Today I saw the following upsetting news from Ralliart Japan:
The letter essentially says that Ralliart is suffering from slow sales and that they can no longer continue many divisions of their company. Most notably to us Ralliart fans is the fact that they are shutting down their product line. That means no more production of Ralliart tuning parts and no new parts development.
Some might blame the economy (as Ralliart did in a general diagnosis for their winding down operations)…but having seen how many knockoffs of Ralliart parts have been marketed to the Evo communities over the past decade it does not surprise me that their sales have been down to the point where they need to shut down operations. Companies in Japan rely heavily on international distribution to survive when the Japanese domestic economy slows down as it has. Having handled some sales for Ralliart in North America I can understand just how very few parts were actually sold in the US due to the most desired items such as front carbon lip spoilers being quickly knocked off. I’m not saying that knockoffs killed Ralliart, but it surely did have an impact in times like now where Japanese domestic sports car tuning and spending has slowed and the companies are dependent on export sales to remain in business.
I’d like to leave this post with a clip which is quite memorable for me. For those of you lucky enough to have seen this movie, its one of the very few impressive showcases of JDM tuning. Enjoy Jackie Chan working at Ralliart and racing an Evo III in this clip from Thunderbolt!