December 23, 2009

Balloon Boy's Parents: $42,000 fine

Balloon Boy parents hit with $42,000 tab for October stunt
By Joey Bunch

The Denver Post

POSTED: 12/22/2009 01:00:00 AM MST
UPDATED: 12/22/2009 08:40:44 AM MST

The parents in the "Balloon Boy" ruse have been hit with a tab of $42,000 from local, state and federal agencies for their October stunt that briefly left many fearing for the fate of their 6-year-old, their lawyer said Monday.

The Heenes' attorney, David Lane, said the Fort Collins couple isn't ready to pay up, at least not yet.

"Let's see the bills," he said. "They're not paying anything until they see some receipts."

Lane said he was e-mailed the amounts by the Larimer County district attorney's office.

The Heenes reached a plea deal on charges stemming from the October hoax, in which they led the world to believe their 6-year-old son was aboard the homemade craft on its 50-mile flight from their Fort Collins home.

They are to be sentenced Wednesday in Larimer County. A judge could determine then what they owe in restitution to the agencies that responded, from police to the National Guard and the Federal Aviation Administration.

"If they've got records to show these are legitimate costs, then we can discuss it," Lane said. "But, first off, these people don't have that kind of money."

A rapt television audience watched the flying saucer-shaped balloon drift across the Colorado plains Oct. 16 after the Heenes reported their son was on board.

When the balloon landed, the boy was not inside. He was hidden in an attic at his house and later said on national television that the incident was done for a show. The family was shopping themselves to networks as stars of a show about a science-crazy family.

The Larimer County Sheriff's Office said Monday it appears the Heenes acted alone in the publicity stunt and that no media outlets conspired or made promises.

The Associated Press contributed to this story. Joey Bunch: 303-954-1174 or