him some Tupperware to vomit into, and he did. Meredith Vieira kept talking and his father was cringing as Falcon vomited and his mother wiped his mouth.

The vomiting starts 5:50 into the below clip.


WATCH 'GMA': (half way through, about 4:15 left)

Falcon Heene is safe and sound from a flying balloon, but he's got a stomach flu. As his family did the morning show circuit on Friday, he first vomited during a 'GMA' appearance, which was pretape...
Falcon Heene is safe and sound from a flying balloon, but he's got a stomach flu. As his family did the morning show circuit on Friday, he first vomited during a 'GMA' appearance, which was pretape...
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- jdrourke I'm a Fan of jdrourke 44 fans permalink

Can we send that whole family away via one of their crafty balloons? Including the vomit...?


    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 01:14 PM on 10/22/2009
- llmitchellb I'm a Fan of llmitchellb 8 fans permalink

The kids all look sick. I'm thinking being up all night or the flu...Oh my God they look awful. Poor kids.
Poor, poor kids...

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 01:53 AM on 10/20/2009
- samaire I'm a Fan of samaire 16 fans permalink

The media sucks as usual. Poor kid got sick, kids are honest, they dont lie.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:04 PM on 10/18/2009
- motherforpeace I'm a Fan of motherforpeace 33 fans permalink

I don't know how I managed, but I missed all of the media coverage of this event. Having said that, after reading about the story and then watching the two videos above am repulsed at the parents for dragging their kids out of bed so early to be interviewed, TWICE after such a traumatic event (even if it was a hoax) and equally repulsed at Diane Sawyer and Meredith Vieira continued their interviews even though the little boy was vomiting. For me, they sold out this boy for ratings. He was used by everyone.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 02:51 PM on 10/18/2009
- ProudMilVet I'm a Fan of ProudMilVet 51 fans permalink

All three of these little guys look totally exhausted !

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 02:17 AM on 10/18/2009
- Dupree I'm a Fan of Dupree 284 fans permalink

Can we at least acknowledge that at this junction it is speculation and not absolute fact that it was a hoax? I just don't appreciate it when people assumes that they know the whole story and began to pass harsh judgment on others and think that the judicial system is to facilitate revenge on behalf of society. I do not know if this was a hoax or not...and I recognize that I do not know. For those that are convinced without a shadow of a doubt...here's a rude awakening to reality...YOU don't really know either. YOU just think you do. I am not eager to join in and beat up this family. At least not yet.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:45 PM on 10/17/2009
- JJinWI I'm a Fan of JJinWI 122 fans permalink

This whole situation may not have been a hoax to begin with, I'll certainly agree with that. But as usual, it became so sensationalized that it "had" to be classified as something to cover up for all the man power used to track down the balloon. Once you throw the boy into the mix, it gets real serious, so whoever came up with that story, needs to be accountable for it. Looks like Dad may have massaged the situation for some publicity, too.

The media is as responsible for blowing this thing out of perspective as anyone.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 02:07 AM on 10/18/2009
- rflctammt I'm a Fan of rflctammt 35 fans permalink

Clearly, the media circus is not limited to cable television.

Despite the many valid points made by previous posters, I am moved to add my own sense of incrudulity.

To think of the many important world and national events and issues that go unnoticed and unreported, and to see the foolish frenzy that becomes the focus of so many for so long is truly heartbreaking.

I don't even mind a frequently updated, factual story while people are legitimately concerned for the safety of someone. But this continued spotlight - especially after resolution - only encourages this kind of behavior. Shut it down.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:16 PM on 10/17/2009
- mendori I'm a Fan of mendori 2 fans permalink

We spent all of yesterday watching this kid's balloon fly away. Now we have to watch him throw up? I want news, not my baby pictures.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 07:42 PM on 10/17/2009
- Arrech I'm a Fan of Arrech 83 fans permalink

This is child abuse, from the parents and from the TV people. Diane and Matt are pathetic. Shame on them!

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 07:04 PM on 10/17/2009
- Arrech I'm a Fan of Arrech 83 fans permalink

Sorry, not Matt but Meredith

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 09:56 AM on 10/18/2009
- ikitty I'm a Fan of ikitty permalink

Surely it doesn't escape followers of this story that the father of this distinguished family unit can't stop referring to himself as the injured victim. While on Larry King he objects to Blitzer's questions, "I AM appalled; after everything I'VE felt and all I'VE been through" - where is his family in all this? And while his poor child is vomiting on his lap, Father of the Year continues the interview despite the boy's obvious misery.

Meanwhile, I'M so upset, I can't stand anymore...

...give ME a break!

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 02:41 AM on 10/17/2009

all of the kids looked really miserable-- none of the kids could look anyone in the eye.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 01:42 AM on 10/17/2009
- Arrech I'm a Fan of Arrech 83 fans permalink

They had been dragged off their beds way too early

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 09:57 AM on 10/18/2009
- jennbeez I'm a Fan of jennbeez 13 fans permalink

I've been under this rock, so I'm just now catching up with this story. The dad acts like a kid who is sitting in the principal's office. He didn't stop the interview when the kid upchucked, because he's not sure he's allowed to stop it. Obviously, the interviewers didn't offer to stop it- though I noticed Good Morning America's cameraman was gracious enough to turn the camera back to the interviewer. He's trying to convince the world he is a good dad and the situation is just normal family hijinks that got a little out of control. He's also deathly afraid his kids will be removed from his household. He's in the middle of his own trainwreck and he knows it. He's not going to get any reality show out of this. He'll be lucky to keep his wife and kids.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 01:40 AM on 10/17/2009
- OnTheCusp I'm a Fan of OnTheCusp 11 fans permalink

"Some implode, some explode."

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 07:45 PM on 10/17/2009
- Scott Bell I'm a Fan of Scott Bell 26 fans permalink

So Sad. | When I found out it was a hoax, my first word: disgusting.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:57 AM on 10/17/2009
- LeslieM I'm a Fan of LeslieM permalink

This father seems controlling. He kicked the deck and yelled at his wife and kids.


    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:23 AM on 10/17/2009
- Amalek I'm a Fan of Amalek 251 fans permalink

Seems to me he was coached to throw up if they asked questions about "the show".

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:56 PM on 10/16/2009
- elog I'm a Fan of elog permalink

I was just passing through and saw some of the replies and had to add that when I first saw the interview and heard the "balloon boy" say that this whole thing was for a TV show, I thought to myself, "Man, when he gets home his dad is going to beat his ass" then when I saw the follow up interview with Diane, I couldnt help but notice that he was the only child that was ill. Is it just me or does anyone else think that it is a slight possibility that they may have given him something to make him sick (prier to the interview ) so that he wouldnt be able to be interviewed? If the parents were sick enough to plan this crazy stunt, they are capable of doing just about anything. I really hope that the CPS looks closely into the well being of these children.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 03:55 PM on 12/31/2009
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