White Come Come - The Broken Bird E.P.

Damn damn damn I love this Japanese shoegaze band's Broken Bird 12" EP, released on Sugarfrost in 1992. The band regards its footwear comfortably alongside My Bloody Valentine or In-the-presence-of-nothing-era Lilys. I regret that I couldn't coax sibilant-free versions from my turntable, but these recordings should still bring some boom to your room. Here are my two favourite songs from the four on the EP: Rise and Sink. Listen to them back to back and you get Swoon.

Side A - White Come Come - Rise [4 stars mp3]

Side B - White Come Come - Sink [5 stars mp3]


Anonymous said...

thanks but why not full release?

Eddie said...

Is there anyway I can get these tracks? I'm a huge In The Presence of Nothing fan! My e-mail is Charltonem@yahoo.com. Let me know! thanks!!
