Japanese Translation - Admin Block Not Translated
I am looking for a CMS to use for a website I am building for a small town in Japan. I have used Drupal for my personal site for the past few months and have been very pleased with it, so I decided to try and use it for this new site. Drupal offers everything I need, but I noticed that all of the links in the Admin Navigation block are not translated into Japanese, even though I have the default langauge set to Japanese. This wouldn't work for me since the end-users don't speak/read/understand English. I need all of the links everywhere translated.
So, my question is, are the links in the Admin Navigation translated into Japanese, but for some reason not showing up on my install? Or have they not been translated? I guess I could go in and translate them, but I'm not really that familiar with how to translate Drupal. If anyone could offer me any assistance I'd appreciate it.
Foundation of DrupalJapan Users Group
We, publian, kas and ryo, just established DrupalJapan Users Group at www.drupal.jp. The latest Japanese translation is availavle at its cvs.
Please check it out!
It's working now
Thanks, I'll go check it out. Strangely the admin menu items are all in displaying correctly in Japanese now. I re-saved the default language as Japanese and it all showed up correctly. Must have been some strange quirk or something. Thanks for your response, and I'm looking forward to being a part of the Drupal Japan Users Group.
delayed display of language translation
I also encountered delayed display of language translation and favicon.ico. I suspect the cache may do some wrong. Anyway, please use the latest translation at cvs.drupal.jp because the quality of the translation has been polished much better than the previous one.
Drupal.ja_JP only for Drupal 4.5.0 or later
Note that Japanese translation is available only for Drupal 4.5.0 or later.
POSIX vs RFC1766
Please note to use RFC-compliant language tags, i.e. ja-jp rather than the POSIX ja_JP.
ja or ja-jp for Drupal ?
Thanks for the advice.
So currently we use ja in Drupal translation. Are we supposed to correct it to ja-jp ?